52 部电影

1998 年 02 月 27 日

似乎永無止境的黑夜,籠罩著破敗冰冷的現代化大都市,空氣中瀰漫著不祥的氣息。約翰·默多(盧夫斯·塞維爾 Rufus Sewell 飾)在某旅館的浴缸中醒來,對於之前發生的一切毫無印象,甚至忘記了自己的身份和姓名。神秘的電話、冰冷的屍體以及不明身份的追殺者,這一切都令他無所適從。他憑借僅有的線索開始追查自己的身份以及這一切混亂的肇因。關於這個黑暗世界離奇的一面,也在他的調查中慢慢揭開面紗……   本片榮獲1998年美國科幻恐怖電影學院最佳科幻電影獎、1998年阿姆斯特丹奇幻電影節銀屏獎、1999年布魯塞爾國際奇幻電影節佩格薩斯觀眾獎、1999年澳大利亞影評人協會最佳原創劇本獎。

1959 年 02 月 17 日

史蒂芬國王與麗亞王后生下了小公主-奧蘿拉,全國人民為此而向國王與王后慶賀,在賀禮上來了三位好仙子(花拉仙子、翡翠仙子、藍天仙子),她們輪流給小公主美好的祝福,在第二位仙子的祝福過後,邪惡的黑女巫-梅菲瑟突然出現在大殿上,以為公主祝福的名義施下詛咒,讓奧蘿拉在十六歲生日之時被紡車針刺死。在梅爾菲森特狂笑著離去後,大家都嚇壞了,而第三位仙子的祝福將是如果公主被紡車針所刺,而她的死將是沉睡,直到得到王子的真愛之吻才能得以重生。隨後,國王下令將全國的紡車全部燒毀。睡公主/Sleeping Beauty

2023 年 09 月 21 日

賢秀(李善均 飾)和秀珍(鄭裕美 飾)原本是對幸福的新婚夫婦。某天,睡在身邊的賢秀喃喃自語地說著:「有人進來了。」自那天起,每到深夜,賢秀就像變了個人般做出詭異的舉動,秀珍也因害怕賢秀睡著後會傷害剛出生的孩子,而難以入眠。隨著賢秀的怪異行為愈發瘋狂,秀珍竭盡全力地揭開隱藏在入眠後的恐懼……


2021 年 03 月 12 日


2018 年 11 月 28 日

A tale of two sisters with rare unique supernatural abilities. Three burglars break into a house to find jewels and money but leave their sanity behind.

2017 年 05 月 12 日

Kate Bowman (Jocelin Donahue) is an average social worker who, after the sudden death of her twin sister, is investigating the mysterious deaths of other people who died in their sleep. Shortly before their deaths, the victims all reported a supernatural force that appeared to them while they were suffering from sleep paralysis. When Kate investigates further into the case, she opens herself up to the creature's wrath and soon finds herself and her family suffering from an ancient evil.

1969 年 02 月 13 日

A woman's dark and absurdist nightmare vision comprising a continuous recitation of the alphabet and bizarre living representations of each letter.

Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd's bestselling children's book headlines this winning 25-minute collection of sleepytime tales from HBO. Susan Sarandon narrates the simple story of a bunny readying for bed. Other top entertainers lend their voices to the tape: Tony Bennett sings the story of "Hit the Road to Dreamland"; Lauryn Hill brings rhythm to "Hush, Little Baby"; Billy Crystal lends many voices to Mercer Mayer's "There's a Nightmare in My Closet"; and singers Natalie Cole, Aaron Neville, and Patti LeBelle sing other tales. A dandy video for the youngster, punctuated with "interviews" of real kids answering a host of bedtime questions.

2008 年 08 月 11 日

When a woman is being called in the middle of the night, she finds out that it's not her husband laying next to her.

2014 年 07 月 05 日

A young writer experiences visions during episodes of sleep paralysis, and she retreats with her boyfriend to an isolated house in the desert. As the visions worsen, she teeters on the edge of insanity as she uncovers a life-threatening secret.

1964 年 01 月 17 日

Footage of John Giorno sleeping for five hours.

1987 年 06 月 12 日

Feature-length, live-action musical version of the classic fairy tale by Charles Perrault.

Alice follows the white rabbit, falls down a deep hole and discovers a strange Wonderland at the bottom.

1940 年 11 月 23 日

Christmas Eve, and Sniffles is determined to stay awake to see Santa. Not an easy task.

Thanatos is a dark psychological thriller about lucid dreaming.

1954 年 06 月 19 日

Barney Bear is forced to give hibernation lodgings in his home to his neighbor Jimmy Squirrel, who makes it impossible to get any sleep.

1952 年 10 月 03 日

Popeye's snoring is keeping his resident mouse awake. The mouse fights back.

2021 年 10 月 02 日

A boy is haunted by a spooky figure stalking him in the dark. This ghost story is inspired by childhood nightmares, aimed to build a creepy atmosphere with one or two jumpscares mixed in there.

2022 年 11 月 01 日

Two detectives begin an investigation into a disastrous secret military experiment where five prisoners were kept awake for thirty days in a sealed gas chamber.



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