13 sarjaa

Right out of high school, Sean Finnerty got his girlfriend Claudia pregnant. Now she’s his wife, and at just 32, he’s somehow found himself with 14-year-old daughter Lily, two little boys, and a constant struggle between his need to be responsible and his desperate desire to be irresponsible. His judgmental father Walt and devil-may-care brother Eddie are no help at all. When they all get together, stories always start to fly. Of course, Sean’s family will never let him finish a story; they interrupt, they debate, they derail, they defend themselves; just like any good family would.

9 heinäkuu 2006

Brotherhood on tarina kahdesta veljeksestä, amerikkalaisesta unelmasta ja sitoutumisesta. Sarjassa seurataan veljesten, Tommy ja Michael Caffeen, elämää lain vastakkaisilla puolilla. Tommy on hyväntahtoinen mutta selän takana vilunki paikallinen poliitikko, jonka kuvioita sekoittaa ammattirikollisveli Michael. Fiktiivisessä irlantilaisessa lähiössä Rhode Islandilla seurataan, kuinka veljekset pitävät huolta lähimmäisistään ja lähipiiristään kumpikin omalla tavallaan. Brotherhood on tarina kilpailusta ja kostosta, uskollisuudesta ja liittolaisuudesta. Ennen kaikkea se on tarina perheestä ja sitoutumisesta.

21 heinäkuu 2004

Asema 62 seuraa newyorkilaisen palomiehen Tommy Gavinin elämää ja hänen työtään värikkään palomiesjoukon parissa. Sarjassa yhdistyvät draama, huumori ja toiminta. Pääosaa esittävä Denis Leary on ideoinut sarjaa yhdessä Emmy-palkitun Peter Tolanin kanssa.

16 lokakuu 2018

In a working-class neighborhood outside Los Angeles, Mike and Peggy raise eight boisterous boys. There are 10 people, three bedrooms, one bathroom and everyone in it for themselves.

30 syyskuu 1976

Rags-to-riches tale of an Irish immigrant in late 1800s based on the novel by Taylor Caldwell.

16 syyskuu 1972

Bridget Loves Bernie is an American television comedy program created by Bernard Slade, the creator of the 1970–74 ABC sitcom The Partridge Family and the 1967-70 sitcom The Flying Nun, based loosely on the premise of the 1920s’ Broadway play and 1940s’ radio show Abie's Irish Rose. It stars Meredith Baxter and David Birney as the title characters, and ran for one season, from 1972 to 1973 on CBS.

Baxter and Birney married in real life after the program went off the air.

26 helmikuu 2007

Meet the Donnelly brothers: Tommy, Jimmy, Kevin and Sean. There is nothing these four Irish brothers wouldn't do to protect each other, and for them that means lying, cheating, stealing and, occasionally, calling the cops. Narrated by wannabe gangster Joey "Ice Cream," this gritty series bears witness to the Donnelly brothers' sudden involvement in organized crime, focusing on how they go from boys to mobsters, and showing how their new life affects their relationships with friends, family and lovers.

5 syyskuu 1977

The Fitzpatricks is an American drama series which ran on CBS during the 1977–78 season. The series aired from September 5th, 1977 to January 10th, 1978. This show lasted only thirteen episodes, and was cancelled in 1978.

25 syyskuu 2001

Philly is an American television series created by Steven Bochco that focused on criminal defense attorney Kathleen Maguire. It lasted a full season and was canceled due to low ratings. The final episode was advertised heavily as the series finale, a move not commonly used in network promotion, for a series lasting only one season.

The complete series is not on DVD, but is viewable on Netflix in HD and 5.1 Surround Sound. The series briefly aired in syndication on Universal HD in 2008.

21 tammikuu 1999

Turks is an American police drama that aired on CBS from January 21, 1999 to April 23, 1999.

7 maaliskuu 1979

The story of the Irish-American Lonigan family between 1918 and 1930.

10 syyskuu 1975

Kate McShane is an American legal drama television series that aired from September 10 until November 12, 1975. Kate McShane was the first series to feaure a female lawyer in the lead role.

1 joulukuu 1986

The Cavanaughs is an American television situation comedy, broadcast on CBS from 1986 to 1989.

The series revolved around Francis "Pop" Cavanaugh, a 71-year-old, blue-collar Irish Catholic man living in South Boston with his daughter Kit and son Chuck, as well as Chuck's sons and daughter. Much of the show's humor stemmed from conflicts between the cantankerous, opinionated Pop and his grown children.

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