33 elokuvaa

Tositapahtumiin perustuva elokuva pohjautuu Jason Fagonen vuoden 2018 Huffington Postin samannimiseen artikkeliin. Vuonna 2003 Jerry huomasi esitteen uudesta Michiganin osavaltion lottopelistä nimeltä Winfall. Hän analysoi pelin matemaattista rakennetta ja löysi siitä porsaanreijän: kun jättipotti saavutti 5 miljoonaa dollaria ja yhtään täysosumaa ei löytynyt, palkintorahat siirtyivät alemman tason voittajille. Kun tämä tapahtui, sitä kutsuttiin "Rolldowniksi" ja lottokomissio ilmoitti tästä etukäteen.

Jerry ja Marge käyttivät seuraavan vuosikymmenen hyödyntäen pelin matemaattista puutetta. He perustivat rahaston, jonka kautta he auttoivat ystäviään ja tuttuja, sekä elvyttivät pienen kotikaupunkinsa taloutta. He pelasivat Winfallia 12 kertaa ja keräsivät voittoina yli 2,6 miljoonaa dollaria. Kun Michiganin lottopeli suljettiin keväällä 2005, he ryhtyivät pelaamaan samanlaista Massachusetts-lottoa. 43:n pelatun kierroksen jälkeen voittoja kertyi yli 24 miljoonaa dollaria.

"Jaan voitot kanssasi, jos voitan. Kunniasanalla." Nämä sanat lausuu poliisi Charlie Lang, kun häneltä loppuu tippi kahvikupin juomiseen. Hänellä on vain lottokuponki. Seuraavana päivänä Charlie palaa kahvilaan. Hän on voittanut rahaa. Paljon rahaa. Ja lupaus on lupaus. Hänen vaimonsa on innoissaan ja sanomalehdet hurraavat... NICHOLAS CAGE ("Manga", "The Rock") ja BRIDGET FONDA ("Sinkku nuori nainen etsii...", "Sinkut") ovat pääosissa tässä kriitikoiden ylistämässä kaksoiskomediassa. Elokuva perustuu tositarinaan poliisivirkailija Charliesta, joka voittaa 3 miljoonaa dollaria lotossa ja jakaa voitot täysin tuntemattoman tarjoilijan kanssa. Lämmin ja romanttinen komedia.

20 toukokuu 1931

Debt-ridden painter Michel is overcome with joy at discovering that he has just won 1 million florins in the Dutch lottery, but almost immediately, he discovers that his softhearted girlfriend, Béatrice, has given away his jacket containing the winning ticket to an elderly petty thief. Soon Michel, Beatrice and Michel's artistic rival, Prosper, are hurtling through the streets of Paris on the trail of the missing jacket.

1 toukokuu 2015

Dissosiatiivisesta persoonallisuushäiriöstä kärsivä nainen haluaa epätoivoisen päämäärätietoisesti kuuluisaksi ja käyttää lottovoittonsa tuottaakseen talk show -ohjelman. Tim Robbins, Linda Cardellini ja Jennifer Jason Leigh tähdittävät tätä Will Ferrellin ja Adam McKayn tuottamaan elokuvaa.

29 lokakuu 1945

Three cab drivers win a big sum of money and try to adjust to their new lifestyles.

24 elokuu 2022

A comedy film about North and South Korean soldiers vying for a winning lotto ticket that crossed the demarcation line because of the strong wind.

Bill, a TV news reporter, tries to make ends meet to support himself, his wife and three daughters in urban Hong Kong. In the mist of the misadventures of Bill and his family, their luck and lives ultimately change when Bill's wife suddenly wins the lottery.

19 lokakuu 2018

A man, who is repaying a 30 million yen debt left by his brother, wins the 300 million yen lottery. He grapples with the question of whether money can buy him happiness.

A poor but very decent teacher, Telis, who has resigned from his job, finds a winning lottery ticket in the street. Suddenly, his life changes radically. But he then discovers that someone has put it in front of him deliberately.

18 maaliskuu 2017

After a week of leave, Sylvie is back at the Quebec company where she has been an exemplary employee for more than 15 years. She is then requested to attend a bizarre meeting.

4 kesäkuu 2000

Two Dubs, Sean and Ger, get wind of the proverbial pot of gold and what should be a straight-forward job becomes a fiasco. But, there's an old Irish saying - "Filleann an feall ar an bhfeallaire - What goes around comes around".

Yeda, the green-faced woman, sells homemade bread to support the house where she lives with her sick husband. Through the context of green-faced people, we know the reality of those who live on the fringes of a purple-faced society.

24 heinäkuu 1969

Tragi-comedy about a man who, overnight, becomes rich by winning a lottery.

Lal Bahadur Shastri is a Malayalam comedy film about three strangers who come across during their journey of life. It revolves around how they influence each other.

14 syyskuu 2012

Anja became a millionaire! This wife and mother won million euros on lottery and she decides for a smart investment. First step - getting her husband Uli off the couch. She hires a lawyer, who's in love with her, to buy an abandoned restaurant and employ Uli, a talented chef, giving him a second chance. Things go out of control when restaurant becomes very popular

A wretch employee wins a lot of money in the lottery and loses his mind. When he comes out of the mental hospital, he finds out that things at his home have changed radically.

30 marraskuu 2023

Cheque and Lucas are two friends who, after winning the biggest lottery in the country, are ready to take the leap into their new life, the new rich millionaire life.

4 lokakuu 2011

Isaac is a janitor whose livelihood is in jeopardy when his boss tries to cut his job in order to save money. When it seems he has finally gotten the best of Isaac, a misunderstanding at a convenience store puts a winning lottery ticket in Isaac's hands. Isaac 's world has been turned around but after gaining so much he may be on the edge of losing it all.

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