53 部电影

1995 年 10 月 25 日

  1941年的南斯拉夫正处于德国法西斯占领时期。一夜,马高为庆祝好友黑仔加入共产党,请来了小乐队助兴。他和黑仔两人喝着白兰地,驾着马车驶过空旷的街道,甚至鸣枪欢呼。黑仔被唠叨的妻子劫回了家,马高则去找妓女鬼混。马高的弟弟伊万是动物园的管理员,他因为口吃,总与动物为伍,可在德军的一次轰炸中,动物园毁于一旦,他只救出黑猩猩宋妮。黑仔的妻子即将生产,他却迷上了年轻漂亮的话剧演员娜塔莉,对她的纳粹军官情人法兰斯愤恨无比。黑仔冲上剧院舞台,把娜塔莉从演出中劫走,不久被德军抓住,施以酷刑。马高化装成大夫混入德军老窝,勒死法兰斯,救走黑仔。德国纳粹展开大规模搜捕,包括伊万在内的大批革命家属躲进马高家的地窖避难,深受重伤的黑仔也被送了进来,马高成了他们和地上唯一的联系。黑仔的妻子难产死去,留下儿子祖凡。而此时娜塔莉却在马高的甜言蜜语中投入了他的怀抱。   四年之后,侵略者被赶走了,南斯拉夫在铁托领导下建立了自己的共和国,马高作为其战友身居高位,同妻子娜塔莉一起被群众崇拜。他用各种方法让地窖里的黑仔等人相信战争还在继续,他们不得不躲在里面为“革命”制造武器,却做梦也想不到这些武器从后院成批地运往国外,为马高换取大把的钞票。时光转眼间飞逝,为参加黑仔独子祖凡的婚礼,马高和娜塔莉来到地下。盛大的庆典上,人们大吃大喝,三个多年老友却各怀心事。黑猩猩宋妮误开大炮,宴会立时一片混乱,黑仔趁机带着祖凡持枪潜上地面,准备与德军大干一场。他们把电影外景地当成敌军阵地,大开杀戒,但翌日清晨祖凡便失足落水身亡。为寻找受惊吓逃跑的宋妮,伊万也来到地面,却被途径的车辆带往了西德。马高和娜塔莉则炸毁了地窖,带着走私军火赚来的钱逃出国境。

2023 年 01 月 24 日

Belgrade, 2022: A photojournalist is threatened by right-wing extremist groups in her Serbian home and flees to Germany with her daughter. But then she also experiences increasing strong threats and attacks in her new home.


2006 年 08 月 30 日

After twelve years spent abroad, the main character returns to his native city, where he meets his old love, friends and parents again They spend four days together and after that nothing will be the same in their lives. TOMORROW MORNING is a love drama. It speaks of a deep passion, sensuality, tenderness, jealousy, possessiveness , infidelity -conflict between irrational and rational. But, above all, it speaks of a need to bring back time, to treasure the moment of happiness and togetherness, the time of great expectations, the moment that happens once and never returns. It speaks of self rediscovery.


Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979; a mysterious "Phantom" occupies the attention and hearts of Belgrade. Every night, he exhibits spectacular driving maneuvers using a stolen white Porsche car through the city streets.

2007 年 05 月 26 日

12岁的小男孩特桑纳(乌洛斯•米洛瓦诺维奇 Uros Milovanovic 饰)和酷爱发明创造的爷爷(亚力克斯桑德•贝奇科 Aleksandar Bercek 饰)生活在贝尔格莱德一个偏远的田园乡村中。

某天,爷爷将特桑纳叫到身边,希望孙子在他死之前完成三个愿望:1)去城里将家中的奶牛切维特卡卖掉;2)用得来的钱买一幅圣尼古拉的画像;3)娶回一个妻子。懵懵懂懂又土了土气的特桑纳就这样进城了。他先是被坏蛋抢走奶牛,接着又邂逅了美丽的女中学生嘉斯娜(玛利亚•佩托尼杰维奇 Marija Petronijevic 饰)。在爷爷朋友的两个孙子的帮助下,特桑纳抢回奶牛买到了圣像,于是他决定娶嘉斯娜为妻。却因此卷入一场与黑帮的大混战中去……

Akademija Republika shows a group of people gathered around the club from 1981 until 1995 and how it changed and influenced the cultural and night life around them.

2008 年 08 月 30 日


2013 年 06 月 22 日

Middle-aged cinephile and film projectionist Pera still lives with his mother - and best friend - Mara, in Belgrade. It's 1999 and when NATO bombs start raining down on Serbia, the two of them become refugees. After a surreal journey, they end up in New York, where Pera realizes that he can no longer do the old job he loved so much. While he and Mara were struggling to survive, the new age of digital projection was born. Then Pera stumbles upon some discarded projectors and his new mission in life becomes clear: he will travel around and show people the magic of Real Cinema - the magic that can only be created by celluoid, mechanical projectors, the silver screen and flickering light.

1969 年 01 月 01 日

A flat broke aging boxer, living on the verge of existence, teams up with the equally desperate people in the city's suburbia to steal, cheat, and even kill for the money.

2001 年 02 月 22 日

Film "Normalni ljudi" is based on the motives of various writings by Srdjan Valjarevic. Srdjan is an excellent writer so unpretentious and humble that it is a crime placing his ideas into this context. I do not wanna go into the reason why did he except to sign this film. Oleg NOvkovic's approach to it is wrong from the very beginning. Surreal is only his attempt to make a noir film ( by: ninjakrme)

2000 年 09 月 13 日

A story about two unhappy couples in love, one from Dorćol, the other from Manhattan.

Belgrade in 1963. In a yard surrounded by buildings, a group of young people of different backgrounds and social status, but of similar views about love and self-affirmation, spend their time together. Their friendship is dyed with various events typical for socialism, such as working actions or Youth Day's parade. All what happens within this yard may become an allegory of one generation's destiny.

2016 年 09 月 15 日


1982 年 05 月 04 日

In Savamala, the most notorious part of Belgrade, lives an eighteen-year-old young man. In this turbulent atmosphere, different passions collide, and there are hints that the bloody strikes are a prelude to a major battle. The young man tries to escape from the slums and live in a better society. He falls in love and draws comics, while Savamala offers him the misery of everyday life, the world of criminals, gamblers, anarchists, singers and failed poets.

In Autumn of 1943 American plane carrying Soviet colonel is shot down near Nazi-occupied Belgrade. Germans capture the colonel and begin interrogations, because he knows everything about forecoming Allied summit in Tehran. Group of Yugoslav Partizans is sent to Belgrade in order to rescue the colonel before he starts talking.

Sara, a former hacker and now an Internet security specialist, has come to Belgrade to attend a conference on cyber crime. Whilst she is there her daughter and a college friend are kidnapped by a Serbian human trafficking ring. Will Sara be able to save them before it's too late?

1991 年 11 月 01 日

In the suburban environment of 1960s Belgrade, thieves and vagabonds were first who escaped from poverty, while simple individuals who believed in ideals, paid a costly price for their misconceptions. Life is very difficult to a family of a pilot who spent 14 years in prison on the basis of false testimony. Her husband's prosecution is his wife's fate, while his daughter doesn't even know that her father is alive. After many migrations and wanderings, the mother meets a soft-spoken yet unscrupulous man who'll promise her marriage, and rape her daughter. The mother eventually ends up at asylum, and the father returns from prison at the right time to help their daughter in life which crucial lessons she already mastered.

A young student Braca is trying to seduce a beautiful model Iris. Although they are from two different worlds, they both try not to show it. In another story, Šomi and Duje anxiously follow the football match between Manchester and Eastwich. They bet on Eastwich, because their childhood friend Kengur is their goalkeeper. The plot of the third story takes place on the roof of the solitaire, where Avaks and Hibrid are wasting time in anticipation of something happening.



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