57 部电影

2022 年 12 月 02 日


1994 年 11 月 23 日

一个小男孩在这场充满活力的奇幻冒险中发现了对书籍的热爱,从而克服了他痴迷的恐惧。 在真人版电影中,麦考利·卡尔金饰演理查德·泰勒,一个容易被欺负、神经衰弱的孩子。他的父母(梅尔·哈里斯和小埃德·贝格利)不知道如何激励他们的儿子大胆拥抱生活。理查德几乎无法离开家,有一天他冒险外出,但他在一场风暴中迷路了,最后去了一个神秘的图书馆。在里面,他滑倒后晕倒了,醒来后发现自己置身于一个漫画王国,书都活了起来。在《冒险》(帕特里克·斯图尔特饰)、《幻想》(乌比·戈德堡饰)和《恐怖》(弗兰克·威尔克饰)的指导下,泰勒经历了《莫比》、《金银岛》等经典小说的冒险,甚至遇到了一些著名的虚构人物,如杰基尔博士和海德先生(伦纳德·尼莫伊饰)。通过在传奇书籍中的经历,理查德直面了自己的恐惧,学会了更勇敢地面对生活。《Pagemaster》由乔·约翰斯顿执导,他曾是特效总监和制片人,后来执导了《Jumanji》(1995年)和《十月天空》(1999年)。

2022 年 09 月 28 日


2022 年 12 月 02 日


2011 年 05 月 18 日

  西里尔是一个11岁的少年,他的爸爸把他放在了托幼所里,并告诉儿子,自己会回来找他的。可是苦等父亲不来的西里尔失去了耐心,他从托幼所里跑了出来,回到了他和父亲居住的公寓里。他用力地敲门,可是没有回答。从托幼所里赶来的工作人员要把西里尔带回托幼所,可是他再次逃跑,并跑到了地下室的医药室里躲了起来。托幼所的工作人员又追赶了上来,无法再次逃脱的西里尔一头冲进了一个女士的怀里,把她的怀抱当成庇护所,继续等待着自己的父亲。故事讲述的是11岁的男孩Cyril一心想要找到把自己暂时安置在儿童福利院的父亲Guy,并拿回一辆对自己意义重大的自行车。当Cyril绝望地逃出儿童福利院时,遇见了理发师Samantha(西西·迪·法兰丝 饰演)。出于直率热情乐于助人的善心(但影片却未曾揭晓其真正动因),Samantha帮Cyril找回了自行车。而Cyril也因此希望Samantha能在每个周末的时候收留他,于是Samantha联系上了男孩的父亲Guy,Guy由”杰瑞米·雷乃(Jérémie Renier)饰演。可最后Samantha从毫无责任心的Guy那里得到的是冷漠的拒绝。对于Samantha来说,要担任起Cyril养母的这个责任是绝对不简单的,尤其是当Cyril认识了年轻人Wes,一个对Cyril造成诸多负面影响的混混。尽管发生了一件非常糟糕的事,但对于Cyril来说最初的目的终究是达到了。 

2009 年 08 月 28 日

三个高中处男杰森(Donald Glover 饰)、邓肯(D.C. Pierson 饰)以及查理(Dominic Dierkes 饰)十年来痴迷于侦探游戏,这三个分别自认为是“变装高手”、“天才少年”和“大力水手”的怪咖在学校里只是不起眼的小人物,然而他们仍然团结在自己的小团体“神秘之队”中,整日和事主与罪犯都是小学生的“犯罪”行为做斗争。这天,一个女童向神秘之队求助,要求找到杀害自己父母的凶手,这任务令急于证明自己的三人组大感振奋,更何况女童的姐姐凯莉还是个美丽的姑娘。三人马上进入状态,展开了他们独有的无厘头查案思路。凭借报纸上找来的线索以及神经质线人的帮助,三人居然逐步接近了真情的真相,原来凯莉身为律师的父亲卷入了当地木厂的交易。在真凶渐渐浮出水面时,神秘之队内部却出现了问题……

1970 年 12 月 18 日

隐姓埋名的退役军官被昔日入狱的战友寻仇、被迫保护家人的故事。前三分之二木屋戏之前的剧情还是可以的,但前后矛盾交代不足,我们看到反派手下突然开枪破坏计划导致上级身亡的举动也略感一头雾水,也许是反派念在旧情对主角太过宽容的原因吧。而结尾手下被撂倒的方式也太简单粗暴了些,如果 能在山中放火戏后结束电影则是最完美的。动作戏很有限,盘山公路飙车戏可圈可点,导演过三集007的特伦斯杨调度技术毋庸置疑。

Kasi and Suni are close friends who studied together in an engineering college. Assi, who comes to Kerala to study engineering under the North East quota falls in love with Kasi. Certain incidents that follow set Kasi and Suni on a road trip to Nagaland on two motorcycles. The incidents that happen during this road adventure forms the film.


2001 年 03 月 02 日

K and Eetu are the best friends. They work together as bike couriers in the center of Helsinki, and training tightly every night to reach success of bicycle racing. However, life will change once and for all when a charming and resolute student girl Oona is coming to work in same courier company.

Pooja Mathew, a spirited young girl, wants to have a love marriage in her life. Thus, she stops at nothing to impress Giri, who saved her once from a group of unruly men.

1969 年 04 月 29 日

When hot-headed Dan out-drives the thoroughly vicious Tony in a motorcycle race and wins a brand new bike, he sets in motion a chain of events that includes one blazing gas station and a disastrous rock slide.

2015 年 03 月 15 日

Bikes vs Cars depicts a global crisis that we all deep down know we need to talk about: Climate, earth's resources, cities where the entire surface is consumed by the car. An ever-growing, dirty, noisy traffic chaos. The bike is a great tool for change, but the powerful interests who gain from the private car invest billions each year on lobbying and advertising to protect their business. In the film we meet activists and thinkers who are fighting for better cities, who refuse to stop riding despite the increasing number killed in traffic.

A college student witnesses a gang attack and as his curiosity behind the encounter tries to get the better of him, he realizes that his dad and the police are involved.

As per the demands of the villagers, the government builds a dam in Vellimala. However, things take a turn when the government decides to destroy the dam as it is marked unsafe.

An elephant lives in a town among people and works as a street cleaner. One day, he sees a big billboard advertising a bicycle. It seems the perfect size for him! This is the minute the elephant's life changes: he has to get this bicycle whatever it costs him.

The one-off documentary tells the story of two women travelling by bike across the United States, from Canada to Mexico along the Great Divide. A unique adventure through the most remote areas of the Rocky Mountains, between pristine nature and wild animals. An epic journey that led them to travel 4,000 km and climb 60,000 meters and that, day after day, forced them to face their own limits, their strength and fragilities, and tested their relationship. Because every journey is always a love story.

Yun-hyeok is a young man who was diagnosed with rare cancer in the age of 26. To him, the bicycle that has been with him to fight against the illness is the hope of life. After the illness recurs, he stops receiving anticancer therapy and sets off to France with the goal of completing Tour de France, the dream of all cyclists. But as soon as he starts riding, his fellow cyclist gets injured, and right after that, his bicycle breaks in an accident. With unexpected accidents and incidents, the conflict and discord in the interim group of ten cyclists grow more and more until it explodes into a quarrel. The dream of running the entire Tour de France, the dream he visualized onto the ceiling of the hospital room–could Yun-hyeok make the dream come true?

2013 年 01 月 01 日

The Scottish cyclist turns giant replicas of a model railroad, building blocks, crayons, and other toys into a wicked new bike trial.

1934 年 10 月 20 日

To get his girl back, that has fallen for a biker, a worker and one of his friends enter a six day race.



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