
84 部电影

2007 年 06 月 29 日


2017 年 09 月 23 日

A simple yet proud rancher conspires to murder his wife for financial gain, convincing his teenage son to participate.

2018 年 04 月 13 日

靈長類動物學家戴維斯奧克耶(巨石強森 飾),他天性孤僻,不善與人交際,但是卻與一頭智商極高、個性溫馴的銀背大猩猩「喬治」整天形影不離。 喬治從兩歲起就一直接受戴維斯的照顧,卻沒想到一次基因實驗出狀況,讓喬治在一夜之間產生無法預測的突變,成為一頭力大無窮且身手矯健的巨大猛獸,所到之處破壞殆盡。然而禍不單行的是,其他地方也很快發現類似的大型變種生物,像是飛狼與鱷魚…等,牠們在北美各地到處肆虐。於是戴維斯與基因工程師凱特(娜歐蜜哈瑞絲)攜手合作,要設法盡快找到解藥,藉以終止這場毀滅性的大災難,同時拯救那位曾經是他朋友的「喬治」。

城市在恢復平靜後,大反派重新召集舊部捲土重來,並勾結外星惡勢力朗格試圖稱霸地球,忍者神龜萊昂納多(Pete Ploszek 飾)、拉斐爾(Alan Ritchson 飾)、多納泰羅(Jeremy Howard 飾)和米開朗基羅(Noel Fisher 飾)與女記者艾蓓麗爾·奧尼爾(Megan Fox 飾)、韋恩·芬威克(Will Arnett 飾),及面具義警凱西·瓊斯(Stephen Amell 飾)並肩作戰打擊惡徒。在史萊德(Brian Tee 飾)逃脫拘留後,他與瘋狂的科學家巴克斯特斯·托克曼(Tyler Perry 飾)及其兩個笨拙的左膀右臂豬面和牛頭聯合,發佈了一個控制世界的惡魔計劃。在神龜們與史萊德及其同夥對抗的同時,他們發現自己正面臨著一個更邪惡的力量大反派格朗,神龜們面對的將是宇宙級的強大對手。

2006 年 12 月 15 日

史上最暢銷童書《夏綠蒂的網》全球銷售超過四千萬本,擁有世界各國語言的譯本共二十三種以上。並由生產後即無代表作的茱莉亞羅勃茲(Julia Roberts)來扮演關鍵角色夏綠蒂。 天真憨厚的小豬韋柏,孤單的住在農莊裡…有一天,小豬大聲問著:「誰要當我的好朋友?」整座倉庫裡沒有動物願意回答,只有一個聲音出現,答應要當他的朋友,韋柏找了又找,才發現原來聲音就在他的頭頂上,一個在豬圈上方織著網的蜘蛛夏綠蒂(茱莉亞羅勃茲 配音)。 從此,韋柏和夏綠蒂成了最好的朋友,兩人堅定的友誼,逐漸感動其他的動物們,讓整座農莊變成一個和諧的大家庭。然而,在農莊主人心目中,仍然不覺得小豬韋柏有什麼用,並打算把牠送到屠宰場。夏綠蒂得知這個消息後,為了拯救她最要好的朋友,偉大的友情力量讓她做出奇蹟般的救援行動… 夏洛特的網,夏洛的網,Charlotte's Web


1990 年 10 月 26 日

John Hall is a drifter who wanders into a small town in Maine. He needs a job and decides to seek employment at the community's top business: a large textile mill. He is hired to work the "graveyard shift" -- from around midnight to dawn -- and, along with a few others, he is charged with cleaning out the basement. This task strikes the workers as simple enough, but then, as they proceed deeper underground, they encounter an unspeakable monstrosity intent on devouring them all.

2023 年 09 月 29 日


位於德國北部的海港城市 (外西凡尼亞 ),房地產經濟人Hutter被老闆指派到Orlok伯爵位於海港的古堡拜訪,因為Orlok伯爵對於海港附近的房子十分感興趣,打算在當地置產。由於海港位置偏遠,臨行前Hutter將妻子Ellen託付給友人,因為這將是一趟危險的長途旅程。

Let's face it, rats are not the most beloved creatures on earth. However, maybe this little tale about the history of human and rat interaction will change the world's tune. At least that is the hope of Remy, the star of Ratatouille, and his reluctant brother Emile as they guide us through world history from a rat's perspective. Why can't we all just get along?

2005 年 04 月 08 日

Dr. Drakken has an evil new plot for world domination, but his ultimate success depends upon finding out KP's weakness which may involve a new hottie at Middleton High School named Eric, who suddenly sparks feelings in Ron about Kim that resemble much more than friendship. To make matters worse, Bueno Nacho, Ron's favorite fast food chain has turned sour on him by bombarding him with little Devils

Set in 1920s Vienna, this is the tale of a little girl, whose godfather gives her a special doll one Christmas Eve.

2016 年 12 月 02 日

超有愛心的賽斯在動物之家工作,他每天細心呵護小動物,對於只有基本工資的日子也甘之如飴。某天她在公車上巧遇學生時期的暗戀對象荷莉,她清新亮麗的氣質讓賽斯內心中沉寂多年的慾望再次被喚醒。 賽斯企圖要拉近與荷莉之間的距離,可是郎有情妹無意。沒想到兩人久別重逢的首次見面,荷莉竟然失去意識,清醒後她發現自己衣不蔽體,還被關在動物之家地下室的鐵籠之中!愛到失去理智的賽斯口口聲聲表示會這麼做,一切都是因為深愛著荷莉。然而,被受困籠中的荷莉也不是省油的燈,各懷鬼胎的兩人隨即展開驚悚離奇的對峙……

2003 年 03 月 14 日

Desperate for companionship, the repressed Willard befriends a group of rats that inhabit his late father's deteriorating mansion. In these furry creatures, Willard finds temporary refuge from daily abuse at the hands of his bedridden mother and his father's old partner, Frank. Soon it becomes clear that the brood of rodents is ready and willing to exact a vicious, deadly revenge on anyone who dares to bully their sensitive new master.

2013 年 07 月 16 日

Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.

1991 年 05 月 03 日

Nina is totally heartbroken at the death of her boyfriend Jamie, but is even more unprepared for his return as a ghost. At first it's almost as good as it used to be – hey, even the rats that infested her house have disappeared. But Jamie starts bringing ghostly friends home and behaving more and more oddly.

1971 年 07 月 30 日



1960 年 11 月 03 日

A piano composer's family moves into a new house; when his pregnant wife collapses from working to support the family, he hires a hot housemaid to help with housework.

1976 年 06 月 18 日

Morgan and his friends are on a hunting trip on a remote Canadian island when they are attacked by a swarm of giant wasps. Looking for help, Morgan stumbles across a barn inhabited by an enormous killer chicken. After doing some exploring, they discover the entire island is crawling with animals that have somehow grown to giant size. The most dangerous of all of these, however, are the rats, who are mobilizing to do battle with the human intruders.

A maniac butchers a fashion model on a Caribbean island and leaves the body to be eaten by rats. The model's sister suspects something isn't quite right with the police investagation and decides to go snooping on her own. With her friend, Fred, their investagations lead them to an unknown part of the island where they discover a monstrosity of a rat like man. The creature is killed by Fred, but the true horror of it's nature is just beginning...



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