9 elokuvaa

23 lokakuu 1992

Rikollispomo Joe Cabot kokoaa yhteen joukon varkaita, joiden tehtävänä on ryöstää timanttiliike. Poliisit ehtivät kuitenkin niin nopeasti paikalle, että joukon sisällä aletaan epäillä jonkun heistä olevan vasikka. Kohta kaikki saavat pelätä toisiaan...

Andrea Damiani sends his wife Valeria off on a skiing holiday so he can spend time with his demanding mistress, Giulia. Little does he suspect that Valeria is having a rendezvous with a Count she recently met. However, Valeria does not know that 'Count' Giovanni is really just a manager's assistant, namely, Andrea's.

15 elokuu 1951

Career gambler Dan Milner agrees to a $50,000 deal to leave the USA for Mexico, only to find himself entangled with fellow guests at a luxurious resort and suspecting that the man who hired him may be the deported crime boss Nick Ferraro aiming to re-enter to the USA.

26 maaliskuu 1927

When Mandarin Wu's unmarried daughter becomes pregnant by a young Englishman, he seeks vengeance.

2 helmikuu 2013

Accompanied by his buddy Bruno, Leon waits in this hammam where he made an appointment with a girl met on Internet. From strange meetings to vaporous revelations, our two heroes wait restlessly for the hypothetical coming of the mysterious stranger.

31 tammikuu 1926

Harry and his friend have planned to go out for an afternoon of fun. But first, Harry must figure out how to slip away from his domineering wife with some money to spend...

2 helmikuu 2019

Fatiya agrees to replace her cousin at a babysitting gig. When she meets the mother of the young boy she is supposed to look after, prejudice and racism cause the afternoon to take a turn.

24 maaliskuu 2015

In the dead of night, Donovan drives with his girlfriend, Lucy and several friends to a secret rendezvous in the woods. They believe they are meeting a "healer" who can cure Lucy's cancer, but they grow suspicious when a booby-trap in the road forces them to stop short of their destination. when the driver gets out to investigate he is brutally killed and dragged from the car. Terrified, the remaining friends run for their lives to a deserted cabin, dodging the paramilitary commandos that hunt them as well as the deadly creatures that slaughtered their friends. As the friends die, one by one, they realize too late that Donovan has set them up as bait in exchange for a magic elixir he believes will heal Lucy, but even Donovan is not prepared to pay the price for Lucy's cure.

This is the second volume of ultra-rare oddities, obscurities and jaw-droppers that may be among the best 85 minutes Something Weird has ever assembled and almost all of them from the original negatives! Titles include The Martians (1962), Tops ‘n Tunes (1964), Swinger (1966), Slumber Party (196?), Chemical Pop (196?), The Assignation (1963), A Christmas Fantasy (196?), Woton’s Wake (1964) and some newly-discovered trailers for live midnight shows.

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