28 elokuvaa

Mikä on maailman kauhein asia? Onko se hirviömäinen avaruusolento? Vai tappava kulkutauti? Vai pelko, että rakas ja turvallinen ihminen - ehkäpä perheenjäsen - osoittautuukin murhanhimoiseksi mielipuoleksi? Jack Torrance ottaa hoidettavakseen hienon, mutta eristyksissä olevan Overlook Hotellin talven ajaksi. Hänen mukanaan tulevat vaimo ja pieni poika. Torrance ei ole koskaan aiemmin ollut hotellissa - vai onko? Vastaus löytyy aavemaisesta mielipuolisuuden puuskasta.

23 huhtikuu 2023

Lily, an undercover reporter, poses as the new night manager at a seedy hotel to investigate a string of suspicious suicides. After playing the elevator game, she learns of a dark and sinister presence in the hotel. Can she find a conclusion to this mystery and put a stop to it before more murders occur?

6 heinäkuu 1989

A student and her photographer boyfriend visit an island off of Massachusetts to research a hotel supposedly haunted by a witch.

24 tammikuu 2023

A group of US filmmakers travel to Cyprus to film a documentary in the tragically famous Hotel Gula - a once popular resort where more than 100 people died in mysterious circumstances. What begins as just another day at the office will eventually turn into a terrifying journey into the unknown.

5 kesäkuu 2015

Criminals and a beautiful but cunning hitchhiker must battle a supernatural force known as the Reaper.

3 marraskuu 2017

Kiran and his girlfriend Smita decide to turn the former's ancestral property into a hotel to pay off their loans. They do it with the help of his father's aide Sarat and sister Rashmi . But, the house seems to be haunted, or is it really?

Three friends — Ashwin, Kishore and Praveen get into business by purchasing a resort. Pretty soon, they find that they've got more than what they've bargained for. Apparently, the resort is haunted by a ghost. Unwilling to sell the resort, they seek the help of a mentalist, Rudra, to exorcise the ghost.

11 tammikuu 1967

The Pink Panther stays in the haunted Dead Dog Hotel on a stormy night.

23 helmikuu 1907

A traveler stays the night at a rural inn, but gets no rest as he is tormented by various spectres and mysterious happenings.

4 lokakuu 2022

A young woman with extrasensory perception flees her abusive husband, only to land at an historic hotel containing a sinister presence.

20 huhtikuu 2018

Eebee is now out of "Sexy Hell" and heading to Las Vegas with danger on her tail.

18 maaliskuu 2021

A documentary crew and a team of amateur ghost hunters go to investigate a haunted hotel. How many will be left alive?

1 tammikuu 2002

A couple wants to buy the building of an old hotel, the Hotel Amore, one of the best known temples of pleasure of the time, now inhabited by ghosts of former lovers who used to meet there.

A handful of young geologists are unlucky enough to be forced to stay at a rundown hotel in the middle of nowhere. What they don't know is that the hotel has been abandoned for twenty years because the owner of the hotel had killed his family and all the guests two decades ago. Strange things begin to happen, and suddenly murders are committed...

A comic horror drama depicting a grotesque situation that occurs with the appearance of a supernatural entity navigating between the filming teams at the filming site.

22 toukokuu 1954

Porky and Sylvester stay overnight in what Sylvester realizes is a terrifying hotel filled with endless imminent danger.

1 tammikuu 2002

A real estate agent shows another couple the haunted hotel.

Kiran gets his dad's property and decides to turn it into a hotel. Intriguingly, all the customers who come to stay there, dies inexplicably. What's happening?

14 helmikuu 2020

Two friends disappear while filming a ghost hunt at the notoriously haunted Congress Plaza Hotel, leaving nothing but the unsettling footage they captured behind...

Music Writer Limin was on a road trip in Malaysia. He came across an old mansion and decided to stay to write his unfinished song. Limin became acquainted to the writer Cow who was living in the mansion. By chance he rescued Tai and Dai, a couple who loved photography. The four had a lot of strange and humorous encounters in the mansion, and had even attracted the attention of the landlord as well as the mysterious Lung Poh and Xiaodie. Xiaodie was murdered 30 years ago. They were touched by her story and decided to help her solve the murder. They asked the help from private investigator Chiyuen but he refused. So they decided to investigate for new clues themselves and surprisingly found …

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