19. Januar 2001

A police chief about to retire pledges to help a woman find her daughter's killer.

4. Oktober 2002

Former FBI Agent Will Graham, who was once almost killed by the savage Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter, now has no choice but to face him again, as it seems Lecter is the only one who can help Graham track down a new serial killer.

17. Oktober 1936

This Robert Benchley 'How To' comedy short attempts to teach us how to profile criminals by physical characteristics.

This documentary about serial killers and FBI Behavioral Sciences profilers features interviews with Ed Kemper and Ted Bundy as well as crime victims and law enforcement officials. The film includes some dramatic recreations.

British crime-fighting psychologist Dr. Tony Hill crosses the Atlantic to investigate the case of an American vet who brutally killed his own family. Can he prove the soldier's defence of post-traumatic stress disorder is bogus? Or will the Texas heat, hostile locals and even a violent plot against him throw Dr. Hill off the trail? This feature-length film from the "Wire in the Blood" TV series also stars Brad Hawkins.

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