8 Filme

24. April 1981
5. Mai 1933

Two wannabe bandits join the service of a dashing nobleman, who secretly masquerades as Fra Diavolo, a notorious outlaw.

10. Februar 1995

When young cop Andrea is assigned to keep watch over dangerous Godfather Sante, who's in hospital after a fake suicide attempt, the stage is set for disaster.

Cencio, a roman pilferer, periodically is in prison. He meets Cesira that soon become his partner in crime. With Cesira's help Cencio try the big hit to a jewelery. But the lucky break is over.

In Lazio, four young people named Riccetto, Girasole, Lallo and Tombarolo try to make a living by stealing what they find in the tombs of the rich buried. Being inexperienced, they often find themselves in trouble or pursued by the police.

1. Januar 1985
9. Mai 2003

Returning from Switzerland to Rome, the boss prof. Salviati, called 'The Prince', finds his business compromised by Rudy, a small local bandit full of presumption, audacity and men ready to kill. Commissioner Baldi a young and brave employee, will fight against them with the help of an ex-employee Rampelli.

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