7 Filme

Discover the life of renowned Muslim scholar Buya Hamka, from his humble West Sumatra origins to his political achievements.

The story of corrupt, power-hungry, manipulative Grigori Rasputin's influence on members of the Russian Imperial family and others, and what resulted.

21. Dezember 2023

Siti Raham loyally supported Buya Hamka when he fought for independence and preached. Especially when Hamka was desperate because he was living in prison, Siti Raham continued to support him with sincerity. Thanks to Siti Raham's support, Hamka succeeded in completing Tafsir Al-Azhar while in detention. In the midst of trials, the love and harmony of Buya Hamka and Siti Raham's relationship never wavered.

4. Februar 2004

The satirical commentary on clergymen in post-revolutionary Iran. While in prison, petty criminal Reza (Parviz Parastui) comes across a clergyman, sparking a plan for escape. Reza dons his new acquaintance's clerical robes and makes a bid for freedom. He soon learns that being a clergyman brings little respect from the public. Reza travels to the outlying villages, from where he plots to escape the country. However, his plans must be put on hold when the villagers accept him into their community and expect him to perform religious duties. Will Reza's prison break transform him into an unlikely pillar of the community?

18. November 1974

A war-weary soldier who wants to die tries to convince a zealous cleric to accuse him of witchcraft and hang him instead of a beautiful condemned woman already accused of witchcraft who wants to live.

22. Januar 2021

Social media superstar Qandeel Baloch pushed boundaries in conservative Pakistan like no other. In 2016, high on her newfound celebrity, Qandeel exposes a well-known Muslim cleric – with tragic results.

Keith Garner visits historical locations, elegant chapels and bustling city centres as he discovers the impact of the work of cleric and theologist John Wesley, 200 years after his death.

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