11 部电影

1976 年 06 月 23 日

改編自名氣科幻小說家William F. Nolan(威廉諾蘭)的作品,由Michael Anderson執導,逼真的科幻場景與大膽具設計感的服裝造型,讓本片成為科幻經典,後續還拍成電視劇影集。而本片的導演Michael Anderson也執導過相當多作品,至最後一部片《{新木偶奇遇記}》(1999)為止,共執導了41部作品。 本片故事講述在23世紀的未來,人類生活在一個由超級電腦操控的無菌世界,所有人的手掌中央都有一個生命時鐘,到達30歲便會閃過不停,此時他們必須參與「狂歡會」並「重生」,然而怎樣的重生呢?沒有人關心…,他們天生無憂無慮,唯一不按常規的是不願「重生」的奔命族.. 羅根5號是一位聰明的砂族,自小便相信造物主(超級電腦)的教誨,更是同輩中追捕奔命族的高手,直至有一天,超級電腦交給他一個任務,找出並破滅庇護所,超級電腦相信外面的世界有一間庇護所收容奔命族,它交給Logan一個標記並把他變成奔命族以便追緝,雖然logan質疑電腦準備犧牲自己,但基於與生俱來的使命感,他答應這任務,他尋求似乎知嘵內情的女子傑西嘉6號幫忙,在逃命的過程中惹來好友的誤會,他也開始覺悟整個真相…。在故事中的這個世界除了超級電腦外,人類生來便分為幾個部族,砂族、紅族群、綠族,這部反思烏托邦理想世界的電影,顛覆了一些固有的想法,加添了值得思考的地方,結局更顯完美感人。

2014 年 06 月 27 日

因為嚴重的氣候異常問題,整個地球颳著似乎永遠不會停歇的暴風雪,人類幾乎無法存活;只剩下一輛載著倖存人們的火車不停地往前行駛,不知是否有盡頭……。 火車上的車尾末端區屬於貧民區,那一區的人們雖然保住了小命,但是在極其惡劣的環境中過著飢寒交迫的日子;而前端區的人們享受著絕大部分的資源,不但吃的好穿的暖,甚至還有毒品可使用,只不過常常供不應求。整列火車劃分為不同等級的車廂,生活條件的優劣也依等級不同而有所差異。 在這樣的旅程生活過了十七年之後,貧民區的叛軍領袖寇帝斯(克里斯伊凡飾)為了替末端區的人們爭取生存的權利,策劃利用一場暴動來佔領引擎區;引擎區是火車的命脈要地,由手段殘暴的神秘獨裁者(艾德哈里斯飾)所掌控。 寇帝斯計畫先把被囚禁起來的安全系統設計者南宮民秀(宋康昊飾)救出來,他也是這列火車的最初設計者;寇帝斯答應一但叛軍攻下一節車廂,就會提供南宮民秀和他的女兒毒品。 然而,原本就很危險的反叛行動,因為意外事件的發生而變的更為困難……,這支叛軍又該如何應對?他們能夠得到最後的勝利嗎?

2073 年未來世界因為人口過剩,全球厲行一胎化政策,由聯邦政府嚴格管控,而泰倫斯(威廉達佛飾)的女兒卻生下七胞胎難產而死,泰倫斯決定守住七胞胎孫女存在的事實,並訓練她們保衛自己與其他姊妹。她們的活動範圍只限在公寓內,名字以星期一到星期天命名、每個人就照自己名字的日子輪流外出,並共享同一個身份-凱倫,直到某天「星期一」(歐蜜瑞佩斯飾)出門卻離奇失蹤,眾人決心拯救自己的姊妹,奮力一搏與未來政府展開一場血戰…。

1993 年 09 月 03 日

In the future, the inmates of a private underground prison are computer-controlled with cameras, dream readers, and devices that can cause pain or death. John and his illegally pregnant wife Karen are locked inside "The Fortress" but are determined to escape before the birth of their baby.

1990 年 09 月 14 日

Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend. Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage.

2017 年 03 月 04 日

We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They do not care. We say we care, but we do nothing, and nothing ever changes. It is normal. Welcome to the post-truth world. How we got to where we are now…

2015 年 10 月 28 日

Jenn lives in an underground bunker, protected from the monsters that now ravage the world. This is the day that she goes outside...

Mass suicide prevention from resource depletion, overpopulation and climate change.

2021 年 08 月 09 日

It's war. War against an invisible enemy that is not as deadly as we are told. The world is changing rapidly. Disproportionate measures are taken worldwide that disrupt society as a whole. A dichotomy in society forced vaccinations and restrictions on freedom. Have we had the worst? Or is there something more disturbing to awaiting us.

Procreation is the social duty of all fertile women, was the political thinking during the 1960s and 1970s in Romania. In 1966, Ceaucescu issued Decree 770, in which he forbade abortion for all women unless they were over forty or were already taking care of four children. All forms of contraception were totally banned. The New Romanian Man was born. By 1969, the country had a million babies more than the previous average. Romanian society was rapidly changing. By using very interesting archival footage and excerpts from old fiction films and by interviewing famous personalities from that time – gynecologists or mothers who were part of the new society - the director revives this period of tremendous oppression of personal freedom. Many deaths were caused by the mere fact that women, including wives of secret Romanian agents, famous TV presenters, and actresses, had to undergo illegal abortions. Many women were jailed for having them.

2011 年 05 月 15 日

Mother, the film, breaks a 40-year taboo by bringing to light an issue that silently fuels our largest environmental, humanitarian and social crises - population growth. Since the 1960s the world population has nearly doubled, adding more than 3 billion people. At the same time, talking about population has become politically incorrect because of the sensitivity of the issues surrounding the topic- religion, economics, family planning and gender inequality. The film illustrates both the over consumption and the inequity side of the population issue by following Beth, a mother, a child-rights activist and the last sibling of a large American family of twelve, as she discovers the thorny complexities of the population dilemma and highlights a different path to solve it.



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