25 部电影

2016 年 12 月 21 日

電影故事發生在和現實生活一模一樣的世界,只是這個世界的居民全都是動物,故事的主角是巴斯特穆恩(馬修麥康納 配音),他是一隻風度翩翩、口若懸河的無尾熊,曾經經營一家金碧輝煌、高朋滿座的劇場,但是現在卻窮途潦倒、門可羅雀。巴斯特永遠都是這麼開朗樂觀,充滿了正能量,但是有些人卻認為他根本就是在自欺欺人,不肯面對現實,不過他仍然熱愛他的劇場,而且為了不讓劇場關門倒閉,不管做什麼他都願意。但是當他的熱誠和野心即將受到致命打擊的時候,他只剩最後一次機會讓他的劇場再度成為藝能界最高的殿堂,他必須舉辦一場全世界最盛大的歌唱選秀大賽。 經過競爭激烈的海選、初選、複賽、淘汰賽以及導師終極考核賽之後,晉級總決賽的五位選手終於出爐: 麥可(賽斯麥克法蘭 配音),一隻歌唱技巧和詐欺技巧一樣高竿的老鼠;米娜(托蕾凱莉 配音),一頭超膽小又超會怯場的大象;蘿希坦(瑞絲薇斯朋 配音),一個必須照顧25隻小豬仔累到快花轟的豬媽媽;強尼(泰隆艾格頓 配音),一隻在黑道家族長大的年輕大猩猩,希望能趁這個機會脫離他的犯罪家族;以及愛希,一隻參加龐克樂團的豪豬,她一心想擺脫她那狂妄自大的男友,展開單飛的歌唱生涯。 當這五位選手終於站上巴斯特的劇場舞台,他們都相信這將是改變他們一生的最好機會,巴斯特也在巔峰對戰總決賽愈來愈接近之前,一一地悉心指導這五位選手,而在這個過程中他開始發現,也許該拯救的不只是他的劇場而已。

2012 年 09 月 28 日

巴頓大學新鮮人貝卡(安娜坎卓克飾),是一個寧可聽耳機音樂、也不願意聽別人講話的少女,郤意外加入學校的阿卡貝拉女子美聲合唱團,該社團集結了又乖又壞又怪的各樣女性成員,唯一共通點就是能清唱出猶如天籟的美聲。 社團的美麗女聲成員包括:自認歌聲最好,自信過人的「胖艾美」(瑞貝爾威爾森飾演);常常出言不遜又固執墨守成規,但其實焦慮不已的歐柏莉(安娜坎普飾演飾演);團員精神支柱克蘿伊(布蘭妮史諾飾演);性事無度的撩人歌姬史黛西(艾莉西斯奈普飾演);歌聲動人的男人婆辛西亞蘿絲(伊斯特迪恩飾演);聲音小如蚊子但即興饒舌卻令大家驚豔不已的哈娜梅李。 與校園格格不入的貝卡,如何以她驚人的才華改變阿卡貝拉的傳統表演方式?又如何率領這群女生與競爭激烈的全國美聲團體一較高下?共譜青春生命的繽紛音符!

2015 年 05 月 15 日

2012年超強音樂喜劇電影《歌喉讚》不僅掀起阿卡貝拉風潮,還把主角安娜坎卓克捧紅到發行電影中的「杯子歌」單曲《When I'm Gone》,可說是感染力超強電影,集結超多美聲女力一起飆歌,也飆出全球了近35億台幣的亮眼票房。《歌喉讚2》導演是由片中飾演主持人的伊莉莎白班克絲自導自演,原班人馬安娜坎卓克、「Fat Amy」瑞貝爾威爾森、布蘭妮史諾、艾莉西斯奈普、安娜坎普、伊斯特迪恩、哈娜梅李、史蓋拉奧斯汀、亞當迪凡…等確定回歸,另外還加入新成員以《真實的勇氣》入圍奧斯卡女配角的海莉史坦菲德開口標金嗓,想必大家都很期待能再次聽到他們美妙的歌聲,至於續集會有甚麼膾炙人口的好歌,讓我們拭目以待!

2010 年 09 月 03 日

Mitchie can't wait to go back to Camp Rock and spend the summer making new music with her friends and superstar Shane Gray. But the slick new camp across the lake, Camp Star, has drummed up some serious competition – featuring newcomers Luke and Dana. In a sensational battle of the bands, with Camp Rock's future at stake, will Camp Star's flashy production and over-the-top antics win out, or will Camp Rockers prove that music, teamwork, and spirit are what truly matter?

《歐洲歌唱大賽:火焰傳說》描述童年失去媽媽的拉斯直到在電視上看到瑞典樂團 ABBA 在歐洲歌唱大賽中奪冠,立下追夢目標,才從悲傷中復原,而他的爸爸卻從沒看好過他。他自小攜手鄰居席格芮組團,目標是去參加約有兩億收視觀眾的歐洲歌唱大賽! 雖然他們的演出無法獲得冰島小漁村各叔伯姨婆媽們的讚賞,卻因冠軍選手意外喪生,而獲得遞補代表參加!來到愛丁堡的華麗會場,看到各種光怪陸離的彩排與人物,他們只差沒有跳火圈的歌唱表演也就不顯奇怪了。 不過,一位總是袒胸露背的性感爆表俄國帥哥老是有意無意招惹席格芮,讓拉斯暗地不爽,但當席格芮表白愛意時,拉斯又擔心步上樂團談戀愛必拆夥的命運,決定忍住不愛。他們暫時撇開情緒,熬到上台,超級投入、超級認真,卻演出一場超級災難...

2023 年 04 月 07 日

製片威爾·派克(《閨蜜假期》)和導演蒂娜·葛登(《我的老闆變小了》)共同拍攝的《讚美》,敘述充滿抱負的年輕歌手小莎(五屆葛萊美提名克蘿伊·貝利)夢想著進入音樂界。但是當小莎的父親從洛杉磯搬到亞特蘭大與小莎的表姊潔絲同住時, 小莎的抱負似乎落空了。被迫加入表姊不太順利的青年唱詩班以參加全國冠軍賽的小莎,把握機會展開自己的音樂事業,並且很快發現到讚美的真諦,並且找到自己的聲音。

2006 年 03 月 04 日

The new season of "American Dreamz," the wildly popular television singing contest, has captured the country's attention, as the competition looks to be between a young Midwestern gal and a showtunes-loving young man from Orange County. Recently awakened President Staton even wants in on the craze, as he signs up for the potential explosive season finale.

是《萌犬好聲音》的續集。講述了Tiny在贏得上個賽季的Pup star冠軍後,在新賽季被名叫Scrappy的小狗冒名頂替,在最終瞭解Scrappy的身世後,證明生活真的是「一起更好」(Better 2Gether)的暖心故事。

2010 年 08 月 13 日

The chance to shine in a singing competition offers much-needed hope for a Southern middle-schooler who's drowning in worries, from bullies in the halls to turmoil at home -- and the news that his reservist father has been called back to Afghanistan.

2016 年 05 月 06 日

Mohammed Assaf, an aspiring musician living in Gaza, sets a seemingly impossible goal: to compete on the program "Arab Idol."

2009 年 05 月 01 日

Every year thousands compete in the world's greatest singing competition - that you've never heard of. AMERICAN HARMONY journeys deep into the ultra-obsessive, zany, and heartfelt world of competitive barbershop singing, where passion is equaled only by raw talent, and the reward is not fame or fortune, but simply victory. The film focuses on four quartets vying to win the International Championships of Barbershop Singing, in what turns out to be the closest and most controversial victory in its 70 year history. Max Q is the heavy favorite - a superstar quartet comprised of former Champions. Looking to upset them is OC Times (The Heart-Throbs), Vocal Spectrum (The Rookies) and Reveille, an aging foursome who that has been together for 30 years. In total, fifty quartets duke it out for the coveted gold medal, while facing the pressures of quartet life - from big egos to brain cancer and everything in between. - Written by Colin King Miller

1952 年 06 月 12 日

A teenaged girl witnesses her widowed mother's attempt to sustain her family.

2013 年 11 月 12 日

Mr. Conradie is a conventional music teacher who lives for his singing group, Die Bekfluitjies. Die Bekfluitjies represent the outcasts of their sports-crazy school. Circumstances force them to fight for what they believe in - their music - because when they sing, life just makes more sense!

An aspiring singer leaves his pregnant bride a radio for company when he is drafted into the army; unfit for military life, the man goes AWOL and joins a pop music troupe but soon after his wife tracks him down his life spirals out of control.

Aging opera singer Joachim Dallayrac retires from the stage and retreats to the countryside to school two young singers, Sophie and Jean. Although the rigorous training takes its toll on both teacher and students, there is plenty of time for relationships to develop between the three. Based on their teacher's reputation, Sophie and Jean are invited to participate in a singing contest staged by Prince Scotti. Scotti's protege is set up to get revenge for Scotti's defeat at the hands of Dallayrac in a similar competition many years ago. The young students overcome Scotti's trickery to win the competition. Written by Kevin Kraynak

The story about Jimmy Barka, a young vagabond who works as a seasonal worker. Having been sacked from the job, his dreams are to become a singer. As most of the things in the Balkans happen, he is destined to failure.

In the Lifetime® movie, THE FANTASIA BARRINO STORY: LIFE IS NOT A FAIRYTALE, a single teenage mother overcomes all odds - sexual abuse, poverty and illiteracy - by relying on her spectacular singing voice. She ultimately gains national prominence as the winner of a hit talent show. Fantasia Barrino plays herself in this modern true Cinderella story. Also starring Loretta Devine, Kadeem Hardison and Viola Davis.

2015 年 05 月 01 日

Jonas's father expresses his enthusiasm about Conchita Wurst's victory at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014. Hence, his 18-year-old son works up the courage to come out as a homosexual and introduce his boyfriend to his parents unexpectedly, his father's euphoria about the tolerance and open-mindedness displayed at the Song Contest comes to a sudden end.

1938 年 01 月 26 日

A prisoner with a good singing voice escapes, only to grow jealous when an opera singer who looks like him is delivered back to the prison and receives attention, especially from Ann, the warden's daughter who leads the prison glee club.

2013 年 11 月 09 日

Oil Sands Karaoke is a documentary about five oil patch workers vying to win a karaoke contest in one of the most controversial places on the planet - Northern Alberta's infamous Oil Sands. These five characters know they're at the center of a global controversy and yet they continue to work there under extremely arduous physical conditions for long hours for extended periods without a single day off. Why? Obviously for the high wages. But what could motivate a person in this situation to sing karaoke, let alone take it seriously? A documentary unlike any other, Oil Sands Karaoke will make us laugh, sing along, and perhaps re-examine our biases



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