12 部电影

2003 年 03 月 14 日

Over the course of three days Ross, a college dropout addicted to crystal-meth, encounters a variety of oddball folks - including a stripper named Nikki and her boyfriend, the local meth producer, The Cook - but all he really wants to do is hook up with his old girlfriend, Amy.

1971 年 07 月 13 日

A stark portrayal of life among a group of heroin addicts who hang out in Needle Park in New York City. Played against this setting is a low-key love story between Bobby, a young addict and small-time hustler, and Helen, a homeless girl who finds in her relationship with Bobby the stability she craves.

2010 年 03 月 12 日

在小鎮藥店工作的母親(金惠子 飾)與兒子道俊(元斌 飾)相依為命,對她而言,28歲的道俊就是她的全世界。智能缺陷的道俊,性格和行為就如孩子般天真無邪。但某天,一名少女慘遭殺害,道俊竟被視為殺人凶手,母親為了拯救兒子而拚命奔走,然而警方卻草草結案,無能律師只收了委託費卻毫無作為。為了心愛的道俊,母親決定找出真正的犯人,救出無辜的兒子。然而,試圖洗清兒子罪嫌的母親,卻發現了一連串駭人的事實……

2009 年 07 月 28 日

A mysterious new girl arrives in posh suburban neighborhood and quickly sets out to terrorize the town. As she starts breaking into homes and torturing the occupants, they begin to realize that she isn't just another girl next door.

2009 年 10 月 06 日

The Seamstress was brought into being by the desperate curse of an innocent woman being tortured to death by a vigilante mob. Voracious for blood, the hideously-mutilated specter hunts a small group of friends who become trapped on the island where she died.

2022 年 11 月 23 日

京秀(柳俊烈 飾)是名盲人,卻擁有精湛的針灸術,御醫李亨益認可他的才能,而讓他入宮。當時,遭清國以人質身分帶走的昭顯世子(金聖喆 飾)睽違8年回到朝鮮,開心迎接兒子歸國的仁祖(柳海真 飾),卻開始感到不安……某夜,在黑暗中擁有模糊視力的京秀,親眼目睹昭顯世子的死亡,在他打算揭開真相的瞬間,卻發現更大的陰謀和祕密,讓自己的性命受到威脅。兒子死後,仁祖內心的不安讓他性情變得暴躁。而目擊世子之死的京秀,也漸漸發現與事件有關人物的真實面貌……

1957 年 10 月 25 日

Lt. Col. Glenn Manning is inadvertently exposed to a plutonium bomb blast and although he sustains burns over 90% of his body, he survives. Then he begins to grow, but as he grows he starts losing his mind. By the time he stops he is 50 ft tall, insane and is on the rampage.

2017 年 02 月 21 日

A desperate doctor locks down South Union Cardiac Hospital to keep the greatest discovery in human history to himself, while a young intern races to save a dying young dancer, his ex-girlfriend, and his best friend, and stop his mentor.


1992 年 09 月 01 日

"Do what you want because everything will be legal".

2011 年 01 月 01 日

A man wanders down a corridor and as he appears into each room that he passes by he becomes witness to acts of unbelievable cruelty as people are viciously and brutally tortured and murdered. Is it real or is it a nightmare?

1934 年 10 月 28 日

A tailor aides his king, who is threatened by a giant and a swarm of bees.

2020 年 08 月 11 日

Real blood, piercings, and erotic visuals.



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