26 部电影

1942 年 08 月 14 日

本片敘述小鹿 Bambi 的成長故事,是一部主題強調愛與溫馨的作品,故事描述 Bambi 從踉蹌學步開始,與森林伙伴們一起歷經季節迭換,在神奇的大自然裡學習成長,但是當人類帶著獵槍闖入森林,屠殺了他們的親人、摧毀了他們的家園,只有愛是撫平傷痕的唯一力量。本片對森林的和諧氣氛與動物們善良本性描寫十分深入,故事裡藉由可愛動物們溫馨的扶持與相處,展現純真童心及處處有愛的寓意。迪士尼的動畫家特地赴野地實察,並用創新的“水彩概念畫法”將整片森林的神韻表達得一覽無遺,為了觀察動物的一舉一動,動畫家們與動物相處了很長一段時間,再將動物配合人類的表情擬人呈現,成就了這部不朽的傑作!當本片一推出立刻開出亮麗的票房,影片中森林的一景一物、角色的一顰一笑馬上擄獲人心,當時許多小朋友甚至把〝小鹿〞和〝斑比〞劃上等號。甚至迪士尼內部的人員都坦承,其實後來的動畫【獅子王】有一部分靈感也是出自【小鹿斑比】。

2017 年 10 月 20 日

窮途潦倒的布蘭登(麥爾斯泰勒 飾)為求重新振作,加入由艾瑞克(喬許布洛林 飾)帶領的菁英救火隊,與隊友們從互懷敵意到彼此交心,歷經重重訓練關卡後,正式參與冒險犯難的救火任務,患難與共。2013 年,亞歷桑納州亞奈爾山因受熱浪侵襲而發生森林大火,救火隊被指派到火場救援,卻面臨意想不到的生離死別……。

2023 年 07 月 14 日


1998 年 01 月 08 日

Firefighter Jesse Graves has to save ornithologist Jennifer and other people caught in a forest fire, which was set up by the lawyer of convicted killer Earl Shaye, who escaped from the prison with several of his inmates posing as firefighters to recover $37,000,000 in stashed loot.

1989 年 12 月 22 日

Aerial firefighter Pete risks himself and his vintage World War II airplane in a constant and death-defying quest to fight forest wildfires, much to the dismay of his girlfriend, Dorinda . His love for Dorinda and the advice of fellow pilot Al convince Pete to give up his perilous career, but he flies one last mission. Pete heroically saves Al's plane from certain destruction, but with supernatural consequences.

2013 年 02 月 28 日

When an energy experiment goes haywire, a rash of massive hurricanes rips across North America. A high school science teacher must get his family to safety before the hurricanes merge, creating a "hypercane" with the power to wipe the US off the map.

2011 年 07 月 24 日

A blazing fire rips its way through Bear Valley National Park. As the firefighters try to contain it, the animals are being forced out of their habitat including a beast that was better left undiscovered.


由《雁南飛》的幾個主創人員於1959年拍攝的《未寄出的信》敘述了一個人和大自然抗爭的故事: 一支由四人組成的地質勘探小分隊到西伯利亞的原始森林裡去尋找金鋼石礦床。隊長薩比寧是個野外工作經驗豐富的中年人;男隊員安德烈和女隊員丹妮婭系兩名年輕的地質學家;嚮導謝爾蓋是個熟知原始森林地理環境的單身漢。隊長薩比寧一到目的地,因河水氾濫沒來得及把寫給妻子的信交返回的飛機帶走。於是他決定讓這封未寄出的信成為一封持續不斷的長信,閒暇時就坐在篝火旁不停地寫。安德烈與丹妮婭彼此相愛,而謝爾蓋又暗戀著丹妮婭。經歷了無數次辛勤的徒然勞動,他們總算找到了金剛石。他們正準備離去時,卻遇到了森林大火,緊接著是成災的暴雨和冬天的冰雪。謝爾蓋、安德烈和丹妮婭相繼在與惡劣的自然環境抗爭中死去,倖存的隊長薩比寧把金鋼石礦床圖及時帶給了人們。影片是根據瓦·奧西波夫的同名短篇小說改編的。幾個主要創作人員都是《雁南飛》的主力,如:導演米·卡拉托卓夫;攝影師謝·烏魯謝夫斯基;女演員塔·薩莫依洛娃。整個攝制組也幾乎是《雁南飛》的原班人馬。薩比寧的扮演者英·斯莫克圖諾夫斯基後來主演了《一年中的九天》《哈姆雷特》等片,知名度很高;謝爾蓋的扮演者葉·烏爾班斯基曾主演過《共產黨員》。在60年代之前,前蘇聯的作品主要是表現人與人之間的階級鬥爭或先進與落後的鬥爭,表現人和大自然對立的作品較少,即使有,也是以人戰勝大自然、人定勝天為主題的。本片在題材方面是一個新的突破,它表現了人和大自然、生命與死亡的抗爭。在銀幕上反映的是:人在征服大自然的過程中,也是要付出慘痛代價的,有時候,人在險惡的環境中是無能為力的,很偶然地就會失去生命,釀成悲劇。影片也引起了一些人的反對,有人給它扣上了「自然主義」、「悲觀主義」、「形式主義」等帽子。肯定這部影片的評論則認為影片創作者營造出了真實的自然環境,保持了展開悲劇的嚴峻性和紀實性。影片精湛的攝影藝術是對電影藝術美學的一大貢獻。

2024 年 05 月 09 日

A man returns to the burnt forest where he last saw his brother.

2023 年 06 月 09 日

On a road trip across Italy, recent high school graduates Ira, Malin and Ka pick up the intriguing backpacker Zoe. As the four girls stumble across an abandoned village, they start to experiment with the limits of their newly found freedom, away from the expectations of their parents and teachers.

1961 年 06 月 14 日

In Oregon, two sheriff deputies arrest three teenagers for robbery but are overpowered and taken hostage while forest fires rage all around them.

2022 年 03 月 16 日

After the raging fire, landmarks are rediscovered, artificial frontiers carved into the earth. They are stones founded in history by almost extinct ways of doing, where word is law. As nature renews itself, Helena reestablishes the limits of her property and preserves a legacy in which the material is mixed with the human, returning to the roots of an intangible fortune.

1941 年 12 月 19 日

PRC Pictures' final 1941 release, Law of the Timber was based on a story by North Woods specialist James Oliver Curwood.

Four young people from Berlin decide to spend their summer in Portugal. They throw away their smart phones, open up their relationships and try to free themselves from any social norms. But just as their utopia comes true, a devastating forest fire breaks out around them.

1935 年 05 月 09 日

Once a wealthy local land owner, Toranosuke has long since fallen on hard times. Social ostracism befalls those who neglect communal duties and Toranosuke's life goes down hill by being exiled from the village. The story evolves around brother and sister Umakichi and Oroku left alone by their father.

1971 年 05 月 22 日

The second IMAX film made, commissioned by the Ontario Government, and produced by MultiScreen Corporation, later to become IMAX corporation. North of Superior is a Northern Ontario travelogue, and was the first short feature to be shown at the newly created Ontario government theme park, Ontario Place, in it's state of the art cinema, Cinesphere, the first permanent IMAX installation.

2010 年 06 月 30 日

Several children spend a day in the forest and learn from Smokey Bear the five rules to fire safety.

2023 年 10 月 02 日

Imagine fighting a million acre wildfire, by hand, without any water. That's exactly what a Hotshot does. Hotshots are like the Navy SEALs of wildland fire. They are the most elite, the most hardened, and the most skilled men and women on the fireline.



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