39 部电影

殿堂級金像導演占士金馬倫 (James Cameron) 親自執導和編劇,帶領全球粉絲重返潘多拉(Pandora)星球。《阿凡達:水之道》(Avatar: The Way of Water)將會開拓一個全新想像空間,加入大量水底的震撼浩瀚場面,展現神秘海洋世界不一樣的奇幻美麗,以頂尖特技再一次為觀眾帶來前所未見的視覺震撼,以及超越前作的觀影體驗!

2023 年 02 月 03 日

一個年輕女孩跟隨兩位養父,來到偏僻的郊外小屋渡假。屋外突然湧現腳步雜聲⋯ 大門被敲⋯ 四名持槍的陌生人破門而入,把他們仨挾持做人質! 四人威脅這家人,如果想避免世界末日發生,必須作出一個跟性命攸關的決擇。外界通訊相當有限,叫天不應叫地不聞,這家人必須憑無比勇氣、智慧、膽識,抽絲剝繭的決定自己該做甚麼相信甚麼,否則地球隨時會被毀滅,萬劫不復……

2022 年 10 月 07 日

姬蒂白蘭芝 (Cate Blanchett)飾演的Lydia Tár,是當代最偉大的作曲家之一,更是德國知名管弦樂團第一位首席女指揮家。在傳統古典音樂界中,Lydia Tár不讓自己音樂才華因為女性的身份而被埋沒,即使屢遇逆風,也持續不懈地朝理想前進,恁意指揮著自己人生。感情與家庭一度富足到她的心,唯世事之變化卻無法預料⋯⋯

1948 年 08 月 26 日

Headstrong Thomas Dunson starts a thriving Texas cattle ranch with the help of his faithful trail hand, Groot, and his protégé, Matthew Garth, an orphan Dunson took under his wing when Matt was a boy. In need of money following the Civil War, Dunson and Matt lead a cattle drive to Missouri, where they will get a better price than locally, but the crotchety older man and his willful young partner begin to butt heads on the exhausting journey.

2023 年 07 月 07 日

《我的超豪男友》編劇炮製超踩界搞嘢之作!可宜(艾絲莉朴 飾)同露露(舒莉哥拿 飾)係一對由細玩到大嘅閨蜜,皆因兩人係美國小鎮唯二嘅亞洲女孩。露露原本就生於華人家庭,而可宜自細被白人父母收養,亞裔外表令佢同成長環境始終格格不入。直到一日,可宜被派去中國出差,點知對方竟然要可宜帶埋親生媽媽去派對先肯簽約!於是,可宜、露露連同明星舊同學姬芙(史蒂芬妮許 飾)、迷戀韓星嘅表妹「死魚眼」(莎賓娜吳 飾),四個大情大性嘅亞洲妹一齊踏上既癲且喪嘅尋根之旅,喺異地身心大解放,包保旅程夠爆笑、夠抵死、夠賤格!

2012 年 10 月 19 日

It has been five years since the disappearance of Katie and Hunter, and a suburban family witness strange events in their neighborhood when a woman and a mysterious child move in.

2022 年 03 月 04 日

When his young daughter's beloved companion — an android named Yang — malfunctions, Jake searches for a way to repair him. In the process, Jake discovers the life that has been passing in front of him, reconnecting with his wife and daughter across a distance he didn't know was there.

1981 年 09 月 16 日

Renowned actress Joan Crawford, at the height of her career, adopts two orphans — Christina and Christopher — to fill the lonely gap in her personal life. However, as her professional and romantic relationships sour, Joan's already callous and abusive behavior towards Christina intensifies.

1941 年 04 月 24 日

Julie and Roger are a love-struck married couple who desperately want to have a child. Tragedy after tragedy gets in their way, as the two attempt to rise above their troubles and fulfill their dreams of parenthood.

2001 年 08 月 31 日

An intimate family portrait of four hapless but resilient women and the bittersweet lessons they learn in keeping up with the hectic demands of their individual neuroses. Each of the women seeks redemption in her own haphazard way, but whatever salvation they find is illusory and short-lived.

2012 年 12 月 14 日

In the late 1970s, when a mentally handicapped teenager is abandoned, a gay couple takes him in and becomes the family he's never had. But once the unconventional living arrangement is discovered by authorities, the men must fight the legal system to adopt the child.

2016 年 04 月 14 日

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?

2014 年 10 月 05 日

After reading in the newspaper that a newborn baby was found in a dumpster, a teacher becomes obsessed with giving it a proper burial.

Two different students—a successful but aloof academic and a rebellious but kindhearted delinquent—form a friendship through their love of jazz music.

1957 年 10 月 07 日

Tod is a motherless boy, who is mistreated by his violent father. He eventually finds happiness with kindly foster parents.

2007 年 09 月 06 日

A U.S. soldier comes to Korea and tracks down his biological father in jail.

1974 年 12 月 24 日
2011 年 04 月 01 日

The central minister's daughter who secretly goes on a trip is targeted by some evil Egyptians who want her and a holy diamond in their custody, while a guide gets linked to the fight as he protects her from all possible dangers.

1974 年 03 月 06 日

A young woman searching for her birth parents in order to fulfill her sense of identity joins with an organization that fights the bureaucracy keeping adoption records sealed.

Despite her fame and fortune, Mina, a successful Indian actress in Mumbai, can't forget her little sister Sita, from whom she was forced to separate after their mother's death in a village. Thirty years later she will finally find out that Sita is alive and well in Barcelona. However, Sita's adoptive parents have erased all traces of her past. She is now called Paula, works as a researcher in Biology and has no recollection of her Indian background, let alone of Mina. Faced with the shocking truths of her past, Paula begins a long journey of self-discovery, aided along the way by her budding romance with the handsome Indian immigrant Prakash. A story of hope and love across Mumbai and Barcelona; from India to the Mediterranean and all the way back.



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