32 elokuvaa

14 joulukuu 2023

Dan Morganissa on monta puolta: uskollinen aviomies, rakastava isä ja autokaupan myyntitykki. Hän on kuitenkin myös entinen palkkamurhaaja. Kun menneisyyden varjo lankeaa nykyisen arjen ylle, hänen on pakko viedä pahaa aavistamaton perheensä täysin ainutlaatuiselle automatkalle.

Omalaatuinen keksijä on tehnyt autostaan aikakoneen. Vempainta kokeileva teinipoika joutuu 1950-luvulle, vanhempiensa nuoruuteen. Menneisyyden kulkuun ei pitäisi puuttua, mutta mikä neuvoksi, kun oma äiti ihastuu tulevaan poikaansa ja hylkää miehen, josta pitäisi tulla pojan isä?

Klassisessa rakkaus- ja seikkailutarinassa kaunis Buttercup siepataan ja häntä pidetään vankina, jotta hän avioituisi vastenmielisen prinssi Humperdinckin kanssa. Westley (prinsessan lapsuuden rakastettu, joka on palannut kuuluna merirosvo Robertsina) yrittää pelastaa hänet.

The sorcerer and his apprentice Galen are on a mission to kill an evil dragon to save the King’s daughter from being sacrificed according to a pact that the King himself made with the dragon to protect his kingdom.

Ja-yoon is a high school student who struggles with memory loss after she endured some unknown trauma during her childhood. While trying to uncover the truth, she is unwittingly dragged into a world of crime and finds herself on a journey that will awaken many secrets hidden deep within.

24 helmikuu 2006

Huumeoperaation mentyä pieleen, Joey Gazelle joutuu vastuuseen aseesta jolla ammuttiin epärehellinen poliisi. Homma menee hankalammaksi kun naapurin poika varastaa aseen ja ampuu väkivaltaisen isänsä. Nyt Joeyin on löydettävä poika ennen poliisia

1 lokakuu 2002

Morgan Sullivan etsii jännitystä tylsään olemassaoloonsa ja päätyy teollisuusvakoojaksi IT-yritys Digicorpin laskuun. Sitten Morgan tapaa kauniin ja arvoituksellisen Ritan, joka antaa ymmärtää, että kulissien takana tapahtuu paljon sellaista, mistä Morgan ei ole tietoinen. Rita värvää Morganin kilpailevan IT-firman leipiin ja Morganista tulee kaksoisagentti. Mutta Morganin uusi pomo Frank Calloway ei pelaa aivan rehellistä peliä. Morganin identiteetti alkaa rakoilla pahan kerran ja hänen henkensä on vaarassa panosten äkisti kovetessa. Hänen ainoa tiensä ulos painajaisesta on totella Callowaytä ja rukoilla selviävänsä yhtenä kappaleena... Totuus on lyöty sirpaleiksi ja epätoivoisen Morganin tehtävä on selvittää asioiden todellinen luonne tässä pulssia kiihdyttävässä teknopainajaisessa, joka tarjoilee vauhdikkaita käänteitä ja suorastaan säteilee pahaenteistä voimaa.

(Sullivan's Travels) Viihteen olemusta tutkiva komediaklassikko Hollywoodiin kyllästyneestä filmintekijästä, joka lähtee kulkurina etsimään oikeaa elämää. O: Preston Sturges. N: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake. Mv.

27 toukokuu 1933

During the Great Depression, all Broadway shows are closed down. A group of desperate unemployed showgirls find hope when a wealthy songwriter invests in a musical starring them, against the wishes of his high society brother. Thus start Carol, Trixie and Polly's schemes to bilk his money and keep the show going.

Alexander Saxton tekee Kiinassa 1905 epätavallisen löydön, fossiilin, jonka hän kuvittelee olevan ihmissuvun "puuttuva side". Hän laittaa löytönsä häkkiin jonka hän vie tavaravaunuun Trans-Siperian pikajunaan. Täällä hän kohtaa vanhan kilpailijan tohtori Wellsin. Tohtori Wells päättää selvittää korin salaisuuden. Heti lähdön jälkeen tavaravaunun virkailija löydetään kuolleena, ja eräs Irina - niminen kreivitär on kadonnut. Kun Wells etsii kreivitärtä "karvainen eläin" hyökkää hänen kimppuunsa. Komisaario Mirov kuulee hänen huutonsa ja ampuu "eläimen". Myöhemmin todetaan että Mirov on saanut kuolleen "eläimen" voimat. Mitä sen jälkeen tapahtuu...?

5 toukokuu 1955

Wealthy American, Jervis Pendleton has a chance encounter at a French orphanage with a cheerful 18-year-old resident, and anonymously pays for her education at a New England college. She writes letters to her mysterious benefactor regularly, but he never writes back. Several years later, he visits her at school, while still concealing his identity, and—despite their large age difference—they soon fall in love.

4 helmikuu 2010

Two spies share a secret bond, despite their loyalties. A North Korean assassin is sent to Seoul to kill a dissident, but instead he teams up with a South Korean agent in search for revenge.

18 maaliskuu 2022

Brendan works solo shifts in the quietest toll booth in Wales, hiding from a criminal past where nobody would ever look. When he finally gets rumbled, word of his whereabouts gets out and his enemies head west for revenge. Meanwhile, local traffic cop Catrin’s investigation into a simple robbery finds her heading for the booth at exactly the wrong time.

15 syyskuu 1923

A law student becomes an outlaw French revolutionary when he decides to avenge the unjust killing of his friend. To get close to the aristocrat who has killed his friend, the student adopts the identity of Scaramouche the clown.

8 huhtikuu 2017

A woman begins to suspect that her therapist neighbor's offer to free treatment is not the altruistic gesture it was meant to be.

Set within music field, this film depicts a love story between a 25-year-old sound engineer and 16-year-old high school student Riko, who posessess a gifted voice. 25-year-old sound engineer Aki is a member of popular band "Crude Play," but right after the band decides to make their major record debut Aki quits the band. But, Aki provides his music to Crude Play under the name of producer Soichiro. Aki begins to date Riko, whose father runs a fruit and vegetable shop. Riko doesn't know about Aki's background, but she likes to listen to him hum. Riko is in a band herself, with childhood friend Yuichi and Sota. One day she is scouted by producer Soichiro.

1 syyskuu 1988

Cute waitress/hooker is romanced and wed to handsome stranger/funeral director. He, as well as most of the town prefer their women dead. She is the obvious candidate for that position, as his two previous wives were in terrible shape even for dead persons. She must be fleet of foot indeed to avoid their fate.

Sometime in the near future, the Korean peninsula attempts to reunify. The South Korean government, which needs enormous funds for the unification to succeed, develops a landmark new technology called the TWR. The TWR is a high speed nuclear reactor and other countries want the technology. To prevent terror in the aftermath of the TWR breakthrough, the government establishes a new organization named NTS (National Anti-Terror Service). Jung-Woo (Jung Woo-Sung) is transferred to the NTS group from the NIS. He's excited about the transfer and hopes to live the life of a real agent, but then discovers his main responsibility is to watch North Korean defectors.

2 huhtikuu 1937

Young Jim Stanton is a conscientious surgeon, but spends too many off-duty hours pursuing his passion for aviation to suit his stuffy father. When it is discovered that a passenger killed in a plane that Jim crashes was a married woman, the resulting scandal prompts the hospital to put Jim on probation. His pride wounded, Jim takes to the open road and enjoys the simpler life of a vagabond. In Los Angeles--where he is arrested for vagrancy and put to work on a road crew--Jim runs into old pal Dick Miller, who gets him a job as a mechanic for Roberts Aviation. But maintaining his anonymity becomes more difficult, particularly when a pretty nurse, Doris King, decides to make Jim's redemption her personal crusade.

8 kesäkuu 2006

The Green Hornet is a short film based upon characters from the popular radio and pulp series. The Green Hornet is actually Britt Reid, fearless newspaper publisher, who hides behind the Hornet's disguise to battle criminals that have managed to escape the long arm of law-aided. On his side we find of course his martial arts expert sidekick, Kato.

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