12 部电影

2023 年 06 月 23 日


2019 年 05 月 17 日

有些友誼可以超越一輩子。感動全球的《為了與你相遇》推出正宗續集《狗狗的旅程》,貝利找到命中注定的主人,他們之間牢不可破的羈絆將他以及他所愛的人帶往想像不到的地方。 貝利(再度由Josh Gad獻聲)在密西根的農場跟他的「男孩」伊森(Dennis Quaid 飾)及妻子漢娜(Marg Helgenberger 飾)過著幸福快樂的日子,甚至還有了新玩伴:伊森和漢娜的小孫女CJ。問題是CJ的媽媽葛洛莉亞(Betty Gilpin 飾)決定將她帶走。在即將轉世前,貝利答應伊森找到CJ並不惜一切代價保護她。 貝利接下來開啟了幾段充滿愛、友情和奉獻的生命冒險旅程,與CJ(Kathryn Prescott 飾)和她最好的朋友崔特(劉憲華 飾)共同經歷歡笑、音樂與淚水,還有不時撒嬌摸肚肚。 《狗狗的旅程》導演為蓋兒曼庫索(Gail Mancuso),製片為蓋文勃勞恩,編劇為布魯斯卡麥隆與凱薩琳米珈以及瑪雅霍布斯與華利瓦洛達斯基,改編自布魯斯卡麥隆所著暢銷小說。

2012 年 02 月 17 日

  FDR(克里斯 潘恩 飾) 和塔克(湯姆 哈帝 飾) 是美國中情局的頂尖探員,各自身懷絕技,並且是生死與共的最佳拍檔,雖然工作順遂,愛情卻沒着落。不過,拜高科技之賜,他們在交友網站Match.com的安排下,不但順利找到自己喜愛的對象,而且迅速展開了無憂的戀情…

2017 年 08 月 19 日

Veterinarian Dr. Carly Monroe makes it a habit to stop by the local dog shelter as often as possible because she loves dogs and secretly loves the shelter’s owner, Dan. Unfortunately, he has agreed to marry his glamorous TV personality girlfriend and move to the Big Apple. With Dan’s big move looming, his sister decides to take matters into her own hands.

2021 年 02 月 19 日

A relationship is put to the test after the girlfriend is sexually assaulted and the boyfriend drives her from hospital to hospital in search of a rape kit.

2012 年 10 月 23 日

Despite repeated warnings about humans from their father, the Abominable Snowman, two Abominable Snowkids find themselves in a sleepy Colorado mountain town after being chased out of their hideaway by a scientist determined to capture them.

彰司是一名流浪動物之家的職員,負責獵捕日本街頭的流浪犬,並且照料抓來的小狗,但若是超過七天沒人領養,便執行安樂死。 某日,捕獲一隻母柴犬與她的三個狗兒子。柴犬一生只認一個主人的個性,讓許多領養者打退堂鼓。然而,七日期限將至,母柴犬是否能無恙逃過死劫?

2014 年 04 月 11 日

Rarity helps Fluttershy volunteer at the animal rescue center to clean the hamster habitat.

2018 年 11 月 26 日
2013 年 11 月 29 日


The power of fostering animals in need is undeniable. Hopalong Animal Rescue, based in Oakland, CA, demonstrates this every day. This short film chronicles Tina Quon and Gary Moore, a couple who have dedicated their life together to fostering dogs in need of forever homes. Their pit bull, Nulo, plays a pivotal role, teaching young puppies how to grow into well-behaved, loving adult dogs. Together, they have fostered over 60 dogs – and counting. This documentary shows the ways in which Tina, Gary, and Nulo – along with Hopalong's larger network of over 600 foster homes throughout the Bay Area – have touched so many lives in profound and deeply moving ways.



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