117 部电影


2004 年 11 月 19 日

一個失蹤二千年 超乎一切想像的龐大寶藏...... 幾百年來,寶藏爭奪戰此起彼落,引發暴君、法老王、君主、軍閥混戰。寶藏每次易手,都變得更巨大,絕非一人所能擁有,甚至國王也不配。寶藏橫越全球,轉折間經歐洲到了美洲,美國獨立戰爭時,寶藏被藏起來。為確保寶藏不落入他人手中,秘密組織編製匿藏點的線索和地圖藏在不為人知的地點。隨時間過去,線索相繼消失遺忘…… 二千年後,尋寶專家加畢尼決心追尋寶藏。他以超凡智慧、身手和科技,破解隱藏四周的神秘線索,卻牽引出更多難解密碼;同一時間,爭奪對手相繼出現。加畢尼勇闖北極海底、地底古墓、高設防重地,用最激烈的方法,冒最大的危險,生死懸於一線,不過,他最終目標卻非為了奪寶……

1991 年 12 月 20 日



2004 年 10 月 29 日

Ray Charles(占美霍士飾),一個住在佛羅里達州、只有十七歲的失明黑人青年,隻身來到西雅圖,開展其漫長而精彩的音樂生涯。在備受歧視的情況下,他竭力克服種種不公,終於得到唱片公司的賞識。由一個受盡白眼的小子,搖身一變成為受全球萬人景仰的巨星。另一方面,Ray的私生活同樣耐人尋味,毒品足足折磨了他二十年,而在感情路上他從不孤獨,生命中出現過無數女性的名字。

2013 年 10 月 18 日

故事改編自索羅門諾薩普(Solomon Northup)的真人真事,受過高等教育的黑人小提琴家索羅門(楚伊特艾治奧福飾)一家四口定居於紐約,一直過著幸福且安逸的生活。1841年,32歲的索羅門慘遭出賣,被綁架及販賣到南部路易斯安那州當黑奴,安穩的人生一夜之間面目全非。被輾轉販賣到不同地方的索羅門並沒有甘於成為一名奴隸,反而不斷以他的知識和經驗去幫助主人及改善其他黑奴的工作。兩年後,索羅門再被賣到兇殘無道的奴隸主人艾普(米高法斯賓達飾)身邊,眼看同胞被他恣意鞭打侵犯,甚至虐待致死,令索羅門在求生之餘,更竭力維護僅有的尊嚴。終於,一直渴求重回自由生活的他遇上了主張廢奴的加拿大白人貝斯(畢彼特飾),結束令他留下畢生烙印、長達12年的奴隸生涯,重返人生正軌。

2020 年 01 月 27 日

An investigation of how Hollywood's fabled stories have deeply influenced how Americans feel about transgender people, and how transgender people have been taught to feel about themselves.

2016 年 10 月 07 日

An in-depth look at the prison system in the United States and how it reveals the nation's history of racial inequality.

2019 年 03 月 01 日


1979 年 12 月 22 日

A dedicated social worker organizes a train trip for a group of slum orphans in 1894, taking them from New York City to the Midwest in search of new families and new lives.

1955 年 05 月 20 日

Virginia, 1803. After the United States of America acquires the inmense Louisiana territory from France, a great expedition, led by William Lewis and Meriwether Clark, is sent to survey the new lands and go where no white man has gone before.

2016 年 12 月 13 日

Inspired by the true-life experience of its star George Takei, Allegiance follows one family's extraordinary journey in this untold American story following the events of Pearl Harbor. Their loyalty was questioned, their freedom taken away, but their spirit could never be broken.

2019 年 02 月 25 日

In 1936, Victor H. Green (1892-1960) published The Negro Motorist Green Book, a book that was both a travel guide and a survival manual, to help African-Americans navigate safe those regions of the United States where segregation and Jim Crow laws were disgracefully applied.

In Hillary's America, bestselling author and influential filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary Clinton and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.

1982 年 02 月 13 日

A documentary of the decline of America. Featuring footage (most exclusive to this film) from race riots to serial killers and much, much more.

United States, September 1st, 2016. American football player Colin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem, protesting police brutality against black people. Part of the population regards the gesture as an unacceptable affront to the flag. Later, he loses his place on his team. Today, however, he is considered by many as a true hero.

1939 年 07 月 01 日

Porky Pig balks at learning the Pledge of Allegiance until Uncle Sam appears to him in a dream and gives him a lesson in American history.

The story of a powerful political and economic dynasty, fundamental to understanding the turbulent destiny of the United States of America throughout the 20th century; of nine brothers who had truly extraordinary lives, marked by both greatness and tragedy: the story of the Kennedy family.

2015 年 01 月 01 日

In the midst of the Civil War, President Lincoln went to Gettysburg. "The Gettysburg Address" investigates the five extant copies of Lincoln's famous speech, separating fact from fiction along the way. Lincoln's greater journey to Gettysburg is chronicled, from his early anti-slavery sentiments as a poor farmer's son to his rousing orations as one of America's greatest leaders.

How can the masses be controlled? Apparently, the American publicist Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), a pioneer in the field of propaganda and public relations, knew the answer to such a key question. The amazing story of the master of manipulation and the creation of the engineering of consent; a frightening true story about advertising, lies and charlatans.

2006 年 05 月 08 日

This one hour documentary examines the life of the famed Sharp Shooter and Wild West performer, Annie Oakley from her birth in mid nineteenth century rural Pennsylvania to her death in 1926. Many myths are overturned and the program also features a little known trial when Annie Oakley had to sue The Hearst Newspaper chain all throughout the country for libel when they reported the activities of someone who was impersonating the famed sharpshooter and besmirching her reputation.



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