9 Filme

11. September 1998

A group of strangers find themselves trapped in a maze-like prison. It soon becomes clear that each of them possesses the peculiar skills necessary to escape, if they don't wind up dead first.

21. Juni 1985

Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, finds herself back in the land of her dreams, and makes delightful new friends, and dangerous new enemies.

Dark fairytale about a demonic doctor who abducts a beautiful opera singer with designs on transforming her into a mechanical nightingale.

The story starts with the inauguration of the first-ever Mechanical batch in an engineering campus. The batch consists of boys only. Later in the second year of the department, a girl joins and becomes the only girl to be a part of their batch. As the story evolves, the girl grabs all their love and attention and becomes the QUEEN of the batch.

Final year mechanical engineering students, Romario, Riyas, Yoodas, and Athmaram think their lives are miserable since there is not one single girl in their class. Much to their joy, a girl called Riya joins their class and soon becomes friends with the boys. Termed as 'mechrani' of the college, all the boys from the mechanical department begin to flirt with her, leading to comical situations.

1. Februar 2001

An animated science-fiction short directed by Matthew Hood.

In the modern village of the future, everything is mechanized, but the dreams of the village musician remain the same. He wants to become an artist. Thanks to the fact that an Art Nouveau goddess gave him a helping hand, Janko Muzykant saves his life and escapes from the village on a Pegasus.

With a technical education background, Eva (Eva Arnaz) tries to become an entrepreneur by opening a workshop. He was assisted by several friends, and it turned out that soon his efforts were quite advanced. Rudy (Geroge Rudy), one of his customers, is interested in Eva's beauty, who is considered a good-looking woman. Tit for tat, Eva received Rudy's love. Unfortunately the relationship between the two men did not get the blessing of Rudy's parents. Eva, in the eyes of Rudy's parents, was considered too low for her prospective engineer. Because the relationship between Rudy and Eva is getting tighter, finally Rudy's parents bless him too.

A faceless protagonist witnesses the alienation of gentrification as his home is overtaken by development. the forces behind it are demanding him to leave, but also consequently push him further and further into his not-home.

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