13 Filme

1. Januar 1969
17. April 1969
18. März 1987

Hans, a German director, is in Madrid to film a television production about the capital and the Civil War, 50 years after it occurred. Accompanied by Lucía, his editor, and Goyo, his cinematographer, he films shots of the modern city, searching for spaces and people related to its past. At the same time, he views materials related to the past. In this search, Hans questions the point of his project, and disagrees with his producers until he discovers a project that he is passionate about.

11. August 1969

Paris 1900. Sharing a house in the Bohemian District are Roberto, a fledgling Musician, who is composing an Opera with his friend the poet Victor Duval; and the beautiful Cossette, daughter of a retired tenor, who goes up and down the stairs, taking advantage of Roberto's music to train her voice.

The young bohemian musician does not know Cosette, but hears her sing daily. Instead, she's in love with Roberto and follows his steps as a composer.

26. April 1935

The beautiful Francisquita is in love with Fernando, a student who aspires to become a poet; but he is infatuated with the very fiery actress Aurora la Beltrana, who is Lorenzo's lover.

23. Dezember 1935

A young printer's relationship with his girlfriend is in trouble after she accepts another suitor's invitation to the fair. This adaption of a popular operetta aims to please with a simple storyline and goofy slapstick.

14. Dezember 1922

In a Cordovan farmhouse, Soledad arouses a passion in two men, which will be cause of misfortune for both when the boyfriend of the protagonist in a jealous attack kills the rival in his presence.

The wise men of the kingdom interpret a dream of Pharaoh and decide that Putifar, a victorious general, should marry Lota, a virginal slave.

1. Januar 1995
22. April 2021

Considered the greatest musical success of Pablo Luna's career, this operetta was released at the end of 1923 in El Teatro de la Zarzuela. Many consider it the best of his compositions, bolstered by an inspired and amusing libretto. After its premiere, it went on to be produced in Cuba, Mexico and continued its life cycle on stage until the 1950s.

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