6 Filme

19. Juni 2009

A financial executive who can't stop his career downspiral is invited into his daughter's imaginary world, where solutions to his problems await.

The protagonist, Bora, is a charming but mean-spirited gypsy, while his older wife, Lence, is submissive. Bora is in love with the younger Tisa, who is being offered in marriage by her father. The two get themselves in trouble and eventually have to flee. Tisa rejects her husband and she and Bora get married in the church, and their adventures continue.

7. Juli 2011

Set 70 million years ago in the Cretaceous period in North America, this animated docu/drama follows the journey of a young Edmontosaurus named Scar and his herd as they migrate south for the winter. This film depicts recent findings about Dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurs with feathers.

24. Mai 1915

A British army officer refuses to avenge the death of a general who was murdered years earlier. He is awarded three feathers by his officers. When his fiancée fails to defend his stance, he plucks a feather from her fan. He proves his courage by rescuing his comrades in dangerous and life-threatening situations. Later he returns each feather as proof of his redemption and courage.

30. Januar 2007

While sheltering from the rain, a boy meets a girl who gives him a feather, asking him to meet her again. But the next day, the boy can't find that place again. Half a century later he returns to the same city, still carrying the feather.

A black comedy about Chalo, a lone security guard who acquires his first gamecock and discovers the bittersweet taste of friendship.

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