73 filmų

Režisieriaus Christopher Nolan epinis trileris pasakoja apie amerikiečių fiziką J. Robertą Openheimerį, vadovavusį atominės bombos kūrimo programoje „Manheteno projektas“. R. Openheimeriui priklauso idėja suburti visus fizikus, dirbančius atominės bombos srityje, į vieningą mokslinį centrą Los Alamose, JAV.

2018 gruodžio 25

„Valdžia“ nušviečia įtakingiausio viceprezidento JAV istorijoje, Dick Cheney istoriją. Pasaulį valdant pažintims ir pinigams, vienas žmogus savo rankose gali sutelkti beribę valdžią. Gebėjimas įtikinti, aštrus protas ir galimybė naudotis įslaptinta informacija leido jam tapti galingu Baltųjų rūmų lėlininku, šešėlyje perrašančiu pasaulio istoriją... Padirbėjęs George Bush vyresniojo, Richard Nixon ir Gerald Ford administracijoje, 2001-aisiais valdžios ištroškęs politikas ėmėsi darbo kaip George Bush jaunesniojo dešinioji ranka, valdanti prezidentą. Pertvarkęs politinę JAV sistemą, aktyviai pasisakęs už karą Irake, Dick Cheney netruko tapti įtakingiausia, daugiausiai valdžios savo rankose sutelkusia ir gyventojų labiausiai nekenčiama politine persona JAV istorijoje.

2020 birželio 26

Demokratų partijos strategas padeda į pensiją išėjusiam veteranui kandidatuoti į mero postą mažame konservatyviame Vidurio Vakarų miestelyje.

2008 gegužės 25

In 2000, the election of the U.S. Presidential boiled down to a few precious votes in the state of Florida — and a recount that would add "hanging chad" to every American's vocabulary.

Aukščiausios įtampos politiniame trileryje Vašingtono dienraščio žurnalistas atskleidžia korupcijos šešėlius Vyriausybės koridoriuose, kai išsiaiškina, kad paslaptingai nužudyta mergina yra Demokratų partijai priklausančio kongresmeno meilužė. Jis turi įtarimų, kad įtakingoskorporacijos mėgina sužlugdyti gero bičiulio karjerą ir iki minimumo sumažinti šansus dalyvauti JAV prezidento rinkimuose. Tirdamas klampią sąmokslo teoriją ir pats žurnalistas neatlaiko aistringų pagundų ir sugula į lovą su to paties kongresmeno žmona.

Filmas pasakoja apie Votergeito skandalą, dėl kurio atsistatydino prezidentas Richardas Nixonas.

1991 kovo 15

Owing to his alleged involvement with communist parties, film director David Merrill is forbidden from working in Hollywood. He decides to fight for his rights and faces numerous challenges.

2017 kovo 4

We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They do not care. We say we care, but we do nothing, and nothing ever changes. It is normal. Welcome to the post-truth world. How we got to where we are now…

Naive and idealistic Jefferson Smith, leader of the Boy Rangers, is appointed to the United States Senate by the puppet governor of his state. He soon discovers, upon going to Washington, many shortcomings of the political process as his earnest goal of a national boys' camp leads to a conflict with the state political boss.

Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York, he can't bear them growing up far away from him and so he decides to move there as well.

2019 sausio 27

In 2018, a young bartender in the Bronx, a coal miner’s daughter in West Virginia, a grieving mother in Nevada and a registered nurse in Missouri join a movement of insurgent candidates challenging powerful incumbents in Congress. Without political experience or corporate money, these four women are attempting to do what many consider impossible.

2018 liepos 13

A group of journalists covering George Bush's planned invasion of Iraq in 2003 are skeptical of the presidents claim that Saddam Hussein has "weapons of mass destruction."

1962 birželio 6

Proposed by the President of the United States to fill the post of Secretary of State, Robert Leffingwell appears before a Senate committee, chaired by the idealistic Senator Brig Anderson, which must decide whether he is the right person for the job.

2004 birželio 4

Since the late 18th century American legal decision that the business corporation organizational model is legally a person, it has become a dominant economic, political and social force around the globe. This film takes an in-depth psychological examination of the organization model through various case studies. What the study illustrates is that in the its behaviour, this type of "person" typically acts like a dangerously destructive psychopath without conscience. Furthermore, we see the profound threat this psychopath has for our world and our future, but also how the people with courage, intelligence and determination can do to stop it.

2020 spalio 21

Documentary chronicling the political machinations that led to the unprecedented, contested outcome of the 2000 presidential election, including the chaotic voter recount in Florida that ended with George W. Bush winning by a razor-thin margin.

2006 gruodžio 11

In the midst of organizing his brother Ben's wedding, Shel, a gay party planner, decides to go on strike for equal rights when he learns that Ben is behind a political speech against gay marriage.

In Hillary's America, bestselling author and influential filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary Clinton and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.

2018 balandžio 23

The story of a young woman named Jane 57821, who is living in a totalitarian near-future society where citizens are referred to as 'computers.' 'Dirty Computer' explores humanity and what truly happens to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when mind and machines merge, and when the government chooses fear over freedom.

1958 spalio 22

In a changing world where television has become the main source of information, Adam Caulfield, a young sports journalist, witnesses how his uncle, Frank Skeffington, a veteran and honest politician, mayor of a New England town, tries to be reelected while bankers and captains of industry conspire in the shadows to place a weak and manageable candidate in the city hall.

2020 rugpjūčio 7

Trump Card is an expose of the socialism, corruption and gangsterization that now define the Democratic Party. Whether it is the creeping socialism of Joe Biden or the overt socialism of Bernie Sanders, the film reveals what is unique about modern socialism, who is behind it, why it’s evil, and how we can work together with President Trump to stop it.

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