44 Filme

8. April 2022

Decorated veteran Will Sharp, desperate for money to cover his wife's medical bills, asks for help from his adoptive brother Danny. A charismatic career criminal, Danny instead offers him a score: the biggest bank heist in Los Angeles history: $32 million.

4. September 2015

Ein Söldner im Ruhestand muss wieder in die Schlacht ziehen, als sein Vater von einer Femme fatale entführt wird. Ein erbitterter Kampf gegen die russische Mafia beginnt.

7. März 2008

Terry is a small-time car dealer trying to leave his shady past behind and start a family. Martine is a beautiful model from Terry's old neighbourhood who knows that Terry is no angel. When Martine proposes a foolproof plan to rob a bank, Terry recognises the danger but realises this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. As the resourceful band of thieves burrows its way into a safe-deposit vault at a Lloyds Bank, they quickly realise that, besides millions in riches, the boxes also contain secrets that implicate everyone from London's most notorious underworld gangsters to powerful government figures, and even the Royal Family. Although the heist makes headlines throughout Britain for several days, a government gag order eventually brings all reporting of the case to an immediate halt.


8. Juni 2018

Inspired by one of the longest and bloodiest real-life events in police history, Officer Mike Chandler and a young civilian passenger find themselves under-prepared and outgunned when fate puts them squarely in the crosshairs of a daring bank heist in progress by a fearless team of highly-trained and heavily-armed men.

14. August 1967

In the 1930s, bored waitress Bonnie Parker falls in love with an ex-con named Clyde Barrow and together they start a violent crime spree through the country, stealing cars and robbing banks.

7. April 2017

Desperate to pay the bills and come through for their loved ones, three lifelong pals risk it all by embarking on a daring bid to knock off the very bank that absconded with their money.

30. September 2016

A night guard at an armored car company in the Southern U.S. organizes one of the biggest bank heists in American history.

28. September 2001

When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he's horrified to discover that the abductors' demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who knows a secret..

15. März 2019

In 1972, a gang of close-knit thieves from Youngstown, Ohio attempt to steal $30 million in illegal contributions. Based on the true story of the biggest bank heist in US history.

In 2006, a group of thieves performed what is considered one of the most famous and smart bank heists in the history of Argentina. How they robbed the Rio bank is as surprising as what happened afterwards. This is their story.

31. August 2018

Nachdem er einen blutigen und für einen Kollegen tödlichen Raubüberfall auf seine Filiale überlebt hat, verbündet sich Bankmanager Jakob mit seinem Nachbarn, dem Ex-Cop James, um das unmenschliche Verbrechen zu rächen und den Täter zur Strecke zu bringen. Doch der brutale Killer Gabriel erweist sich als äußerst clever und scheint den beiden immer einen Schritt voraus. Als er dann auch noch Jakobs Frau und seine Tochter entführt, eskaliert die Situation – zumal Jakob ein doppeltes Spiel spielt. Eine kompromisslose und knallharte Jagd beginnt …

19. September 1973

Charley Varrick robs a bank in a small town with his friends, but instead of obtaining a small amount of money, they discover they stole a very large amount of money belonging to the mob. Charley must now come up with a plan to not only evade the police but the mob as well.

30. September 2019

Crime boss Rex hires Frank and his crew to steal a priceless jewel stash — but the job goes wrong when someone tips off the cops. After Frank suffers a blow to the head, he wakes up to find the jewels gone and no memory of his attacker. Now, Frank must confront his team members one by one to find the traitor — before Rex covers his tracks by having Frank murdered.

In the occupied Netherlands during World War II, banker Walraven van Hall is asked to use his financial contacts to help the Dutch resistance. With his brother Gijs, he comes up with a risky plan to take out huge loans and use the money to finance the Resistance.

9. Oktober 2020

A man with a mysterious past flees the country to escape his own personal hell... only to arrive somewhere much worse. In an effort to survive this new horror, he turns to his personified conscience.

20. Dezember 2013

To avenge his father's death, a circus entertainer trained in magic and acrobatics turns thief to take down a corrupt bank in Chicago. Two cops from Mumbai are assigned to the case.

29. November 1940

Egbert Sousé becomes an unexpected hero when a bank robber falls over a bench he's occupying. Now considered brave, Egbert is given a job as a bank guard. Soon, he is approached by charlatan J. Frothingham Waterbury about buying shares in a mining company. Egbert persuades teller Og Oggilby to lend him bank money, to be returned when the scheme pays off. Unfortunately, bank inspector Snoopington then makes a surprise appearance.

2. August 1976
11. Januar 2014

In this hilarious crime comedy, a gifted 12-year-old boy and three elderly men plan a bank robbery in order to seek revenge on the institution for cheating the youngster after the death of his father.

1. Dezember 1962

During a bank robbery, the manager and a cashier are locked in the strongroom, while the crooks escape. Later, when the gang realise that their plan to release the pair has gone wrong, they return to the bank to try and release them before the police turn up.

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