17 elokuvaa

21 marraskuu 1931

Tohtori Henry Frankenstein haluaa rakentaa kuolleen miehen kehoa käyttäen oman kuvansa. Assistenttinsa Fritzin kanssa hän kaivaa vasta haudatun miehen ruumiin esiin ja varastaa sen. Havaittuaan, että kuolleen miehen pää ja aivot ovat pahoin vaurioituneet he päättävät varastaa aivot Tohtori Frankensteinin taannoiselta opettajalta Tohtori Waldmanilta. Fritz pudottaa kuitenkin lattialle lasipurkin, joka pitää sisällään ”hyvät aivot” ja päättää ottaa käyttöön ”huonot aivot”. Tohtori Frankensteinin ihmeellisen säteen avulla ruumis herätetään henkiin ukkosmyrskyn aikana ja Frankensteinin hirviö on syntynyt.

18 toukokuu 2002

Grazia is a free-spirited mother-of-three married to shy fisherman Pietro and living on the idyllic but isolated island of Lampedusa in the Mediterranean Sea. She shows signs of manic depressive behavior — one moment she's laughing wildly and swimming half-naked in the sea, while the next she's curled in a ball on her bed. Out of her earshot, the adult members of her extended family vaguely discuss sending her to a facility of some sort in Northern Italy.

Set right before the fall of Thailand's old capital, Ayuttaya, Bang Rajan draws on the legend of a village of fighters who bravely fended off the Burmese armies. With no support from the Royal army, the villagers drives the invading Burmese away many times until their names have become legendary during the time. As each subsequent battles becomes fiercer, the villagers tries to forge a canon to battle the enemy in a final battle where everyone, women and children included, die in combat.

2 lokakuu 2008

Real estate agent Christian travels the countryside scouting for investment prospects. In a forgotten, seemingly abandoned village far off the main roads, he finds more than he is looking for. Getting entangled in an encounter with a taciturn teenage farmhand, he confronts his sexual frustrations and, in the process, gets drawn into the undergrowth of a bloodthirsty rustic community.

Isä Anton huutaa EEEMELIIII! Silloin koko Vaahteramäki tietää kuka on taas vauhdissa. Ja he tietävät myös, että se joku on kovaa vauhtia menossa piiloon verstaaseen. Koko kylä miettii huolissaan mitä tuosta mahdottomasta pojasta mahtaa oikein tulla. Mutta kun Eemelin paras ystävä, renki Alfred, sairastuu vakavasti, se on Eemeli eikä kukaan muu joka valjastaa hevosen rekeen ja kiidättää Alfredin lumimyrskyä uhmaten lääkäriin. Jopa isä Anton on kerrankin tyytyväinen ja ylpeä pojastaan. Kunnes...

Gangaram alias Ganga has been raised by his foster parents who reside in the village thus he gets accustom to village life. 24 years later his birth parents multi-millionaire Avinash and his wife Radha comes to ask him to move into their bungalow located in the city to which Ganga agrees and goes to bid farewell to his friends and girlfriend Saawni. While in the city Ganga is introduced to his elder brother, Milind, his wife, Supriya, and his younger brother; Ganga finds it very hard to adjust to the city life and is often scuffed at. Avinash arranges his marriage with equally wealthy Tina to which he agrees although he is not comfortable with this marriage as he is still in love with Saawni; meanwhile Ganga's honest policy gets him and his new found family into further problems.

1 maaliskuu 2014

Jiro Sawada is a sophomore in high school when a false accusation drives him out his hometown: a small village in Fukushima Prefecture. The entire village is abandoned after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, but Jiro returns there to live. Before long, members of his family come and join him.

Claire and David are on a trip to Offline Valley in order to disconnect from social networks and the pressures of modern-day society. They'll probably end up dead.

6 helmikuu 1991

Claudia and Georg Rattey, a married couple, have everything what people in their mid-thirties might wish for: a car, a farmhouse for vacations on the weekends, and their son Oliver. But their contentedness does not turn into happiness but into an inner void: Claudia and Georg have nothing left to say to each other and just live alongside each other. One day, they discover a ten-year old burglar in their half-finished vacation home.

विश्वास (Bishwas) is a heart-wrenching tale of one man's journey from rural simplicity to the complexity of city life. The protagonist, a humble villager, leaves behind his mother and the only life he's ever known to earn enough money to pay for her medical treatment. As his search for money leads him down a dangerous path, he realizes the true cost of his quest and the sacrifices he must make. With betrayal and danger lurking at every turn, the protagonist must find the strength within himself to overcome the odds and save not only his mother, but his own soul. With a powerful blend of drama, romance, and adventure, "विश्वास" is a timeless story of one man's journey towards redemption and self-discovery.

The adventures of a very beautiful young Cretan, who because of the beauty of the suffering of all women who want to conquer.

The battle-scarred hero of the Greek Revolution, Giannos "Astrapogiannos", returns home after the end of the blood-soaked War of Independence, only to find himself in a new conflict, as he locks horns with a ruthless local Kodjabashis.

25 lokakuu 2015

Silva, an old drifter, arrives at a small and isolated Portuguese village where he meets the young Ana. They develop a relation in between friendship and initiation. Fascinated by that wondrous man, Ana progressively falls into his universe. A life populated by supernatural figures including her long lost friend Carolina. But strange fits weaken Silva, bringing him to the hospital, where a dozen women start inhabiting him. Will they save him?

18 maaliskuu 2017

Al’ya, a light-miner girl, desperately needs the help of her father, Qu’rai, to perform a forbidden sacred ‘Kirakira’ lightdance to resurrect an ancient being before they are stopped by a mob of angry villagers.

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