20 elokuvaa

"Jaan voitot kanssasi, jos voitan. Kunniasanalla." Nämä sanat lausuu poliisi Charlie Lang, kun häneltä loppuu tippi kahvikupin juomiseen. Hänellä on vain lottokuponki. Seuraavana päivänä Charlie palaa kahvilaan. Hän on voittanut rahaa. Paljon rahaa. Ja lupaus on lupaus. Hänen vaimonsa on innoissaan ja sanomalehdet hurraavat... NICHOLAS CAGE ("Manga", "The Rock") ja BRIDGET FONDA ("Sinkku nuori nainen etsii...", "Sinkut") ovat pääosissa tässä kriitikoiden ylistämässä kaksoiskomediassa. Elokuva perustuu tositarinaan poliisivirkailija Charliesta, joka voittaa 3 miljoonaa dollaria lotossa ja jakaa voitot täysin tuntemattoman tarjoilijan kanssa. Lämmin ja romanttinen komedia.

Five down-on-their-luck strangers must band together to steal back winning lottery tickets worth millions from a wicked mafia boss.

4 joulukuu 1924

A lottery win of $5,000 forever changes the lives of a miner turned dentist and his wife.

19 heinäkuu 2007

A financial struggle between owners of a go-go club threatens its future.

26 heinäkuu 1974

Two blue-collar buddies search the underworld for a winning lottery ticket lost in a nightclub holdup.

12 marraskuu 2022

A group of lottery employees plan the biggest fraud in Mexican history using a powerful weapon: the magic of television.

5 joulukuu 1944

Peter and Delilah are a married couple running a roadside café in Nevada. Their stable partnership turns rocky, though, with the arrival of the sultry Sally, a waitress who catches Peter's wandering eye. Delilah strikes back by hiring Sally's boyfriend as a waiter. Sally is initially dismissive of Peter's advances, but when he wins $40,000 in a lottery, she quickly pounces, turning on the charm and eyeing the easy life.

20 tammikuu 2003

The short film that Napoleon Dynamite was based on shows a day in the life of Seth, supernerd extraordinaire, rocking the megalopolis of Preston, Idaho, and soon the world, with his illegal ninja moves and his sweet fanny pack. GOSH!

24 elokuu 2022

A comedy film about North and South Korean soldiers vying for a winning lotto ticket that crossed the demarcation line because of the strong wind.

When overworked diner waitress gets tipped a lottery ticket by her scumbag ex and wins, they fight it out for the jackpot in this colorful comedy short.

Adventurous comedy about a bunch of people hunting the winning lottery ticket.

23 marraskuu 2022

A young tearaway wins the lottery, but risks losing it all when he becomes embroiled in a toxic love triangle with a pair of recovering scam artists.

30 marraskuu 2023

Cheque and Lucas are two friends who, after winning the biggest lottery in the country, are ready to take the leap into their new life, the new rich millionaire life.

Five stories that tell the tale of winning the lottery in Mexico and how it changes lives.

1 elokuu 1994

A penniless, fast-thinking musician buys a lottery ticket which he glues to his back door, in hopes of eventually retrieving his instrument from his exasperating landlady. —but the ticket wins...

Three children, two brothers and their friend, win a lottery ticket at sports forecasting. Upon deciding not to tell their parents in order to buy a ship, two criminals find out about this and try to steal their money.

1 lokakuu 1938

John Silver's ship has been repossessed; the Captain and the Kids have won $100,000 in a lottery. Silver dresses as an old lady and pretends to faint on the Captain's porch. He is taken inside and soon finds the winning ticket. Meanwhile, the kids spotted him outside and dress themselves as a young lady and come on to Silver, eventually handcuffing him to a batch of fireworks.

A 1925 Soviet comedy sponsored by the Soviet Finance Ministry, with a plot promoting the new economy. A small-town tailor, Petya Petelkin (Ilyinsky), bought a lottery ticket and handed it to his landlord, widow Shirinkina (Deykun) who wants to marry him. Petya is a hard-working tailor trying to start his own business. He is also in love with Katya (Maretskaya), whom he wants to marry. He has to survive a cascade of funny situations in the unstable Soviet reality, before his romance with Katya comes to a happy ending.

25 elokuu 2018

Abuela's Luck is a story about appreciation and a lesson on luck. Some of us may not realize it, but luck can stem from our own past and have a direct affect on our future. We are introduced to Raymond, a 19 year-old Dominican-American who is asked by his Abuela to cash out what she assumes is a winning scratch off. Once at the bodega, we learn that Raymond has other plans in mind. And so does fate.

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