3 فیلم

In her first Comedy Central one-hour special, Kristen Schaal unleashes her wit upon San Francisco. She is best known as a correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and as an eccentric fan on Flight of the Conchords.

Neil Hamburger, clearly has a larger following in Australia, where these performances were taped, than he does in America. In Los Angeles, small, dingy nightclubs host Hamburger, the nervous, nerdy comedian who clumsily delivers one-liners about rock musicians ranging from Britney Spears to Madonna to Michael Jackson to Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain. But The World's Funnyman boasts footage of Hamburger cracking jokes at a huge music festival, and footage of his main act reveals a near-stadium-sized Sydney club packed with fans. This DVD contains two "concerts," a short, fictionalized performance in which Hamburger takes on a Malaysian crowd, some music video clips, and a Canadian documentary analyzing Hamburger's genius. Hamburger, part Jerry Lewis, and part Andy Kaufman, has a fiercely commanding stage presence despite his cultivated meek demeanor, making his talent apparent. Sometimes funny, sometimes too weird for words, Neil Hamburger is definitely a character.

Director Owain Hollett's debut film is a science fiction anti-humor satire about the United States' over-perspective drug and opioid crisis. Set in the year 2099, the pharmaceutical companies govern the world. They've forced drugs down every citizen's throats from birth, and now everyone is a customer. Only Owen2 can prevent this future from unfolding by sending a documentary about the future to the past. However, is this "future" that different form the present...?

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