38 部电影

2002 年 12 月 06 日

背景設定在未來,在那個時空下所有的情緒波動都被當成戰爭和犯罪的根源,於是被嚴格禁止。為了維護和平,每個公民每天要服用固定劑量的「普羅寧」,這種效力強大的藥,被設計來封鎖人類的感覺,讓每個人的喜怒哀樂停滯麻木。假如拒絕服藥的話,會有類似日本武士一樣的特別警察小組,身著制服將你捕殺。 直到今天,政府高層主管約翰普瑞斯頓(克里斯汀貝爾飾演)還是堅信這套系統的可行性,他利用訓練精良的特警小組來捍衛系統運作,並且毀滅那些拒絕服藥的人。直到有一天,他錯過應該定時服用的「普羅寧」,意外發現有了歡笑悲傷的世界竟然這麼不可思議,帶給他奮不顧身、爭取自由的熱情。

1966 年 11 月 02 日

In the future, the government maintains control of public opinion by outlawing literature and maintaining a group of enforcers, known as “firemen,” to perform the necessary book burnings. Fireman Montag begins to question the morality of his vocation…

1971 年 03 月 11 日

大導喬治盧卡斯(George Lucas)於1971年執導的第一部科幻電影,由勞勃杜瓦(Robert Duvall)、唐納普萊森斯(Donald Pleasence)主演,敘述25世紀的一個集權國家當中,每個國民的個人身份都被完全剔除,只剩下代號來代表稱謂,政府並以特殊鎮定劑控制所有人。 THX 1138(勞勃杜瓦飾)是個工人,他和室友LUH 3417陰錯陽差之下停止服藥,從此改變兩人的人生...。他們的性渴望開始覺醒,因此發展出一段被禁止的戀情,但國家立刻發現他們擅自停止吃藥並之間有了非法的私人情感,因此將兩人各自隔離,THX決心逃出這個沒有牆的監獄前往尋找LUH,但他必須避開機器警力和未知的危險,在SEN 5241(唐納普萊森斯飾)幫助下,他們展開一場危機四伏的援救行動...。

2008 年 12 月 19 日


1984 年 12 月 14 日

George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.

影片背景是處於共產主義最後統治時期的羅馬尼亞,墮胎仍是法律明令禁止的範疇。嘉碧塔和歐蒂莉亞兩個女大學生是閨中密友,意外懷孕使得嘉碧塔必須非法墮胎。 在一家廉價旅館裡,兩個年輕的女生與執行非法墮胎的醫生Domnu' Bebe見面;然而她們能夠支付的手術費用卻無法滿足這位醫生的要求——為了讓自己的好友可以順利墮胎獲得解脫,歐蒂莉亞不得不以自己的身體當作代價,電影以一場墮胎事件開始,卻帶出兩個女孩在當時所面臨的背叛和掙扎,讓人分分秒秒都身處在欺騙和陷阱中,幾乎無法喘息……而4月,3週又2天,正是嘉碧塔從懷孕到墮胎的時間。

本片號稱有史以來最棒的羅馬尼亞片,並榮獲第六十屆坎城影展,最佳影片「金棕櫚獎」、「國際評論獎」以及「國民教育獎」三項大獎殊榮,歐洲電影獎(The European Film Awards)最佳影片和最佳導演雙料獎也,讓年僅30多歲的羅馬尼亞新銳導演克里斯汀穆基Cristian Mungiu,成了羅馬尼亞電影的國際影壇大黑馬,這部穆基第二部作品也是「羅馬尼亞三部曲」的首部曲,並將代表羅馬尼亞參賽2008奧斯卡,及獲英國電影雜誌《視與聽》(Sight and Sound)年度第一佳片獎。


2008 年 02 月 22 日

In 1970s Iran, Marjane 'Marji' Statrapi watches events through her young eyes and her idealistic family of a long dream being fulfilled of the hated Shah's defeat in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However as Marji grows up, she witnesses first hand how the new Iran, now ruled by Islamic fundamentalists, has become a repressive tyranny on its own.

1961 年 12 月 15 日

C.R. MacNamara is a managing director for Coca Cola in West Berlin during the Cold War, just before the Wall is put up. When Scarlett, the rebellious daughter of his boss, comes to West Berlin, MacNamara has to look after her, but this turns out to be a difficult task when she reveals to be married to a communist.

2000 年 09 月 03 日

Spanning several decades, this powerful biopic offers a glimpse into the life of famed Cuban poet and novelist Reinaldo Arenas, an artist who was vilified for his homosexuality in Fidel Castro's Cuba.

2000 年 04 月 25 日

7 years on from the original Fortress movie, Brennick and his family are still on the run. Finally, they give in, and surrender, only to find themselves imprisoned in a new, more sophisticated fortress prison in outer space. But Brennick's not a man to give in easily, and with a 10 year old son waiting for him back on earth, he's going to pack some serious assault on the evil corporation.

1954 年 12 月 12 日

A man who works for 'The Party' (an all powerful empire led by a man known only as 'Big Brother') begins to have thoughts of rebellion and love for a fellow member. Together they look to help bring down the party.

2006 年 05 月 23 日

The story of Salvador Puig Antich, one of the last political prisoners to be executed under Franco's Fascist State in 1974.

2023 年 11 月 15 日

In a bleak and oppressive totalitarian society ruled by Big Brother, personal freedoms are nonexistent and surveillance is constant. Art is mocked and destroyed, and imagination is considered a serious illness. In this grim world, a brilliant mathematician engages in a forbidden romance with a colleague and learns about a secret resistance. He is faced with a choice - to join or betray it.

1991 年 03 月 06 日

A young writer is interrogated by a sadistic secret policeman. She is accused of embedding political messages in her children's stories. The entire movie takes place in one room, with only the two actors. The movie is set in an unidentified, modern police state.

2005 年 06 月 24 日

Early 80's, Sara is a good-family girl, she has never been with a man, does not drinks, does not take drugs. Following her love, she enters in "El Calentito" a bar where the group "las Siux" is singing.

In an isolated community on a mythical island, a pompous dictator holds public executions and lets criminals fight in the streets.

1993 年 11 月 24 日

After the war, in Bucharest, a young Romanian poet arrested for having written an article denouncing Stalinist crimes, will save his life by accepting to become a hostage of the regime.

1989 年 01 月 01 日

STARMANIA is a cyberpunk rock opera that premiered on stage in 1979. In the near future, most developed countries have merged. Zéro Janvier, CEO of the biggest corporation in "The Occident" (as the new Western state is known) is campaigning to become President on a platform vowing to eliminate the terrorist group The Black Stars and their leader Johnny Rockfort. He has convinced the Stars' information broker Sadia to secretly work for him, while also courting the retiring film star Stella Spotlight. Meanwhile, Johnny Rockfort plans to kidnap television sweetheart Cristal, but he falls in love with her instead. Overlooking all this is Marie-Jeanne, a waitress in the café where the Black Stars meet, and her friend Ziggy, an obsessive David Bowie fan whose dearest wish is to appear on Cristal's music program STARMANIA. The show recounts these entwined love stories set in parallel, touching also on themes of terrorism, totalitarianism, and an individual's right to decide his own destiny.

In the 1970s, a widow in a remote village takes over her husband’s barber shop. She becomes the laughing stock of the male-dominated community and in the process discovers freedom and liberation.

1999 年 01 月 04 日

Alex Jones exposes the growing militarization of American law enforcement and the growing relationship between the military and police. Witness US training with foreign troops and learning how to control and contain civilian populations. You will see Special Forces helicopter attacks on South Texas towns, concentration camps, broad unconstitutional police actions, search and seizure and more.



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