22 elokuvaa

22 maaliskuu 2024

An American nun embarks on a new journey when she joins a remote convent in the Italian countryside. However, her warm welcome quickly turns into a living nightmare when she discovers her new home harbours a sinister secret and unspeakable horrors.

1 syyskuu 2010

Control-elokuvan ohjaaja Anton Corbijn jatkaa tyylikkäällä linjalla uudella elokuvallaan, jossa palkkamurhaaja (George Clooney) piileksii Italiassa viimeistä tehtäväänsä varten. Lisäväriä toimintatrilleriin antaa suomalaisnäyttelijät Irina Björklund ja Samuli Vauramo.

28 joulukuu 2007

A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, which used to be an orphanage, intent on reopening it. Before long, her son starts to communicate with a new invisible friend.

17 elokuu 1983

Andrei Tarkovskin mestariteoksessa ohjaajan omat lapsuudenmuistot kietoutuvat uniin, historiallisiin dokumentteihin ja hänen sen aikaiseen nykyhetkeensä muodostaen poeettisen ja eteerisen kokonaisuuden, jossa ajan merkitys lakkaa.

29 tammikuu 2010

After 16-year-old Alice Palmer drowns in a local dam, her family experiences a series of strange, inexplicable events centered in and around their home. Unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of psychic and parapsychologist, who discovers that Alice led a secret, double life. At Lake Mungo, Alice's secret past emerges.

6 elokuu 1980

Ranskan siirtomaavallan aika Indokiinassa käy kohti loppuaan, ja 1930-luvun Kalkutassa Intiassa on jäljellä vain muutama aristokraatti pitämässä kulisseja pystyssä yhä tyhjemmässä lähetystörakennuksessa. Ulkopuolella odottaa vääjäämätön kulttuurisokki: värikkään ja kaoottisen miljoonakaupungin kuhina. Anne-Marie Stretter on ranskalaisen diplomaatin vaimo. 18-vuotiaana hän nai ranskalaisen siirtomaahallitsijan ja matkasi tämän kanssa Laosin Savannakhetiin. Siellä hän tapasi toisen aviomiehensä, jonka kanssa hän eli 17 vuoden ajan eri puolilla Aasiaa. Nyt Kalkutassa Anne-Marie hankkii rakastajia lievittääkseen elämänsä tylsyyttä.

6 elokuu 1937

After divorcing a society man, a small-town woman tries to build a better life for their daughter.

9 elokuu 2008

A 3-D animated film about the dream of reaching the unreachable and about the fact that something good can evolve from something evil.

17 heinäkuu 2021

In the small town of Eden, Tennessee, a neglected and naive teenage girl named Clara Banks has made a habit of deceiving people online for gifts, a gambit known as "catfishing." She thinks it's all fun and games until she hooks the attention of the wrong person. A short time later, events set into motion spiral out of control as someone begins stalking Clara and her friends. As the consequences of her actions return to haunt her, twisted messages start showing up at Clara's home, causing her to fear for her life. Will she ever feel safe again now that the evil has come knocking?

24 huhtikuu 2022

A strange story from Somerset, England about a filmmaking farmer and the inspiring legacy of his long-lost home movies.

17 syyskuu 2022

When an unthinkable tragedy disrupts the lives of astronaut Sam Bowman and his wife Sarah, Sam accepts an interstellar mission to save the lives of a missing crew on a deep space voyage, abandoning his life on Earth in the process. But when a critical failure leaves him without a crew, and without hope, he's forced to reckon with a harrowing guilt he can no longer avoid.

11 toukokuu 2024

January 13th, 2024; Suffolk County's punk, grunge, and emo scenes are showcased through the more than a hundred attendees at Caveversary; an annual celebration of the independently operated basement venue, The Cave.

4 helmikuu 2022

A man who struggles with the effects of epilepsy and heavy medication reconciles about his choices.

19 toukokuu 2022

This film is about Rebecca and Alex, a newly separated couple who are spending their last day living together, before Rebecca moves out. The film depicts the last hour they share in their home before she moves and they begin their new independent lives.

In the forested slopes surrounding the rural Tuscan village of Tirli, a group of lumberjacks work long hours felling trees in the hopes of making an ample profit. Amongst them, a recently widowed father struggles to overcome the pain of his wife’s death, whilst juggling the fresh financial pressures of raising two motherless children.

20 heinäkuu 2023

In the halls of power, a minister has fallen from grace. Government agent Beckett recruits a deadly operative Richards with a dubious past to restore control via coercion. As the power play unfolds, Beckett must confront the consequences of his choices while Richards seeks to safeguard his own interests.

24 huhtikuu 2017

A young man and woman fall in love one fateful night.

2 kesäkuu 2023

Daniela (24) is a ghost in pain. Her life ended suddenly and painfully, leaving her friend and roommate, Mónica (22) alone in their shared apartment in Santiago, Chile. Daniela feels her frustration grow within her, as she fears that her time in limbo will never end.

14 helmikuu 2022

A young girl struggles with her cultural identity.

15 toukokuu 2009

For 63 years, Tom Rose and his wife, Mary, built a life together on his family farm on Canaanville Road. Then last year Mary passed away, leaving Rose to face the future alone, surrounded by a lifetime of memories.

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