3 Filme

26. Februar 1954

A homeless cat (Claude Cat) searching for food is harassed by the playful antics and barking of an energetic pup (Frisky Puppy). Frisky repeatedly sneaks up behind the poor tabby cat (who hates the dog) and scares it into jumping vertically when it barks. After Claude finally silences the pup, he encounters a larger dog, whose bark has a disastrous effect. Tweety Bird has two lines. Can you guess what they are?

10. Juli 1937

The cat of the house has its nap interrupted by two playing puppies, which sets off a chain of events.

1. Januar 2014

MANOS: The Hands of Felt is a puppet musical re-imagining of the cult classic MANOS: The Hands of Fate. The film's story of a family vacation gone horribly wrong combines with the backstage drama of a movie shoot gone horribly wrong to tell the bizarre tale of fertilizer salesman-turned-film director Harold P. Warren. With song and dance numbers. And puppets.

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