8 Filme

Enrico Giusti works for a big corporation: his job is to save dying companies by persuading young scions to sell. However, his latest assignment is proving more difficult than anticipated, since it concerns two teens whose parents just died in a car accident.

18. April 1937

Ann Harding plays a lovely but somewhat naive young woman who goes on a European vacation after winning a lottery. Swept off her feet by charming Basil Rathbone, Harding finds herself married before she is fully able to grasp the situation. Slowly but surely, Rathbone's loving veneer crumbles; when he casually asks Harding to sign a document turning her entire fortune over to him, she deduces that her days are numbered.

One day Kurt discovers that society does not respect forklift operators very much. He quits his job, and starts climbing the social ladder. He wants to be somebody, but when he doesn't have success in any of his projects, Kurt turns – evil.

13. Juli 1934

A polo-playing grandmother and her broke brood get back in the money with a Wall Street bet.

22. Januar 2023

A pensioner with many phobias realises one day that four million francs have been mistakenly deposited into his account. Instead of notifying the bank, he makes an unexpected decision: he withdraws the money and flees on his moped.

In the search for a single good person in the province of Sezuan, three gods finally find only poor street girl Shen Te, whom they reward with a large gift of money. Now wealthy, Shen Te is now so exploited by all men that she has no choice but to slip into the shoes of her hard-hearted cousin, Shui Ta. Accused of murdering the missing Shen Te, the supposed Shui Ta confesses his dual role and the gods avoid a conviction. But Shen Te aka Shui Ta is now abandoned by all humans and also by the gods – helpless in the world.

A behind-the-scenes look at the rise of the American rock band, Kings of Leon.

A poor woman (Om Anbar) becomes rich suddenly. Then she opens a casino (restaurant) and live in a new villa.

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