45 films

24 september 1981

Een aantal leden van de Louisiana National Guard, een groep parttime soldaten, gaat voor een weekend op oefening. De tocht zal hen diep de moeraslanden invoeren. Ze zijn slechts licht bepakt en hebben slechts losse flodders in hun geweren, behalve Reece die heimelijk echte kogels heeft meegenomen.

25 december 2016

Winfried is een 65-jarige begeesterende muziekleraar met een voorliefde voor grappen en die samenwoont met zijn oude hond. Zijn dochter Ines is echter het compleet tegenovergestelde: als ambitieuze zakenvrouw, reist ze de hele wereld rond en trekt van het ene project naar het andere om zo recht op de carrièreladder omhoog te klimmen.

15 augustus 1976

Necchi, Perozzi, Melandri en Mascetti zijn vier mannen die al vanaf hun jeugd vrienden zijn in Florence. Hun vrije tijd brengen ze vooral met elkaar door terwijl ze allerlei ingewikkelde grappen verzinnen om de mensen om hen heen in de maling te nemen.

15 december 1961

C.R. MacNamara, een in West Berlijn gestationeerde hoge pief van Coca Cola, dient een oogje in het zeil houden als de dochter van zijn baas op bezoek komt.

One day, on a whim, Marc decides to shave off the moustache he's worn all of his adult life. He waits patiently for his wife's reaction, but neither she nor his friends seem to notice. Stranger still, when he finally tells them, they all insist he never had a moustache. Is Marc going mad? Is he the victim of some elaborate conspiracy? Or has something in the world's order gone terribly awry?

This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes. After some jokes they decided to place an ultimate incredible and farcical joke to the clinic guests.

Nadat Pierino (Alvaro Vitali) voor de zoveelste maal gezakt is voor zijn examen, neemt de schooldirecteur, professor Pomari (Enzo Robutti), hem zelf onder zijn hoede. Professor Pomari gelooft namelijk dat orde en discipline Pierino op het rechte pad kunnen houden. Op die manier kan Pierino echter zijn favoriete lerares ontmoeten en maakt hij kennis met de oerlelijke dochter van de directeur.

Necchi, Perozzi, Melandri en Mascetti zijn drie mannen die al vanaf hun jeugd vrienden zijn in Florence. Hun vrije tijd brengen ze vooral met elkaar door terwijl ze allerlei ingewikkelde grappen verzinnen om de mensen om hen heen in de maling te nemen. Als Perozzi dood gaat en de mannen hun vriend begraven, merken zij dat hun puberale grappen zich ook tegen henzelf kunnen keren....

In a school where the meeting seems more complete sampling of teachers and professors stupid airhead, there is the class of Peter, repeating in life, which is the "grandfather" to the far more young companions concerning jokes and vulgarity. Even outside the school walls, in the family or in the streets of the village where he lives, Peter is not far behind and his antics continue to freewheel.

9 augustus 1990

Had come of age and unemployed, Peter decides to go back to school to take the elementary school. However, his academic performance continues to be poor so much so that his grandmother to play for the votes of a report card to the football pools coupon. The grandmother with the votes of Peter will win, using the amount paid to renew their tavern, without giving any money to his nephew, who will retaliate by closing all his family in the bathrooms of the new restaurant. Eventually Peter was rejected despite the efforts of his teachers, but Peter does not seem to be over: receives, in fact, a visit to Camazzo, her neighbor and Head of the third class of the Navy, which gives him an envelope containing the fateful "call to Arms".

In the 80's, Pocholo and Borjamari are kings in the disco "Aguacates". Twenty years later, nothing has changed. Only now, the two brothers are nothing in "Aguacates" disco. Now they are object of derision and mockery. His cousin Pelayo, who used to laugh and abuse in adolescence, reappears in their lives and come to the old cruelties and Pocholo Borjamari announcing that Mecano will meet in a surprise concert...

17 september 1976

A group of young professionals decides to play a practical joke on one of their ex-girlfriends who married a rich man who is about to close a major real estate deal. They plan to kidnap her and mess up the deal. Unfortunately, the joke becomes deadly serious.

5 augustus 2021

In the cyberpunk period the Police of Starica City have become even more professional. But the criminals in Russia are not standing still either - they have become very honest. In this video, you will see a tangled case that would have gone unsolved without help of the cyber dog.

Lambros Konstantaras performs a wealthy gossip that has never worked, and all he has to do is make fun and jokes to others. But when he suddenly finds himself in the street, he realizes that life is not just fun and is forced to look for a job. In the end, it turns out he had not lost his fortune as it was an idea his father had invented shortly before he died to be

8 juni 2013

“I’m guessing we are out somewhere right now, and you’ve said to me, ‘Go to your happy place.’ This is my happy place.” - Two friends experience a quaint relocation. While Jon enjoys the breeze, Bradley nags with questions.

In order to acquire Taro's Humagear Progrise Key, Aruto has to defeat Taro at a three-round joke showdown!

Phyllis Diller’s brand of comedy is as timeless today as it was in the 1960s, when she became a regular on popular variety and talk shows. From her outrageous costumes to wildly teased hair, Diller was a pioneer among female comediennes, paving the way for future stars. Who can forget her hilarious housekeeping and marriage tips, her beleaguered husband Fang, her cackling laugh and self-deprecating sense of humor? Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face highlights some of her best routines. Special guest stars such as Don Rickles and Dean Martin make this a fun trip back in time.

Historical idioms garnish our language but are often hard to translate. This comedy helps to illustrate them and tells the story of two Austrian neighbours, who become enamoured. “Foam-beater" (boaster) Hanspeter throws an eye after an addleheaded Annemarie, but she just "shows him the bird" (indicates that he is chuckoo). He must "jump over his shadow" (take the plunge) and get a foot in her door. Amusement for proverb fans who love to make whoopee, gaze into the pale blue yonder, or get to the point.

A major hit in the Greek cinemas at the time, this comedy by Omiros Efstratiadis is about a bunch of teenagers who make things difficult for their teachers.

9 september 2021

Privet from Russia! They say that the XXI-st century is one gloom. Its e bullshit! By visiting the Russian Cybermuseum, you will be convinced of this. You will learn what was found during the excavations of the ancient Internet, and we will also be transported to the matrix, which most accurately conveys the spirit of that time. There are many more exhibits in our cybermuseum that can surprise you - put on your clean cybershoes and go! The action takes place 200 years after the Cybervillage...

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