22 部电影

2024 年 03 月 22 日

 塞西莉亚(西德妮·斯威尼 饰)是一个非常虔诚的修女,她来到意大利乡间修道院开始新生活,却在这个几乎全是女人的地方意外怀孕,原来这里隐藏着黑暗和可怕的秘密。

2010 年 09 月 01 日

------在《美国人》中,克鲁尼饰演一位独自行动、技术高超的杀手,名叫杰克。当杰克在瑞典完成了一个任务之后,又一个更艰巨的任务等待着他——他会被派往美国去暗杀。他对他的联系人拉里发誓,这将是他的最后一票。杰克来到意大利乡下的某个小城,享受暂时远离死亡的时光。然而,那份由比利时女人 Mathilde(斯科拉·鲁特饰,出演过《杀手没有假期》)委任的工作刻不容缓。令人惊讶的是,杰克找到了当地的好友、神父Benedetto叙旧(意大利老演员Paolo Bonacelli饰),又和当地的女人Clara(薇奥兰特·普拉西多饰)继续着浪漫的关系。但是,杰克的冒险生涯即将开始……

2007 年 12 月 28 日


1983 年 08 月 17 日

  本片是导演安德烈·塔科夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)的一部自传体电影。幼年的塔科夫斯基随着母亲(玛格瑞塔·泰瑞柯娃 Margarita Terekhova 饰)去亲戚家借钱,他独自在一个陌生的房间里发现了一面镜子,并通过镜子审视自己,在巴赫的音乐中,塔可夫斯基的回忆慢慢带出了一系列的事件:电视上在播报一个口吃的年轻人通过催眠治痊了自己;一个被家庭忽视的妻子遇上一位迷路的乡村医生,两人之间产生若即若离的关系;一个未曾露面的叙述者与前妻在争吵;一个早熟的年轻人备受军事指导员的呵责。这些毫无关联的片段式回忆通过镜子串联起来,展现了导演对时间、历史、生活、土地、梦境等意象的哲学思考。


2010 年 01 月 29 日

  2005年12月的一天,帕尔默一家四口在澳大利亚阿拉拉特山脉附近的水库休闲度假,然而厄运突然降临,帕尔默家16岁的女儿爱丽丝(塔莉娅·扎莫 Talia Zucker 饰)在游泳时突然失踪。此后不久,搜救队找到了爱丽丝的尸体,帕尔默一家度过了一个充满悲痛、永生难忘的圣诞节。悲伤尚未退却,恐怖的气氛却又肆意弥漫。在爱丽丝下葬后的第10天,诡异现象开始在帕尔默家频频出现。他们能够感觉到,死去的女儿重新回到家中。莫大的恐惧萦绕心头,盘桓数月,经久不散。他们希望尽快摆脱这无尽的梦魇……   本片采用纪录片形式拍摄,并荣获2008年东京国际电影节丰田地球奖特别奖。

1980 年 08 月 06 日

  影片由一个印度乡间的黎明之景缓缓展开,屏幕之后的画外音女声开始漫不经心却又温柔地讲述故事。故事围绕安妮—玛丽•史崔特(德菲因•塞里格 Delphine Seyrig 饰)和她身旁的三个角色展开——她的情人迈克尔•理查森,着迷于她的副领事,以及一个生命轨迹与她平行的女乞丐。这个女乞丐从法国在东南亚的殖民地尾随安娜而来,经常骚扰使馆的花园,她的几个孩子卖的卖,死的死;副领事公开自己对她的迷恋受挫后陷入癫狂状态,向麻风病人,狗,甚至自己射击。最后他被撤了职。而后安娜同友人到一个岛上去旅游,他也追踪而至,安娜终于也在自己纷乱的感情中不堪重负,投海自尽。 本片由74个镜头和500多句画外音构成。画面上的人物并不开口说话,导演杜拉斯坚持所有声音必须是旁白的传统。由此拍出这部“声画分离”之作。

1937 年 08 月 06 日

  一次偶然中,史黛拉(芭芭拉·斯坦威克 Barbara Stanwyck 饰)邂逅了英俊的男子史蒂芬(约翰·博尔斯 John Boles 饰),相互吸引的两人最终走到了一起,携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,很快,可爱的小女儿劳拉(安妮·雪莉 Anne Shirley 饰)呱呱坠地。随着时间的推移,史黛拉乖僻的个性渐渐显形,斯蒂芬受不了妻子的粗俗和毫无教养,这段婚姻不可避免的走向了破裂。

  离婚后,史蒂芬娶了一位名叫海伦(芭芭拉·欧内尔 Barbara O'Neil 饰)的寡妇,这让史黛拉大受刺激。没有了家庭的寄托,史黛拉将自己的所有期望都投射到了劳拉的身上。史黛拉希望劳拉能够不收任何伤害,不走任何弯路的长大成人。

2008 年 08 月 09 日


2021 年 07 月 17 日

In the small town of Eden, Tennessee, a neglected and naive teenage girl named Clara Banks has made a habit of deceiving people online for gifts, a gambit known as "catfishing." She thinks it's all fun and games until she hooks the attention of the wrong person. A short time later, events set into motion spiral out of control as someone begins stalking Clara and her friends. As the consequences of her actions return to haunt her, twisted messages start showing up at Clara's home, causing her to fear for her life. Will she ever feel safe again now that the evil has come knocking?

2022 年 04 月 24 日

A strange story from Somerset, England about a filmmaking farmer and the inspiring legacy of his long-lost home movies.

2022 年 09 月 17 日

When an unthinkable tragedy disrupts the lives of astronaut Sam Bowman and his wife Sarah, Sam accepts an interstellar mission to save the lives of a missing crew on a deep space voyage, abandoning his life on Earth in the process. But when a critical failure leaves him without a crew, and without hope, he's forced to reckon with a harrowing guilt he can no longer avoid.

2024 年 05 月 11 日

January 13th, 2024; Suffolk County's punk, grunge, and emo scenes are showcased through the more than a hundred attendees at Caveversary; an annual celebration of the independently operated basement venue, The Cave.

2022 年 02 月 04 日

A man who struggles with the effects of epilepsy and heavy medication reconciles about his choices.

2022 年 05 月 19 日

This film is about Rebecca and Alex, a newly separated couple who are spending their last day living together, before Rebecca moves out. The film depicts the last hour they share in their home before she moves and they begin their new independent lives.

In the forested slopes surrounding the rural Tuscan village of Tirli, a group of lumberjacks work long hours felling trees in the hopes of making an ample profit. Amongst them, a recently widowed father struggles to overcome the pain of his wife’s death, whilst juggling the fresh financial pressures of raising two motherless children.

2023 年 07 月 20 日

In the halls of power, a minister has fallen from grace. Government agent Beckett recruits a deadly operative Richards with a dubious past to restore control via coercion. As the power play unfolds, Beckett must confront the consequences of his choices while Richards seeks to safeguard his own interests.

2017 年 04 月 24 日

A young man and woman fall in love one fateful night.

2023 年 06 月 02 日

Daniela (24) is a ghost in pain. Her life ended suddenly and painfully, leaving her friend and roommate, Mónica (22) alone in their shared apartment in Santiago, Chile. Daniela feels her frustration grow within her, as she fears that her time in limbo will never end.

2022 年 02 月 14 日

A young girl struggles with her cultural identity.

2009 年 05 月 15 日

For 63 years, Tom Rose and his wife, Mary, built a life together on his family farm on Canaanville Road. Then last year Mary passed away, leaving Rose to face the future alone, surrounded by a lifetime of memories.



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