7 Filme

13. März 1987

Ash Williams and his girlfriend Linda find a log cabin in the woods with a voice recording from an archeologist who had recorded himself reciting ancient chants from "The Book of the Dead." As they play the recording an evil power is unleashed taking over Linda's body.

20. Februar 2016

Co-workers question their marriages for a variety of issues, including anger management, child-like spouses and manipulative stepchildren. Will their relationships be mended or end in divorce?

26. Juni 1919

A pampered American oyster tycoon decides to buy a husband for his daughter, but things don’t go quite as planned. Along the way there are mishaps, misunderstandings and a foxtrot sequence that must be seen to be believed.

One rainy night in the Edo period, Kotono (a geisha) confronts samurais who killed her father. The samurais attack her one after another, but she fights hard against samurais with her sword. Kotono tries to chase the samurais who scramble to escape. Yet now three ninjas stand up against her. Kotono drops her sword by their wave of assaults. Can she beat them?

THE ULTIMATE GORE MIXTAPE! 75 minutes of non-stop gore mayhem accompanied with plenty of death, grind and hardcore around the ears! This mixtape contains footage from over 200 different underground gore productions, some so obscure that they have yet to surface online! A must-see for gorehounds!

Something strange is afoot in the suburbs of New Jersey... Carnivorous entities from out of this world have invaded the Garden State, seeking out the tastiest dish in the entire universe...human flesh! Now only a gang of burnt-out metalheads and one sexy psychic starlet can stand up to the alien invaders devious plans of world domination and human consumption! But can anyone stop the bloody wrath of Flesheaters from Outer Space?

1. Januar 2000

Collection of short gore film shorts! Super Rare. Amazing! Bag Face who? Jogging Holocaust!? Violent boner offender attacks!! Offensive Splatter!!

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