
11 Filme

3. März 1982

A brother and sister get caught up in the drug scene in their local high school, with tragic results.

11. Februar 1981

Cautionary anti-drug film based on a true story about the effects on Jean Stapleton and Arthur Hill when their teenage son (John Putch, Stapleton's real-life son) gets spaced out on a marijuana joint laced with PCP, or "angel dust," and the family is forced to wrestle with the crisis.

PCP is unexplainably released into the Frankfurt water supply and sends the zoo inhabitants crazy. One evening after a malfunction of zoo security the gonzo critters rampage through the city eating and killing whatever they fancy, wreaking a night of bloody terror. It's up to regular Italian-trash whipping girl Lorraine De Selle and obnoxious Super Mario lookalike zookeeper John Aldrich to sort it out.

1. Januar 1978

A young man in Los Angeles dreams of striking it big as a singer in the music business. One day he gets signed to a big record contract, but along with the fame and money he develops an addiction to the drug PCP.

8. Juni 2022

A groovy, spooky and totally dysfunctional ghost story about lost souls smoking cursed PCP obtained from a witchdoctor.

22. März 2002

Julie, a teen who died from a PCP overdose in the early '70s, searches from beyond the grave for her younger brother Bob, who now in the '90s is an obese watch seller suffering with sucrose intolerance.


23. Januar 1978

Drug educational film about the effects of PCP, also known as phencyclidine or angel dust. It was originally developed as a general anesthetic but became a popular substance in the 1960s and 1970's.

5. März 1980

A documentary exploring the effect of PCP on both the user and society, with particular focus on a Los Angeles salesperson named Jack's recreational usage of the drug.

1. Januar 1994

A group of directionless, bored, drug-using teenagers get involved in a cult, resulting in a murder.

1. Januar 2000

Satan in the Suburbs tells the shocking story of a grisly ritualistic murder in the quiet bedroom community of Northport, Long Island in the summer of 1984. The killing, it soon emerged, was linked to a teen satanic cult. Perhaps more disturbing than the details of the murder itself was the revelation of a conspiracy of silence among the town's teenagers, many of whom had been aware of the, e killing in the two weeks before an anonymous call finally tipped off local police. 17- year-old Ricky Kasso was arrested and confessed to the crime; five days later, he hung himself in his holding cell. Kasso's friend Jimmy Troiano also. confessed, but was acquitted after jurors learned that he was beaten by local police.

The murder shocked the local community and reverberated nationally, with some uninformed observers rushing to scapegoat rock music as the cause.

23. Januar 1977

The PCP Story is a general overview of an emerging drug problem -the abuse of phencyclidine. The film is journalistic in approach as users and various authorities define the growth, effects, and dangers of the drug.

Renowned researchers, R. Stanley Burns, M. D. and Steven E. Lerner, M.S., collaborated closely in the production to assure the accuracy of the film's content.

Some of the characteristic signs of the low dose state of intoxication - the blank stare, ataxia, stuttering, incomplete verbal responses, and mystagmus upon testing - are graphically demonstrated by users.

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