28 elokuvaa

Thomas herää liikkuvasta tavarahissistä ilman muistikuvia siitä, kuka hän on ja minne hän on menossa. Määränpäässä häntä odottaa joukko poikia, jotka ovat jo kolme vuotta asuneet omavaraisessa kyläyhteisössä aukiolla, suuren muurin ympäröimänä. Aukiota ympäröivä muuri ei ole mikä tahansa muuri, se on Labyrintti. Joka päivä muutama pojista lähtee kartoittamaan labyrintin alati muuttuvaa rakennetta löytääkseen mahdollisen ulospääsyn. Labyrintin aukionpuoleinen portti sulkeutuu joka yö, eikä yötä ole vielä kukaan selvinnyt hengissä jäätyään portin väärälle puolelle. Thomasin tulo mullistaa asioita, sillä jo muutaman päivän oleskelun jälkeen hän näkee asiat toisin kuin muut. Thomaksesta Labyrintti tuntuu jotenkin tutulta, vaikka hän ei täysin ymmärräkään miksi. Eräänä päivänä hissistä löytyy tyttö. Ensimmäinen laatuaan ja mukana tulleen viestin mukaan, myös viimeinen aukiolle koskaan saapuva henkilö. Ajat tulevat muuttumaan.

Paettuaan labyrintista post-apokalyptiselle aavikolle, Thomas ystävineen viedään militarisoituun W.C.K.D. tukikohtaan, jossa heidän luvataan olevan turvassa. Pian Thomas saa kuitenkin selville kavalan salaisuuden heidän niin kutsutuista suojelijoistaan. Yhdessä ystäviensä kanssa hänen täytyy luottaa labyrintissa opittuihin kykyihinsä ja rohkeuteensa selviytyäkseen vaarallisesta pakomatkasta aavikon halki. Päästäkseen vapauteen heidän on taisteltava rankkoja olosuhteita ja tartunnan saaneita asukkaita vastaan, uhmatessaan voimakasta organisaatiota, joka ei aio päästää heitä pakoon.

Thomas ja muutama muu ovat viimeisiä labyrintistä selvinneitä. Yhdessä Vincen kanssa pieni joukko muodostaa vastarinnan WCKD:iä, tai tuttavallisemmin WICKED:iä vastaan. Vastarinta aikoo vapauttaa WCKD:n julmissa ihmiskokeissa kärsivät maailman helvettiin syösseelle virukselle immuunit nuoret. Kun viimeiseen kaupunkiin viedään Thomasin ystävä Minho, ei alkuperäisestä labyrintistä selvinneille ole muuta mahdollisuutta kuin pelastaa toverinsa urbaanisokkelosta.

1 toukokuu 1981

After the death of a high school track star during a race, a mysterious killer in a fencing mask begins murdering her friends and teachers.

23 lokakuu 2014

Two teen track stars discover first love as they train for the biggest relay race of their young lives.

24 tammikuu 1997

It's the true-life story of legendary track star Steve Prefontaine, the exciting and sometimes controversial "James Dean of Track," whose spirit captured the heart of the nation! Cocky, charismatic, and tough, "Pre" was a running rebel who defied rules, pushed limits ... and smashed records ...

27 joulukuu 2014

Liz, just returned home after a mental breakdown, has to welcome a relative stranger into her home when Caitlin, a young, vivacious woman, claims to be her husband's daughter.

A group of German infantrymen of the First World War live out their lives in the trenches of France. They find brief entertainment and relief in a village behind the lines, but primarily terror fills their lives as the attacks on and from the French army ebb and flow. One of the men, Karl, goes home on leave only to discover the degradation forced on his family by wartime poverty. He returns to the lines in time to face an enormous attack by French tanks.

1 tammikuu 2005

Smart, sexy Allison can't help but fall in love with Philip, a dashing software billionaire, and they quickly marry. But soon this new bride begins to think her hubby was involved in the mysterious death of his first wife. This suspicious newlywed needs to get to the truth - but as things turn dangerous, she may not make it to their first anniversary!

13 lokakuu 2016

Tim, a shy 16-year-old athlete with a natural gift for running, is dealing with the loss of his mother, as well as his sexuality. After a personal video is posted to social media, Tim's private life is about to explode into the public eye.

When Sarah has a chance to go to a first class university and to join its premiere athletic club, her suburban mother is fearful of the change and refuses to help financially. But Sarah's roommate knows that they will get a grant if they marry. Sarah agrees but only to discover that her true heart lies elsewhere. Sarah prefers to run.

A young woman of the Tarahumara, well-known for their extraordinary long distance running abilities, wins ultramarathons seemingly out of nowhere despite running in sandals.

1 tammikuu 1976
21 elokuu 1987

Superstar Nicole Kidman (Days of Thunder) stars in Room to Move, one of the star's earliest roles. Kidman is Carol Trig, a high school track star whose life changes dramatically when she meets and befriends Angie, a troubled dancer whose life directly affects Carol's. Pretty soon, Carol realizes her life has become more than she can handle, and she must learn to balance her time between running, the family she neglects, and her social life: particularly Angie. Originally intended to be one part of a larger miniseries, Room to Move features one of the world's biggest stars in one of her earliest roles. With its straightforward plot, this is a film everyone can enjoy!

2 toukokuu 2022

A young woman wakes up in a hospital, convinced she is recovering from minor surgery only to find herself in a battle of wits with a psychiatrist who can't let her leave until she remembers "what happened that night." Events turn a darker corner as doctor and patient try to unlock not only what traumatic event Anne is suppressing, but also who was there, why it happened, and why Anne's subconscious is fighting so hard to prevent her from talking about it.

Story about a runner whose bulimia and anorexia threatens both her dream of competing in the Olympics and her marriage to Denver's mayor.

20 joulukuu 1976

A young boy who still wets the bed finds escapism from his abusive mother and his own embarrassment by going running after school.


13 maaliskuu 2021

Charlie is 12 and trapped inside with a bully. An unexpected connection with a neighbour broadens his world view in the most contained of circumstances.

19 joulukuu 2011

Running Movie is a documentary film that focuses on Israeli long-distance runner Ayele Seteng (a.k.a. Haile Satayin), the oldest marathon runner to compete in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, and his efforts to participate in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Satayin has been a long-distance runner since he was a young boy in Ethiopia, but he only became a marathon runner after immigrating to Israel in the early 1990s. Now, at the age of 55, he keeps on running. We follow him as he practices in Ethiopia, far from his wife and eight children, and witness his moments of victory and defeat, as he competes in marathons around the world—from Berlin, Germany, to Tiberias, Israel.

1 tammikuu 1978

An ex-pro athlete runner and his wife find a strange boy in the middle of nowhere along with a murdered couple. He runs to a nearby town for help while she keeps the boy company. Meanwhile, escaped convicts are heading to their location.

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