39 elokuvaa

16 joulukuu 2022

On kulunut kymmenen vuotta siitä, kun Jake Sully liittyi Pandora-planeetalla asuvien na'vi -olentojen klaaniin. Nyt hän on naimisissa Neytirin kanssa ja he ovat tutustuneet Pandoran vedenalaisiin maailmoihin yhdessä lastensa Neteyamin, Lo'akin ja adoptiotyttärensä Kirin kanssa. Vanhempi Na'vi Tonowari pitää tiukan kurin kaiken rauhallisuuden keskellä. Ihmiset ovat vieläkin katkeria hävitystä sodasta ja haluavat kaivaa Pandoran rikkaat luonnovarat itselleen. Ihmisten komentajaksi noussut täysin säälitön kenraali Ardmore kloonaa Miles Quaritchin tietoisuuden omaan Avatareen ja yhdessä he alkavat suunnitella massiivista täsmäiskua Pandoralle hävittääkseen Na'vi rodun kokonaan. Jaken on ryhdyttävä Neytirin ja Na'vi-kansan armeijan kanssa suojelemaan planeettaansa.

3 helmikuu 2023

Nuori tyttö ja hänen vanhempansa viettävät lomaa syrjäisellä mökillä, kun neljä aseistettua muukalaista ottaa heidät panttivangeikseen. He vaativat perhettä tekemään mahdottoman valinnan maailmanlopun estämiseksi.

7 lokakuu 2022

Renowned musician Lydia Tár is days away from recording the symphony that will elevate her career. However, Lydia's elaborate facade begins to unravel, revealing dirty secrets and the corrosive nature of power.

Punainen virta (engl. Red River) on Howard Hawksin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen lännenelokuvan klassikko vuodelta 1948. Elokuva kertoo suuresta karjanajosta Texasista Kansasiin asti. Päähenkilöinä on karjanajon suunnitellut vanha karjatilallinen Tom Dunson (John Wayne) ja hänen aikuinen adoptiopoikansa Matthew (Montgomery Clift).

7 heinäkuu 2023

When Audrey's business trip to Asia goes sideways, she enlists the aid of Lolo, her irreverent, childhood best friend who also happens to be a hot mess; Kat, her college friend turned Chinese soap star; and Deadeye, Lolo's eccentric cousin. Their no-holds-barred, epic experience becomes a journey of bonding, friendship, belonging, and wild debauchery that reveals the universal truth of what it means to know and love who you are.

19 lokakuu 2012

Hyytävä kauhuelokuvien sarja Paranormal Activity saa neljännen osansa. Uskallatko katsoa, miten tarina jatkuu?

4 maaliskuu 2022

When his young daughter's beloved companion — an android named Yang — malfunctions, Jake searches for a way to repair him. In the process, Jake discovers the life that has been passing in front of him, reconnecting with his wife and daughter across a distance he didn't know was there.

16 syyskuu 1981

Renowned actress Joan Crawford, at the height of her career, adopts two orphans — Christina and Christopher — to fill the lonely gap in her personal life. However, as her professional and romantic relationships sour, Joan's already callous and abusive behavior towards Christina intensifies.

24 huhtikuu 1941

Julie and Roger are a love-struck married couple who desperately want to have a child. Tragedy after tragedy gets in their way, as the two attempt to rise above their troubles and fulfill their dreams of parenthood.

31 elokuu 2001

An intimate family portrait of four hapless but resilient women and the bittersweet lessons they learn in keeping up with the hectic demands of their individual neuroses. Each of the women seeks redemption in her own haphazard way, but whatever salvation they find is illusory and short-lived.

14 joulukuu 2012

Äiti hylkää 70-luvun lopulla teini-ikäisen poikansa, jolla on Downin oireyhtymä. Kaksi miestä, homopari, pitää pojasta huolta ja ottaa hänet perheenjäseneksi. Kun miesten epäsovinnainen elämäntyyli selviää viranomaisille, joutuvat he taistelemaan ennakkoluuloja ja lakeja vastaan voidakseen adoptoida pojan, jota he ovat oppineet rakastamaan omanaan. Tarina perustuu tositapahtumiin.

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?

5 lokakuu 2014

After reading in the newspaper that a newborn baby was found in a dumpster, a teacher becomes obsessed with giving it a proper burial.

Two different students—a successful but aloof academic and a rebellious but kindhearted delinquent—form a friendship through their love of jazz music.

7 lokakuu 1957

Tod is a motherless boy, who is mistreated by his violent father. He eventually finds happiness with kindly foster parents.

6 syyskuu 2007

A U.S. soldier comes to Korea and tracks down his biological father in jail.

24 joulukuu 1974
1 huhtikuu 2011

The central minister's daughter who secretly goes on a trip is targeted by some evil Egyptians who want her and a holy diamond in their custody, while a guide gets linked to the fight as he protects her from all possible dangers.

A young woman searching for her birth parents in order to fulfill her sense of identity joins with an organization that fights the bureaucracy keeping adoption records sealed.

Despite her fame and fortune, Mina, a successful Indian actress in Mumbai, can't forget her little sister Sita, from whom she was forced to separate after their mother's death in a village. Thirty years later she will finally find out that Sita is alive and well in Barcelona. However, Sita's adoptive parents have erased all traces of her past. She is now called Paula, works as a researcher in Biology and has no recollection of her Indian background, let alone of Mina. Faced with the shocking truths of her past, Paula begins a long journey of self-discovery, aided along the way by her budding romance with the handsome Indian immigrant Prakash. A story of hope and love across Mumbai and Barcelona; from India to the Mediterranean and all the way back.

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