20 部电影


2020 年 02 月 14 日

索尼克 是一只蓝色的刺猬,原本快乐的生活在自己的星球上。然而,邪恶的势力觊觎索尼克所拥有了超快速度,想要将这一门绝技夺走,为了保护索尼克,善良的猫头鹰养母给了索尼克一包魔力环,它可以帮助索尼克传送到安全的星球上。就这样,索尼克来到了地球,降落在了位于蒙大拿州的青山市。起初,索尼克在这里生活的非常惬意,并且结交了一批好友。当政府发现了索尼克的存在后,一切都变得复杂起来。政府派出了邪恶的科学家蛋头博士,命令他捉住索尼克,对他进行可怕的科学研究。为了躲避蛋头博士的追捕,索尼克和警长汤姆 必须前往旧金山,取得丢在那里的魔力环。



Sonic's arch nemesis Dr. Robotnik has been banished from the Land of Darkness by an evil Metal Robotnik. The devious doctor tells Sonic that the Robot Generator has been sabotaged and will blow Planet Freedom to kingdom come. But it's not until the President's beautiful daughter Sara turns on the charm that Sonic springs into action.


One night of severe rain, Sonic and Chip come by an old mansion where they decide to take shelter. Whilst Sonic seems unfazed by the creepy surroundings, Chip is scared out of its wits. The mansion is inhabited by three scary - yet sweet - ghosts who like to play tricks on innocent visitors: A cute and girlish ghost who likes to collect photographs of her terrified guests. The remaining two boy ghosts compete for her attention by taking photographs of their scare victims. Their scariness is the key to popularity in the realm of ghosts. The boy ghosts are excited at the prospect of hunting their new and unusual guests, Sonic and Chip. Who will win the ultimate competition to her heart?

2019 年 11 月 23 日

A little boy speaks about hedgehogs all the time to everybody.

2009 年 01 月 30 日

Kirpi, the vengeful practical joker finally finds a match for his habit: Tahir Yaman. Prank and revenge loop of the duo will drag them to very complicated situations.

2016 年 02 月 14 日
2023 年 01 月 19 日

A couple met in real life for the first time. The woman soon discovers a recurring odd behavior by the man.

Elk, who ran through the forest during a thunderstorm, was crushed by a fallen tree. A brazen and treacherous magpie told the wolves about it all through the forest. Good forest animals decided to help to free the elk. The first was a hedgehog, then a hare and his mom, a family of squirrels, a mouse, a frog. Decisive in saving the elk from the wolves was the contribution of the smallest character - an ant.

2015 年 06 月 16 日

In a castle full of hedgehogs, an engineer is trying to satisfy her king, who wants her to create an unusual machine. After being thrown away for her failure, she finds an hedgehog on her head which gives a brilliant idea. She presents her new invention to the king, astonished : she reveals a pinscreen made out of hedgehogs and their spines.

2018 年 11 月 10 日

After a girl's wish for all animals to have the ability to speak comes true, local robbers try to capture her talking hedgehog.

«Зимняя сказка» — рисованный мультипликационный фильм из серии «Сказки Сергея Козлова». Как Ёжик всю зиму лечил Медвежонка после того, как тот переел снега. режиссёр Юрий Бутырин сценарист Сергей Козлов художник-постановщик А. Елизаров художники Жанна Корякина, А.Сичкарь, А.Брежнев, Т.Великород, О.Киселёва, Н.Дмитриева художники-мультипликаторы Юрий Бутырин, А.Елизаров, И.Самохин оператор Игорь Шкамарда композитор Виктор Купревич звукооператор Виталий Азаровский роли озвучивали Клара Румянова, Георгий Бурков, Георгий Вицин ассистент режиссёра Г. Черникова монтажёр Любовь Георгиева редактор Е. Ходина директор Л. Варенцова

1979 年 06 月 01 日

刺猬背西瓜的剧情简介 · · · · · ·   小刺猬和小白兔一起拿蘑菇当降落伞玩过后,开始用手捡红果,妈妈看到了,要它停止用手捡改为用刺背,小刺猬问为什么,妈妈说:“我妈妈是这样教的,我妈妈的妈妈也是这样教的”。小刺猬想要红果树上更大的红果,妈妈试着跳起来用刺摘、使劲摇晃红果树等方法,红果均纹丝不动,她摇头离去时,小刺猬跳起来用手摘下了大红果。   啄木鸟提醒它们说前面有更大的果子,小刺猬和妈妈来到一片西瓜地,妈妈本以为能用刺把大西瓜背回家,不想西瓜太重她被压到了西瓜里,小刺猬一下慌了神,开始想方设法救妈妈出来。 ©豆瓣

A little hedgehog finds a magnificent apple in the woods. He rolls it behind a rock where he can enjoy it at his leisure. But there are some uninvited guests at the feast.

2017 年 06 月 18 日

A young pangolin is brought up in a family of hedgehogs. Feeling like an outsider, his hedgehog mother confesses to him that he has been adopted. He leaves in search of answers. He begins a journey to find himself but he will end up finding his real family...

2019 年 08 月 18 日

In this quirky stop-action short, a neon hedgehog steals tea from a piano giraffe, falls in love with caffeine, and suffers the consequences. What to expect: nonsense and puns.



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