8 Filme

21. September 2012

Former football player and wrestler Chris Nowinski's quest to publicize recent findings about the often dire consequences of head concussions sustained by athletes in contact sports — injuries that have previously been considered momentary setbacks and ignored in the name of toughness and dedication to the team.

A small town ice hockey team fights through their first season in an upper division. The players' dreams might have changed from childhood but their love for the sport does not fade.

24. Oktober 1973

Vic "Bomber" Bealer is a handsome, manipulative boxer who aspires to something greater than the small-town life he knows in Texas. But, even when opportunities present themselves, Bealer is too restless and indecisive to take advantage. Despite being on the cusp of making the Olympic boxing team, his life is in total disarray as he juggles relationships with an old flame, a girl who's way too young for him, and a foul-mouthed trainer.


31. Dezember 1950

A document on the origin and meaning of Tyrš's fitness badge.

12. August 2008

The pond. This is where hockey was born-under the open sky-where the ice is gritty and so is the play. For generations, Northlanders have grown up on outdoor ice. But, there are new climate- controlled arenas in every town, and that's where the kids go to practice year-round now.

In a closed locker room, rugby players perform the last pre-match rituals. Warming up their souls and bodies, all tense in anticipation of the fight.

20. September 1963
20. Juli 1945

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