59 部电影

2001 年 10 月 26 日

美國維珍尼亞州郊區,1988年的某一天,16歲的唐尼眼前突然出現了一個身高6呎的凶眼白兔人。幾分鐘後,一架飛機引擎直闖唐尼家的屋頂,當場墮毀。僥倖避過一劫的唐尼卻自此患上嚴重夢遊症,並不時產生幻覺。 學校老師、醫生、家人以至女友都對唐尼的情況深感不妙。在一股神秘力量的驅使下,唐已進入一段為期28日的自我毀滅、自我反省旅程!他不單要重新思考人生的意義,更要按照白兔人的指示而作出種種奇怪行動,否則28日後,同樣的墮機厄運會再次降臨於他的身上!

2017 年 09 月 15 日

詩人(查維亞巴頓 飾)跟少妻(珍妮花羅倫絲 飾)原本安逸生活於寧靜鄉郊,不速之客卻讓他們迎來生活巨變。自陌生夫婦(艾哈里斯、米雪菲花 飾)到訪後,客人源源不絕,接二連三入住大宅。詩人堅稱他們都是親戚,令妻子相當困惑。隨後他寫了一首詩,得獎成為桂冠詩人,名成利就。於是更多讀者慕名而來,詭異事件一發不可收拾。此時,已懷胎的妻子已被恐懼逼到無可退避,夫妻關係面臨難以想像的恐怖考驗…

本片由《王牌對王牌》導演葛瑞葛雷(F. Gary Gray)執導的音樂傳記電影,成本僅2420萬美元。聚焦在80年代轟動一時,在Hip-Hop音樂中奠定了重要地位的傳奇團體N.W.A從崛起到解散的故事,並由Ice Cube及Dr. Dre擔任製作。 1987年在美國加州康普頓街頭有五個年輕人,冰塊酷巴(Ice Cube)、MC Ren、德瑞博士(Dr. Dre)、耶拉(DJ Yella)、埃里克·賴特(Eazy-E),他們使用粗魯直白和強烈的旋律節奏,將他們在這個美國最危險的地方,所經歷到的失望和憤怒,用音樂轉化成最有力的武器。《衝出康普頓》真實紀錄那些人,如何用音樂述說真實,向當局挑起文化戰火,同時警醒了整個社會,革命性的影響直到今日依舊迴蕩在人們心中。

1973 年 08 月 11 日

A couple of high school graduates spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college.

1999 年 04 月 23 日


2008 年 09 月 19 日

A young interracial couple has just moved into their California dream home when they become the target of their next-door neighbor, who disapproves of their relationship. A tightly wound LAPD officer has appointed himself the watchdog of the neighborhood. His nightly foot patrols and overly watchful eyes bring comfort to some, but he becomes increasingly aggressive to the newlyweds. These persistent intrusions into their lives cause the couple to fight back.

2011 年 01 月 13 日

在白天,雷布利(塞斯·羅根 飾)是個萬人迷,更是個一舉一動都備受關注的媒體寵兒,他總是神采奕奕地展現他不斐的身價與財富,而身邊還有個忠心又聰明的日裔上海人助理加藤(周杰倫 飾)供他差遣使喚。到了晚上,雷布利與加藤則化身為蒙面英雄拍檔:青蜂俠。他們聯手出擊,不畏強權法制,一同打擊犯罪主持正義!而為了逞治洛城兩大黑幫家族,青蜂俠與加藤將展開一連串刺激驚險,充滿動作與爆笑情節的瘋狂任務。

2004 年 05 月 14 日

This is the story of a little robot known as Pinocchio 3000 whose greatest wish is to become a real boy. The year is 3000. Geppetto, with the help of his faithful assistant, Spencer the cyber penguin, and by the holographic fairy Cyberina, creates Pinocchio, a prototype superrobot equipped for emotions. But before he can be given a heart and become a real boy, Cyberina insists that Pinocchio learn the difference between right and wrong.

1994 年 03 月 04 日

Meet the McTeagues. They've come to stake a claim in their wealthy uncle's will… only he's not dead yet!

2002 年 05 月 17 日

A hardcore US racist skinhead who, because of his intelligence, leads a gang dedicated to fighting the enemy: the supposed American-Jewish conspiracy for domination. However, he's hiding a secret: he's Jewish-born, a brilliant scholar whose questioning of the tenets of his faith has left him angry and confused, turning against those who he thinks have a tragic history of their own making.

2003 年 10 月 15 日


2012 年 03 月 02 日

Based on true events, 16 year-old Jamie falls in with his mother's new boyfriend and his crowd of self-appointed neighborhood watchmen, a relationship that leads to a spree of torture and murder.

1996 年 02 月 09 日

A dark, hip, urban story of a barren and anonymous city where the underclass' sport of choice is ram-raiding. An exciting game in which stolen cars are driven through shop windows to aid large-scale looting before the police arrive. For Tommy, it's a business, but for Billy and Jo, it's a labour of love. As the competition between Tommy and Billy grows more fierce, the stakes become higher and the "shopping" trips increasingly risky.

2003 年 03 月 16 日

Manuel Jordan is a man who is free after serving 23 years for killing a teenager during an attempted robbery. After nearly two decades of staring at his victim's face on a newspaper clipping in his cell, the newly paroled man seeks redemption. Instead, redemption—in the form of a mysterious minister and two needy women— finds him.

2007 年 03 月 09 日

Two westerners, a priest and a teacher find themselves in the middle of the Rwandan genocide and face a moral dilemna. Do they place themselves in danger and protect the refugees, or escape the country with their lives? Based on a true story.

2003 年 06 月 20 日

Writer Alex Sheldon must finish his novel within a month. If he doesn't, he won't get paid. And, if that happens, angry Mafia types to whom he owes money will come looking for him. In order to expedite things, Alex hires typist Emma Dinsmore and begins dictating his novel. The book is about a doomed love affair between a character similar to Alex and a character named Polina Delacroix. But, as Alex falls for Emma, his work takes a different turn.

2016 年 09 月 09 日

On Halloween 1997, two estranged teen skaters embark on a surreal journey through their memories, dreams and fears.

2015 年 08 月 10 日

Defying his parents, disaffected youth Hsiao Kang drops out of the local cram school to head for the bright lights of downtown Taipei. He falls in wit Ah Tze, a young hoodlum, and their relationship is a confused mixture of hero-worship and rivalry that soon leads to trouble.

2017 年 03 月 03 日

退休女強人夏蕙(莎莉麥蓮 飾)係控制狂,連自己嘅訃聞點寫都要話晒事。但係年輕訃聞小編安安(雅曼達施菲 飾)發現夏蕙臭名遠播,連最親近嘅人都對佢負評如潮。於是,安安為咗幫夏蕙挽回名聲,列出必做清單,要佢捉緊人生最後光景玩鋪勁!兩人相處之下,安安發現夏蕙不為人知嘅一面,仲同佢漸漸建立起忘年友誼。佢哋從彼此身上搵番遺忘已久嘅生活熱情,不知不覺間改寫咗彼此嘅生命…

2007 年 07 月 27 日

A story about a troubled boy growing up in England, set in 1983. He comes across a few skinheads on his way home from school, after a fight. They become his new best friends, even like family. Based on experiences of director Shane Meadows.



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