26 Filme

Herr Badii, ein Teheraner Mann mittleren Alters, möchte sich das Leben nehmen und sucht jemanden, der nach seinem Selbstmord seine Leiche vergraben wird. Auf der Fahrt durch Außenbezirke und Umgebung Teherans stößt der offenbar gut situierte Hr. Badii auf verschiedene Menschen, die er gegen Aussicht auf gute Bezahlung um diesen Dienst bittet. Nach einigen Versuchen findet er jemanden, der einwilligt, ihm die letzte Ehre zu erweisen, ihm aber den Selbstmord auszureden versucht.

Mohammad, Zweitklässler in einer iranischen Dorfschule, wird von seinem Lehrer ermahnt, die Hausaufgaben nicht auf lose Blätter, sondern in sein Heft zu schreiben. Sollte er dies ein weiteres Mal vergessen, drohe ihm der Schulverweis. Sein Banknachbar, der achtjährige Ahmad, hat versehentlich Mohammads Schulheft eingesteckt; als er das bemerkt, eilt er auf eigene Faust ins Nachbardorf. Er muss Mohammad finden, doch er verläuft sich, irrt umher.

Einziger Film der persischen Dichterin Forugh Farrokhzad. Ein unvergleichliches Dokument eines Aufenthalts in einer Lepra-Kolonie.

In Form einer fiktiven Dokumentation mit Reportage-Elementen verfolgt Makhmalbaf, wie die nach Kanada emigrierte iranische Journalistin Nafas versucht, ihre Schwester in Kandahar zu erreichen, die während der letzten Sonnenfinsternis des 20. Jahrhundert Selbstmord begehen will.

1. Januar 1969

An old villager deeply in love with his cow goes to the capital for a while. While he's there, the cow dies and now the villagers are afraid of his possible reaction to it when he returns.

Itinerant Kurdish teachers, carrying blackboards on their backs, look for students in the hills and villages of Iran, near the Iraqi border during the Iran-Iraq war. Said falls in with a group of old men looking for their bombed-out village; he offers to guide them, and takes as his wife Halaleh, the clan's lone woman, a widow with a young son. Reeboir attaches himself to a dozen pre-teen boys weighed down by contraband they carry across the border; they're mules, always on the move. Said and Reeboir try to teach as their potential students keep walking. Danger is close; armed soldiers patrol the skies, the roads, and the border. Is there a role for a teacher? Is there hope?

A minimalist study of lonely, isolated existence. Mohamad Sardari has spent thirty years at a remote outpost raising and lowering a gate to keep road traffic from crossing tracks when a train passes. He lives with his wife in an unadorned shack; a few bare trees dot the threadbare landscape.

THE BRIGHT DAY weaves a story that has its roots in the complexity of Iran’s draconian laws governing capital punishment. A kindergarten teacher hopes to aid the father of one of her young students, a man accused of manslaughter, by convincing each of seven reluctant witnesses to come forward. No one lacks a hidden agenda in this drama in which shades of truth collide with self-interest and the specter of payback. (Gene Siskel Film Center)

26. November 2014

A film written and directed by Siavash

13. Februar 1997

Tunnel 18 (Persian: تونل 18‎‎) is a 1997 Iranian Historical drama film written and directed by Hossein Shahabi (Persian: حسین شهابی)

For forty years, Esfandiar has been unconcernedly preparing corpses for the journey to their final resting place. One day, whilst preparing a burial service, he's taken ill. Might he too be mortal?

Hundred to one hundred (Persian: صدبرابرصد‎‎) is a 1995 Iranian film written and directed by Hossein Shahabi (Persian: حسین شهابی)

19. September 2015

Forough is a middle aged woman whose husband has temporarily married with another woman. Even though that was kept secret from her, but his action is considered legal in Iran. Now the husband is in prison, due to not being able to pay second wife’s “Mehrieh” (the bride’s marriage portion).The second wife intends to receive her Mehrieh by asking the court’s permission to sell his house. Forough, the first wife, in order to not lose her home, intends to sell all she has to pay for her husband’s debt and release him from the jail.

20. April 2001

Echo (Persian: پژواك‎‎) is a 1997 Iranian Drama film Written and directed by Hossein Shahabi.

24. November 2009

The Last Word (Persian: حرف آخر‎‎) is a 2009 social drama Iranian film Written And Directed By Hossein Shahabi. This is a film about Iranian champion athletes.

Mr Ahmadi gets on an inter-city minibus for a relatively straightfoward trip. The mileu of arrivals and departures brings his journey new meaning.

Bright Shadow (Persian: سايه روشن‎‎) is a 1997 Iranian drama film written and directed by Hossein Shahabi (Persian: حسین شهابی)

13. Oktober 2001

The Photo (Persian: عکس‎‎) is a 2001 Iranian drama film Written and directed by Hossein Shahabi

Rain Tree (Persian: درخت بارانی‎‎) is a 2001 Iranian drama film Written and directed by Hossein Shahabi.

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