11 filmų

Džordžia tyliai, ramiai, taupiai gyveno Luisianoje. Ir vieną dieną sužino, kad serga nepagydoma liga ir jai teliko trys savaitės. Moteris pasiima visas santaupas išvyksta į Europą, apsigyvena prašmatniam viešbuty, užsisakinėja prašmatniausią maistą. Be abejo, ji kelia didžiulį aplinkinių susidomėjimą. Tačiau neturėdama ką prarasti, ji stengiasi būti savimi ir sakyti tai, ką galvoja...

Čarlis Simsas (akt. Chris O'Donnell) – talentingas, tačiau iš nepasiturinčios šeimos kilęs koledžo studentas, bandantis sutaupyti pinigų kelionei namo. Koledže radęs skelbimą, vaikinas susigundo lengvu uždarbiu – 300 JAV dolerių už savaitgalį, praleistą prižiūrint aklą karo veteraną, leitenantą Frenką (akt. Al Pacino). Pagyvenęs niurzga stojasi piestu prieš visą pasaulį ir nei akimirkai nenustoja piktintis. Neblėstančia meile moterims ir gyvenimo alkiu išsiskiriantis vyras, čiupęs savo naująją auklę Čarlį, suorganizuoja išvyką į Niujorką.

2003 balandžio 9

Jay Austin wants to sell you a used car, but watch out! Many victims have fallen prey to his smiling face and hasty promises. Austin does everything his way until his dishonesty and manipulation are exposed. Like many men, he becomes disgusted by the masks he wears and the lies he tells. In every man's life, there can be a turning point. When Jay makes his turn, he never looks back.

Shiba, a wandering ronin, encounters a band of peasants who have kidnapped the daughter of their dictatorial magistrate, in hopes of coercing from him a reduction in taxes. Shiba takes up their fight, joined by two renegades from the magistrate's guard, Sakura and Kikyo. The three outlaws find themselves in a battle to the death.

1917 rugpjūčio 27

Cattleman Flint cuts off farmer Sims' water supply. When Sims' son Ted goes for water, one of Flint's men kills him. Cheyenne is sent to finish off Sims, but finding the family at the newly dug grave, he changes sides.

Eric is a man shrouded in mystery. Throughout the land, he is known as "the Beast" for his bad temper and mean ways. When Belle is forced to work for him, she tries not to be intimidated and resolves to look deeper. She discovers the truth and becomes the one person who can make a difference in Eric's life and help him rediscover the faith and love he lost years ago. A touching story of forgiveness, change and love, this classic fairytale comes to life in modern times to capture your heart!

Animated work detailing the unrequited love that a line has for a dot, and the heartbreak that results due to the dot's feelings for a lively squiggle.

2020 kovo 1

Five times, Earth has faced apocalyptic events that swept nearly all life from the face of the planet. What did these prehistoric creatures look like? What catastrophes caused their disappearance? And how did our distant ancestors survive and give rise to the world we know today?

1957 sausio 30

A publisher uses her magazine and charm to derail a general on the Washington fast track.

2020 sausio 1

A sweeping small town romance exploring the grit of craft, the heart of family, and the pains of love, told over the span of several years.

2023 lapkričio 7

Ella Wade, an ambitious marketing executive at a leading firm in New York, is sent on her latest assignment to a remote ranch in Canada. Hoping to pitch her marketing plan to a high-profile CEO there on vacation, she arrives fully prepared for business but ill-equipped for the country-side's grit and rustic charm. When she meets Cole Reesor, the handsome small-town, country-loving ranch owner, her ambitions slowly shift to the peace...and love she wasn't expecting to find.

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