
9 Filme

1. September 2017

Als sie erfährt, dass London von Terroristen bedroht wird, kehrt Alice Racine zum CIA zurück und findet heraus, dass ihr Arbeitgeber möglicherweise kompromittiert wurde.

6. November 2011

Johnny is a long-serving MI5 officer. His boss dies suddenly, leaving behind an inexplicable file which threatens the stability of the organisation.

4. Dezember 2015

During a handover to the head of counter-terrorism of MI5, Harry Pearce, a terrorist escapes custody. When Harry disappears soon after, his protégé is tasked with finding out what happened as an impending attack on London looms, and eventually uncovers a deadly conspiracy.

9. November 2014

The second movie in David Hare's Johnny Worricker trilogy. Loose-limbed spy Johnny Worricker, last seen whistleblowing at MI5 in Page Eight, has a new life. He is hiding out in Ray-Bans on the Caribbean islands of the title, eating lobster and calling himself Tom Eliot (he’s a poet at heart). We’re drawn into his world and his predicament when Christopher Walken strolls in as a shadowy American who claims to know Johnny. The encounter forces him into the company of some ambiguous American businessmen who claim to be on the islands for a conference on the global financial crisis. When one of them falls in the sea, their financial PR seems to know more than she's letting on. Worricker soon learns the extent of their shady activities and he must act quickly to survive when links to British prime minister Alec Beasley come to light.

16. November 2014

David Hare concludes his trilogy of films about MI5 renegade Johnny Worricker with another fugue on power, secrets and the British establishment. Johnny Worricker goes on the run with Margot Tyrell across Europe, and with the net closing in, the former MI5 man knows his only chance of resolving his problems is to return home and confront prime minister Alec Beasley.

1. Januar 1961

When Scotland Yard finds themselves up against a brick wall in tracking down a vicious gang of thieves and bank robbers, they call in Layton, a loner from MI5 to work his way into the gang and help bring them down.

A thought provoking documentary feature film providing a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of signals intelligence over the past century. Whether you're intrigued by the secretive world of intelligence agencies or concerned about the implications of digital surveillance, this film will leave you with a deeper understanding of the role signals intelligence plays in society.

Alex, a former mercenary out of business, lives on a yacht anchored off Antibes with his wife, the beautiful and tight Helen and John, a former lover of it. Around this trio, revolves Heidi, an angelic blonde catalyst tragic events that will succeed when his troubled past catches up Alex.

England, 1940, during World War II. An MI5 officer, codenamed Jack King, infiltrates a network of conspirators, a British fifth column sympathetic to Nazi Germany, in order to control the organization and destroy it in the event of a German invasion. But who was he? A single person or several?

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