6 部电影

2011 年 09 月 23 日

  在美国职业棒球大联盟MLB中,比利(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)所属的奥克兰运动家队败给了财大气粗的纽约扬基队,这让他深受打击。雪上加霜的是三名主力纷纷被重金挖走,未来的赛季前途渺茫。在管理层会议上,大家一头雾水,只有他暗下决心改造球队。一次偶然的机会,他认识了耶鲁大学经济学硕士彼得(乔纳•希尔 Jonah Hill 饰),两者对于球队运营的理念不谋而合。凭借直觉和经验,他仿佛找到了破解金元棒球的钥匙。他聘请彼得作为自己的顾问,一起研究如何打造最高胜率的球队。他们用数学建模的方式,逐渐开始挖掘上垒率的潜在明星,并通过软磨硬泡将他们招致麾下。他们不在乎高层的冷嘲热讽,只是专心地为球队寻找信心和实力的根源,终于新的赛季开始了……

  影片改编自迈克尔•刘易斯的《魔球—逆境中致胜的智慧》(Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game)。 

2016 年 07 月 20 日

与数学家汉娜·弗莱(Hannah Fry)博士一起对数据进行了一次有趣,令人振奋且思想扩展的探索。 紧随BBC Four先前喜剧的,屡获殊荣的数学电影的脚步,《统计的喜悦》,《赢的尾巴》-《科学的机会》和《逻辑的喜悦》,这部崭新的高科技剧本准确地揭示了什么是数据以及它是如何 捕获,存储,共享和理解。 Fry还讲述了数据时代的工程师的故事,尽管他们带来了技术和哲学上的革命,但我们大多数人从未听说过。

Every km of ocean now contains an average of 74,000 pieces of plastic. A 'plastic soup' of waste, killing hundreds of thousands of animals every year and leaching chemicals slowly up the food chain. In Holland, scientists found plastic in the stomachs of 95% of all fulmar birds. In Germany, plastic has been found to affect the reproductive systems of animals, while in the US, conservationists are seeing increasing numbers of dolphins die in agony, their guts blocked with rubbish. What will be the long term impact of this 'plastic pollution'? Can anything be done to clean up our oceans?

1948 年 01 月 01 日
2018 年 08 月 28 日

How to have a happier life and a better world all thanks to maths, in this witty, mind-expanding guide to the science of success with Hannah Fry. Following in the footsteps of BBC Four's award-winning maths films The Joy of Stats and The Joy of Data, this latest gleefully nerdy adventure sees mathematician Dr Hannah Fry unlock the essential strategies you'll need to get what you want - to win - more of the time. From how to bag a bargain dinner to how best to stop the kids arguing on a long car journey, maths can give you a winning strategy. And the same rules apply to the world's biggest problems - whether it's avoiding nuclear annihilation or tackling climate change.

2010 年 12 月 07 日

  看到“统计学”,你首先想到什么?是让人眼花缭乱的表格,还是各种晦涩难懂的术语?其实,统计学并不遥远,从日常生活到科学研究,到处都有它的踪影;统计学也并不枯燥,在本片中,明星教授Hans Rosling将用新奇的方式、先进的技术和幽默的语言,带我们走进妙趣横生的统计学世界。



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