64 部电影

狄維莊遜(Dwayne Johnson) 繼續飾演忠心耿耿的美國外交安全局(DSS)資深探員路卡賀斯(Hobbs),積遜史達頓 (Jason Statham)再度飾演不受控的前軍情六處特工狄卡邵 (Shaw),倆人自2015年的《狂野時速7》(Fast & Furious 7)首次踫頭,已經火花不斷,「睇唔順眼」又拳來拳往,實行有你冇我!而今次,兩位死對頭卻要攜手合作,對抗由艾迪斯艾巴(Idris Elba)飾演的超級人類,拯救邵的細妹之餘仲要拯地球!

2004 年 04 月 16 日

改編自Marve同名漫畫。身經百戰的聯邦密探卡法蘭(湯簡飾)決定退隱江湖,在最後一次成功以臥底身份搗破軍火走私案,案中罪犯波比遭警方擊斃。原來波比的父親侯活(尊特拉華達飾),表面是正當商人,內裡無惡不作。侯活為子報仇,旋即血洗卡法蘭一家。卡法蘭僥倖存活,化身為復仇刺客,取名「復仇王」 - 披上黑衣、以白骷髏作標記,憑著敏銳觸覺、高超智能、熟練功夫,並帶備各種致命武器,矢志打擊罪案,並鎖定復仇目標:邪惡富商侯活。

那些年,美國處男有5個鄉下仔谷精上腦,出盡法寶,務求在高中畢業舞會前破處成功。那年暑假,男女老少都鹹鹹濕濕... 到今天,「處男」們各有各生活:阿占與笛后美雪成婚,仔都生埋,但夫妻已經好少「行埋」;奇雲與 Vicky 分手了;Oz 與 Heather 天各一方;硬條阿媽就繼續搞硬阿仔同學,與芬治砌足12年! 朋友,我當你一世朋友──麻甩仔變麻甩佬,很多東西都變了,但衰衰格格古古惑惑精神不死。「處男」們失驚無神重返母校玩聚舊,遇著一班索爆學妹沙灘開 party,人到中年孔雀開屏,加上新歡、前度、情敵、世伯伯母共冶一爐,稍一不慎,亂過亂世佳人!

2016 年 08 月 12 日

An ex-con reunites with his estranged wayward 16-year old daughter to protect her from drug dealers who are trying to kill her.

2019 年 07 月 12 日

在紐約長大的比莉(奧卡菲娜 飾)得悉祖母患上末期癌症而趕回中國探望,但家人選擇向祖母隱瞞病情,更假借一場婚禮,讓所有移居海外的孝子賢孫回家見她最後一面。「竹升妹」比莉認為讓祖母知道真相是人權,但中國家人卻覺得一個善意謊言可以讓祖母善終,一場中西文化衝突一觸即發……導演兼編劇王子逸把親身經歷改編成笑中有淚的喜劇,情感真摯動人。

2010 年 09 月 10 日

A book-smart teenager joins his school's wrestling team as a way to reunite his surviving family members, who split apart after the death of his father, a college wrestling legend, 10 years ago.

1998 年 06 月 19 日

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals a shocking secret to everyone.

2004 年 09 月 03 日

When Todd Anderson signs a $30 million deal with his hometown team, the New Jersey Nets, he knows that his life is set for a big change. To keep things real, he decides to throw a barbeque at his place -- just like the ones his family used to have. But when you have new and old friends, family, agents, and product reps in the same house, things are bound to get crazy.

1937 年 05 月 09 日

At a family reunion, the Cooper clan find that their parents' home is being foreclosed. "Temporarily," Ma moves in with son George's family, Pa with daughter Cora. But the parents are like sand in the gears of their middle-aged children's well regulated households. Can the old folks take matters into their own hands?

1992 年 05 月 08 日

A girl fed up with her quirky, dysfunctional family runs away from home, causing all of them to spend time with each other.

2005 年 03 月 02 日

After a fateful encounter in the summer of 1966, the lives of two brothers from a middle-class Roman family take different directions, intersecting with some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history in the following decades.


After experiencing traumatic nightmares of a time now past, the Sorceress summons Prince Adam and Cringer to Castle Grayskull to give Adam a precious, jeweled sword and send the pair to the planet Etheria to investigate its secrets.

2004 年 12 月 17 日

Mia returns from Stockholm to her parents' home in a small town in Dalecarlia (Dalarna) to celebrate her father's 70th birthday. Her elder sisters Eivor and Gunilla welcome her, but their different lifestyles prevent them from really communicating. The tension builds, and the party that should be a celebration turns out to be a turning point for the family and their friends

Jesus and María are a couple going through a difficult time in their relationship. Nevertheless, they have just become parents. To shape their new life, they decide to buy a new coffee table. A decision that will change their existence.

2022 年 12 月 02 日


2012 年 09 月 07 日

In a Sydney suburb, two nurses, Maria and Flora, a housekeeper, Lotte, and a solicitor, Arnold, attend to Elizabeth Hunter as her expatriate son Sir Basil, a famous but struggling actor in London, and daughter Dorothy, a divorced and down at heel princess, convene at her deathbed. They come to make sure they can leave Australia with their hefty inheritance.

1987 年 04 月 27 日

The trials and tribulations of the Goddard family after the entry of Australia into the Vietnam War.

An extended family reunites after a long time to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of their grandparents on an idyllic island. However, they remain stranded there for longer than expected, causing secrets and long-held grudges to break out.

2004 年 07 月 09 日

Leni takes Rafi to meet her family in Madrid. Leni's family is Jewish - mother, father, older sister and daughter, brother, and grandfather. Rafi is Palestinian, in Spain since age 12. Before her father returns from work, Leni reveals Rafi's origins. He accidentally drops a block of frozen soup out the flat window, probably killing a passerby. Leni initiates a cover-up and Rafi figures out the body is probably Leni's father. The body disappears and without telling the rest of the family what they know, Leni and Rafi organize a search for dad. Mom is sure he's having an affair. Leni's belly-dancing sister kisses Rafi. Her brother grabs a rifle to shoot the Arab. Can anything be put right?



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