11 filmų

Pagal Džordžo Kleitono Džonsono (George Clayton Johnson) ir Viljamo F.Nolano (William F.Nolan) distopinį romaną „Logano pabėgimas“ (Logan's Run). Siužetas toks. Žmonės – jų tik keli tūkstančiai – gyvena ateityje po gaubtu aprūpinti viskuo, ko tik jiems reikia. Jie nieko nežino apie gaubtą, visi jauni ir sveiki, gimsta dirbtiniu būdu, užsiima laisvu seksu, sportuoja, pramogauja. Kol jiems sukanka trisdešimt, jie gyvena tarsi Rojuje. Vėliau jie tiesiog... išnyksta. Sklinda kalbos apie kažkur esančia Užuovėją...

2014 birželio 27

Ateityje, kai pasaulį sugriovė žlugęs globalinio atšilimo problemą spręsti bandantis eksperimentas, Žemę dengia sniegas, pražudęs didžiąją dalį planetos gyvybės. Išlikę žmonės gyvena aplink planetą riedančiame traukinyje, vadinamame "Snowpiercer".

Nors šis traukinys vienintelis išgyvenimo šaltinis, slėptuvė ir namai, jo gyventojai netrunka susiskirstyti į luomus. Traukinio priekyje įsikūrė save aukščiausia kasta laikantys žmonės, o traukinio gale - visi likę. Tačiau ne visiems traukinio keleiviams priimtinas toks gyvenimas ir gale gyvenantys žemiausios kastos atstovai susiruošia revoliucijai: užimti traukinio variklį ir nuversti galingąjį "Snowpierser" elitą.

Kas keturias dienas pasaulyje gimsta po du milijonus naujų gyventojų. Beprotiškas žmonių skaičiaus augimas tampa didžiausia žmonijos krize. Siekiant sustabdyti augimą, priimamas naujas įstatymas – vienas vaikas šeimai. Bet ką daryti, jei šeimai gimsta septintukas? Užuot įvykdžius valdžios reikalavimus ir šešias iš septynių naujagimių pašalinus, joms suteikiama galimybė gyventi, bet tik su sąlyga, kad apie jų egzistavimą niekas niekada nesužinos. Identiškos mergaitės pavadintos savaitės dienomis. Mergaitės gyvena pagal griežtus tvarkaraščius ir gatvėje pasirodo tik jų vardo dieną. Užaugusios ir tapusios moterimis, jos idealiai laikosi savo tvarkos, bet vieną dieną... Pirmadienė negrįžta namo. Ilgus metus merginų puoselėtas tvarkaraštis sugriūna. Kur dingo Pirmadienė? Ar jai kažkas nutiko? Ar ji tiesiog kažkur užtruko? Kol ji negrįžo namo, nei viena kita mergina negali peržengti namų slenksčio.

1993 rugsėjo 3

In the future, the inmates of a private underground prison are computer-controlled with cameras, dream readers, and devices that can cause pain or death. John and his illegally pregnant wife Karen are locked inside "The Fortress" but are determined to escape before the birth of their baby.

1990 rugsėjo 14

Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend. Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage.

2017 kovo 4

We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They do not care. We say we care, but we do nothing, and nothing ever changes. It is normal. Welcome to the post-truth world. How we got to where we are now…

2015 spalio 28

Jenn lives in an underground bunker, protected from the monsters that now ravage the world. This is the day that she goes outside...

2021 rugpjūčio 9

It's war. War against an invisible enemy that is not as deadly as we are told. The world is changing rapidly. Disproportionate measures are taken worldwide that disrupt society as a whole. A dichotomy in society forced vaccinations and restrictions on freedom. Have we had the worst? Or is there something more disturbing to awaiting us.

Procreation is the social duty of all fertile women, was the political thinking during the 1960s and 1970s in Romania. In 1966, Ceaucescu issued Decree 770, in which he forbade abortion for all women unless they were over forty or were already taking care of four children. All forms of contraception were totally banned. The New Romanian Man was born. By 1969, the country had a million babies more than the previous average. Romanian society was rapidly changing. By using very interesting archival footage and excerpts from old fiction films and by interviewing famous personalities from that time – gynecologists or mothers who were part of the new society - the director revives this period of tremendous oppression of personal freedom. Many deaths were caused by the mere fact that women, including wives of secret Romanian agents, famous TV presenters, and actresses, had to undergo illegal abortions. Many women were jailed for having them.

2011 gegužės 15

Mother, the film, breaks a 40-year taboo by bringing to light an issue that silently fuels our largest environmental, humanitarian and social crises - population growth. Since the 1960s the world population has nearly doubled, adding more than 3 billion people. At the same time, talking about population has become politically incorrect because of the sensitivity of the issues surrounding the topic- religion, economics, family planning and gender inequality. The film illustrates both the over consumption and the inequity side of the population issue by following Beth, a mother, a child-rights activist and the last sibling of a large American family of twelve, as she discovers the thorny complexities of the population dilemma and highlights a different path to solve it.

Mass suicide prevention from resource depletion, overpopulation and climate change.

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