12 Serien

25. September 2017

Spin-off zum Sitcom-Hit „The Big Bang Theory“ über die Kindheit des genial-neurotischen Physikers Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Der neunjährige, hochintelligente, junge Sheldon, wächst wohlbehütet bei seiner äußerst konservativen und christlichen Familie in Texas auf. Mit seiner Wissenschaftsbegeisterung und seiner Besserwisserei stößt er bei seiner Familie, seinen Mitschülern und Lehrern an der Highschool und bei anderen Texanern regelmäßig auf Unverständnis und Ablehnung.

Flynn Carsen ist Bibliothekar - aber alles andere als ein gewöhnlicher: Im Auftrag der geheimnisvollen "Bibliothek" erforscht er weltweit schon seit Jahren bizarre Mysterien, sammelt gefährliche Artefakte und kämpft gegen übernatürliche Bedrohungen. Zwar ist er ein Meister seines Fachs, doch diesmal bekommt er es mit einem schier übermächtigen Gegner zu tun...


11. September 2003

Comedy quiz show full of quirky facts, in which contestants are rewarded more if their answers are 'quite interesting'.

10. Oktober 1982

Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool for kids, was briefly distributed to museums and schools at no cost in the mid-2000s.

11. September 1972

Mastermind is a British quiz show, well known for its challenging questions, intimidating setting and air of seriousness.

Devised by Bill Wright, the basic format of Mastermind has never changed — four and in later contests five contestants face two rounds, one on a specialised subject of the contestant's choice, the other a general knowledge round. Wright drew inspiration from his experiences of being interrogated by the Gestapo during World War II.

The atmosphere is helped by Mastermind's famously ominous theme music, "Approaching Menace" by the British composer Neil Richardson. The quiz programme originated and was recorded in Manchester at studios such as New Broadcasting House and Granada Studios, before permanently moving to MediaCityUK in 2011.

25. Februar 2023
8. September 2012

Famous comedians and funny experts meet in a duel where they try to outdo each other with astounding facts. Host is Johan Wester. Based on the hit British program QI.

5. Februar 2018

The queens may know fashion, but do they know some of the basics? Will they pass with flying colors, or get schooled in the first round?

National CPC History Knowledge Competition for College Students is planned and initiated by CCTV, and launched in conjunction with the Party History and Documentation Research Institute of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the National Language Work Committee, the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Youth League, and the National Federation of Students' Secretariat. It is hosted by Long Yang, has a total of 10 episodes. In the program, in the real and moving stories, you can feel the suffering and glory; in the intense competition, you can learn the knowledge of party history; in the interpretation of authoritative experts, you can feel the power of faith.

27. September 2005

The humanistic connotation carried by idioms is very rich and profound. A large number of idioms come from traditional classics, expressing the Chinese values of whether human relations are good or evil, and whether the realm is high or low. It can be called the "living fossil" of Chinese culture, it is worth promoting, and it is a precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. Compared with the "Chinese Characters Dictation Competition", the "Chinese Idiom Congress" has incorporated more unique and diverse innovative ideas on the basis of retaining similar competition forms, and invited many heavyweights such as Bi Shumin, Meng Man, and Li Bo to participate in the contest. Cultural celebrities serve as judges, hoping to show the beauty of the unique context of Chinese idioms in detail.

25. August 2022

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