5 Filme

1. März 2019

Trying to escape her broken past, Sarah O’Neill is building a new life on the fringes of a backwood rural town with her young son Chris. A terrifying encounter with a mysterious neighbour shatters her fragile security, throwing Sarah into a spiralling nightmare of paranoia and mistrust, as she tries to uncover if the disturbing changes in her little boy are connected to an ominous sinkhole buried deep in the forest that borders their home.

19. August 1947

A woman uncovers deadly secrets when she visits her late husband's family.

28. Februar 2009

Utilizing the 1920s jazz vocals of Annette Hanshaw, the epic Indian tale of exiled prince Ramayana and his bride Sita is mirrored by a spurned woman's contemporary personal life, and light-hearted but knowledgeable discussion of historical background by a trio of Indian shadow puppets.

22. Mai 1921

An insecure wife fears her husband may be straying back to an old flame.

The crew are missing, the ship is damaged, the salvage is at risk. With no help coming and the oxygen running low, an officer and private begin to mistrust one another as their morals and mortality are put to the ultimate test.

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