7 Filme

21. Dezember 2012

Ein Scharfschütze ruft nach seiner Verhaftung einen Ex-Militärpolizisten um Hilfe. Doch im Zuge der Ermittlungen mit der Anwältin des Scharfschützen tritt eine Verschwörung zutage.

8. Juli 2016

A father living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest with his six young kids tries to assimilate back into society.

29. Juni 2018

A father and daughter live a perfect but mysterious existence in Forest Park, a beautiful nature reserve near Portland, Oregon, rarely making contact with the world. But when a small mistake tips them off to authorities, they are sent on an increasingly erratic journey in search of a place to call their own.

11. März 2017

At 13 years old and the eldest of three kids, Lane struggles to keep her family together as her iconoclast mother moves without warning through the communes and dusty back woods of Northern California.

Sarah Sparks is pregnant and feeling wholly ambivalent, despite her boyfriend's pure enthusiasm. A committed tech-geek, she fears she is more interested in ultrasound technology than in what's being ultra-sounded. When her sister lures her to L.A. for what ends up being a terrorizing baby shower, Sarah keeps her rental van and hits the road in search of the source of her anxiety: her estranged mother, now living off the grid. Small, Beautifully Moving Parts takes a comical, yet poignant look at one woman's coming-of-parenthood in the age of technology.

Four Alaskan bush families take the leap of faith to pursue their lifelong dream of living off the grid in the remote and unpredictable wilderness.

TV producer and Internet-video personality Kirsten Dirksen invites us on her journey into the tiny homes of people searching for simplicity, self-sufficiency, minimalism and happiness by creating shelter in caves, converted garages, trailers, tool sheds, river boats and former pigeon coops.

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