37 elokuvaa

7 syyskuu 2018

Amy tekee ensimmäistä yövuoroaan hotellissa, jolla on hyvin synkkä menneisyys. Joukko murhia, jotka on tehty 10 vuotta aikaisemmin, on vaikuttanut kirouksen tavalla hotelliin. Amyn työkaveri Adam kertoo tapahtuneesta, mikä saa kylmät väreet kulkemaan Amyn selkäpiitä pitkin. Hänet valtaa yöllä kauhu, kun hän juuttuu 5. kerrokseen, ja hänet ympäröi hotellin kauhea menneisyys: uhrit yrittävät epätoivoissaan paeta ja pelastautua pahalta voimalta, jolla on vain murha mielessään.

Mies matkustaa vahingossa ajassa taaksepäin ja tapaa itsensä. Mies, jolla on sakset aseena ja kasvot siteiden peitossa vetää hänet klaustrofobiselle ja väkivaltaiselle matkalle, joka voi viedä sankarimme takaisin omaan elämäänsä. Onnistuakseen siinä hänen on tehtävä kammottavin kuviteltavissa oleva teko.

19 kesäkuu 2020

Pariskunta aikoo viettää rauhallisen loman syrjäisessä asunnossa maaseudulla. Täydellinen piilopaikka muuttuu kuitenkin kauheaksi painajaiseksi, kun todellisuus alkaa paljastua, pimeät menneisyyden tapahtumat nousevat pintaan ja talon paha voima ei suostu jättämään heitä rauhaan.

15 tammikuu 2004

Simon Cable wakes up in a hospital bed, confused and disoriented. He soon discovers from doctors that he has amnesia and is unable to remember the last two years of his life. Cable investigates what has happened to him and slowly pieces together his enigmatic past.

16 maaliskuu 2024

1 of 10 people suffer various types of brain disorders, this is the mind of 1 out of another 100 individuals who suffer the same disorder.

21 syyskuu 2018

Tonight, Paul pops the question to Amanda. Everything is perfect; then suddenly - chaos. Now the couple find themselves stuck between two worlds.

1 huhtikuu 2022

After mysteriously awakening in a barren alien landscape, a self-serving prisoner must conquer a series of grueling trials in order to reunite with his lost love.

11 joulukuu 1972

A man walks towards the camera down the end of a street to the sound of 'Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet', a composition by Gavin Bryars based on a loop of an anonymous homeless man singing the song. The man’s voice is progressively intensified by an instrumental accompaniment, which increases in density and richness, before the whole thing gradually fades out. Dwoskin’s film was produced to be shown during the premiere of Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London in December 1972. For Dwoskin, it represents “… the singing voice of the last days of a London drunk (anonymous) as the orchestra raises him to heaven. The faint ghost image of a figure swims gradually to you through the grains of film low light…”

1 lokakuu 2004

A naked, blood-soaked man throws a corpse into a dimly lit basement. The cadaver lands against another body.

25 tammikuu 2008

This film is about what the routine of everyday life can do to the human mind and psyche. It also reflects on the importance of the choices we make and how limited these choices are in the first place. The plot evolves around a family of four. They live in the suburbs, in a strange villa that appears, through a complex game of mirrors, to be more like a piece of installation art than a real house. The main character, who hardly appears on screen, is the son, a man in his thirties. Suffering from asthma and eczema since childhood, he uses his condition to manipulate his parents and his sister. Thus the existence of the terrorized family turns into an endless ritual of attempting to satisfy his whims, and always on the alert for yet another one of his “health crises”. Las Meninas resembles the scattered pieces of a puzzle. It is up to the viewer to assemble them in order to form his very own picture – something that makes the film itself personal and unique.

A young scientist studies the mechanics of time travel by having a conversation with a group of her future selves.

8 marraskuu 2022

Young ambitious man gets trapped in loop of his own greed

1 tammikuu 2015

Isaías never heard about quantum mechanics or parallel universes. One night his reality perception will be irredeemably changed.

31 toukokuu 2016

Watch out Earth.

A papercut stopmotion animation in which human Travelers from 2053 travel 30 years into the past to warn "foundlings" of the future that awaits them. The story follows Jonah and his Traveler, learning about the possible chaotic future that could happen if such measures are not applied.

Impressions about fighting the passing of time, living in a constant hurry and the uphill battle of finding the natural tempo to life itself.

22 kesäkuu 2023

A man running from his darkest fear... Can he truly ever escape? This new short film starring Luka Arpino-Pereria is a remake of the 2022 short film of the same name, with both director Jake Lamb and cinematographer Joshua Hollyoake returning to their roles.

26 helmikuu 2013


26 helmikuu 2013
18 maaliskuu 2016

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